Never Witness the Year 2000


“I firmly do not believe we shall ever witness the year 2000.  He also goes on to say, Before 1990 rolls around… I believe nuclear holocaust is that close.” (Brother Stair)

Click here for a clip of Prophet Stair saying in a message we shall never witness the year 2000

Click here for Bro Stair telling us Jesus is coming between 1980 & 2000

Click here for Bro Stair denying he said Jesus is coming in 2000

Click here for Bro Stair telling us some said he said Christ is coming in 2000, denying he said it and spinning it into generations

The population will reach 7 billion in 2013.  We will never get that far (2013) [before Jesus returns].’  (Brother Stair, Dec 2003)

On October 31, 2011, we hit 7 billion.  Two years before Prophet Stair said we would.