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2020 February

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Leave your February 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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Quick summary of midweek stuff:
A lot of repeats of his history of bouncing from church to church as a low-cost minister to escape having a real job until the churches discovered he was trying to be missionary for his own one-man denomination.  His overnight departures from some are unexplained.
Teresa is talking to him, she has pain in her jaw.  (repeat material?).  A NIgerian now visiting in Brooklyn may make it to the April whoop-up and will be a trophy visitor.
 Broadcasts to New York and New England from midnight to 2, and 3 to 5 am should be producing more responses.  I think the Passover Week will not have services at those times to accommodate people with those lifestyles.
I missed getting a microchip implanted in 2013 so it will be impossible for me to travel there.   Maybe only Americans got the chip, would Stair have one so he could have shopped at Walmart?   

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Posted by: @malahat

A lot of repeats of his history of bouncing from church to church as a low-cost minister to escape having a real job until the churches discovered he was trying to be missionary for his own one-man denomination.  His overnight departures from some are unexplained.

Yeah, lots of old material so he sounds like he's the good man.  Making all this a lie, but since he's not saying it live that makes it not a lie - go figure.

That's a good understanding (discernment) of what his stories are not disclosing.  Using religion to escaping real work, and the war.  Being a one-man denomination (good point there [I think I'll use that]).  His sudden departures from all his churches are his sexual misconduct coming to light - time and time again (he fails to mention this on-air).  We should also take note that he was so perverted that even the shysters that he was schooled up under got rid of him.

This is one man who is exercised in leaving.

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Having a sleep problem so I did hear more of this I expected, I could use Lent as an excuse to pass a few weeks.

 I won't try a complete Sabbath summary, nearly three hours but some highlights (or what I remember) may help.
To start, he  sounded as if he were speaking to a congo of cutout figures with Sis. Burgess as the voice for all.  More complaints about their faces were not helpful to the world-wide radio audience.
The Nigerian coming from Brooklyn should have come straight to Maranatha ("Get out of the City").  The disgraced sheriff, Andy, repeated calls for call-ins which were not played over the air when they arrived, a yell at Steve, and a long bit with a Flat Earther.
His daughter needs cash but won't come to get it, something vague about his son, the 4-Square minister, maybe having problems with his congo and sounding out Stair's plans for the farm.
Sis. Eunice died of cancer, will be buried tomorrow ( his version: God took her in His time, the cancer was incidental.
A non-resident who had given all to The Work is deeply  in debt and wants his money  back.  God's money is not used to pay personal debts.  Come and live on the Farm, obey the Rules and be free of debt like the others.  There's a wife and daughter involved in this.
Trump may be re-elected and try to stay in office to 25 years.

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Sabbath Service Feb 29, 2020

Here is the Morning Show for those who missed all the fun as he likes to call it.

Bro Stair opened describing himself in his blasting the people that they love their excuse-making and they try to make reason (excuse) for what they do.  The only they we have EVER heard do this is Brother Stair - daily.  As he directed his violence toward his own Congregation he added that their testimony or him was not wanted.  There's your witness folks.

Stair says they've be doing this for years they should have hearkened unto me, then they should have spared themselves from this harm.  Yes Bro Stair, if they would have really heard what you were saying and doing (Isa 43:10;  1Jn 1:1) and harkened to that they would have fled (1Cor 6:18;  2Tim 3:5) and spared themselves from this harm that they are now having to endure from your mouth (Rev 16:13, 12:15).

Then he added that,  If you've heard me, what is this spiritual confusion you're in?  Hmm, yes why have those that have received your spirit come under the same spirit of confusion that you are under?  I wonder (1Cor 14:33). Again, there's your witness folks.  Bro Stair keeps people in confusion because if they weren't in a constant spin they might realize that he's contradicting his own words on everything he says.  And therefore realize that it's all a lie.

Really like that he clarified his position at the end when he said, "If I am doing wrong, that's the Devil".

We removed 31 minutes for your listening endurance.


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Posted by: @malahat

Sis. Eunice died of cancer, will be buried tomorrow ( his version: God took her in His time, the cancer was incidental.

It's sad that Sister Eunice didn't escape from there.  BECAUSE she wanted to, she just didn't want to go back to Canada.  She's an example that not everyone there and not everyone that dies there (thus letting RG add them to his small number that didn't leave) wants to be there, or believes in Brother Stair's spiritual nonsense and sexual healing.

Many are just enduring him because they don't have anywhere to go (because RG took all their money, family, friends) or are too old to go back to work and start over.  So they put up with RG hoping he'll be gone soon (jail or death) and the oppression will lift as it does when he's in jail (Pr 11:10, 29:2).

But we don't really need Sis Eunice's testimony on that, Bro Stair gives that testimony out all the time in his telling the world that his own Congregation doesn't believe or listen to him.  Just like in today's Sabbath Service.

Everything that happens in RG Land is God's Will, except what RG doesn't like.  Like the way the Congregation responds to him - put God in that RG.  His exposure as the Man of Sin - don't overlook the obvious.  His going to Jail for sex crimes - not for the gospel of God. 

It's just like how he calls God's Judgment things that happen to everyone else.  Bro Stair can never come to the knowledge of the truth (2Tim 3:6-7) that everything that we have witnessed with him (unlike the tune his sterilized stories tell) has been God's judgment to show God's people who he really is (Jn 10:10;  Mt 7:20).

Same as it ever was.

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