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2020 May

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Leave your May 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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Sabbath Service 2020.05.02

You would think RG was listening to the Truth Blaster on YouTube with some of his topics but his lack of directed rage shows that RG is just exposing his own error to anyone who's heard what Truth Blaster recently said.

RG is making points that Truth Blaster covered in detail showing through scripture the error of Bro Stair's teachings.

Sabbath Service 2020.05.02 – Bro Stair

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SABBATH: Someone sent Stair a copy of the news story willysamson led us to.  Stair is convinced a stranger came in one day and installed a security camera in the Tabernacle.  He does not recognize the picture being a frame from one of his video  He is a generous person, sent $500 to an old friend in the real estate business.  Someone got hugged, so much for social distancing there.  Stewart did not remember the number of short wave stations now broadcasting the service.  He bought one of those language translators (I wonder if it displays 'unknown tongue' frequently when he uses it).  A long convoluted recall of his reception by Audrey when he was ready to sell the motel did not get much response from the congo who had heard it several times before.  The plea for listeners to call in has replaced the Altar Call as a way to end the service and the usual call from Steve was the climax.


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Someone seems to have reminded him of Pentecost Sunday as a fund-raiser day so he will celebrate it on May 31, not the Sabbath.  I'll let someone else verify if the original was a Sabbath day or another one.

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Posted by: @malahat

Someone seems to have reminded him of Pentecost

Yeah, you did 3 weeks ago ;p

He'd better be careful or his image as a dried up old man ready to die will be tarnished and he be found able to stand trial.

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Sabbath Service 2020.05.09

Only 2:52 today but you'll have a shorter listen as 13 minutes of wasted time was removed.


Sabbath Service 2020.05.09 – Bro Stair

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Sabbath Service 2020.05.16

Just over 2 hours today but you'll have a shorter listen as almost 9 minutes of wasted time was removed.


Sabbath Service 2020.05.16 – Bro Stair

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If you missed it. 

There are some Service Highlights from last year's Passover 2019 Service up in the Services directory.

Passover Service 2019 Highlights – Bro Stair

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The whole two to three hours can be wasted time.  Rarely can someone speak so long and say so little,

I may get back to screening out new from the Sabbath utterances, in the meantime if you didn't recognize the replays:
"I don't believe I'll see the year 2000, or the end of 1999" (Sunday a week ago, about 6:50 pm ) and a call from someone on the way home from a service praying for (now deceased) Eunice, suggesting an adoption of previously condemned Catholic practice.
And what of the new(?) phone number 1-843-538-6689 (?) and calls from Las Vegas which may be related to an old appeal for $8000 monthly to be on a station there.   We are preparing for the Beginning of the End in 2010.

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SABBATH notes May 23    attendance 35 - 40 est
Andy Strickland - how many stations and no response (maybe because of an inactive phone number again) - Andy Strickland - Stair owns the house that those guys are living in (has he been in court about that this week?) - mulberry trees -
Kirk lived there - Louise Brown traveled with Connolly - Stair went into Alice's house and hugged her.   He has never wronged anyone, lies, all lies.
Laodicea = laity (actually a city whose water supply was lukewarm, neither hot nor cold).
Sheriff found it hurt to be handcuffed, liked he did to people.   A sleeper in the congo is wakened.
1:10 The End Is Coming, (but not of the Sermon).   Trump may be the Antichrist as he was preceded by the  "Obomination" - birther conspiracy mentioned.
A few regular callers at 1:29, one from Moline who should move to the farm. One from Sis. Burgess?  (River people are tormenting him by ignoring him).    He had to be present at a drawing in a store in Hamilton AB to win in a drawing for  $600., result not disclosed.  (Participation in lotteries is not anathema to him, he is not an Evagelical)

This post was modified 5 years ago by malahat

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Today is making up for my break.

Frustrated this morning, perhaps, at having bought two hours of radio time for the Sabbath service and not filling it completely, he came into the evening prayer service to complain about the spirit of rebellion he was feeling, particularly about the absent members who weren't there to hear him.   Terry has a bathroom break at the same time every service, is a trouble-causer and should leave, one of the women fell asleep, someone has short-term memory problems, Stuart served himself last night.  There was no "warm-up" for the Pentecost service next week nor mention of Memorial Day.
Stuart sensed some vibration in the early morning and cut the power to one of the houses without telling anyone. Stair was uncomfortable about investigating it with Stuart at 3 am and called someone to be a witness.   Stuart was told to GTH out but I think he didn't.   No one had ever caught Stair committing adultery, just accused him and he admitted it.
The woodshop has been enlarged over the years.
People were trying to get back at each other for perceived wrongs and would be put through the Tribulation.    More aimed at Stuart,  went on for a bit over the hour.  Congo sounded bored.

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Posted by: @malahat

No one had ever caught Stair committing adultery

He forgets about Rose's daughter catching them - in the very act.

He forgets about the many times the Brothers would catch him locked in an empty trailer with Rose - in the very act.

Posted by: @malahat

just accused him and he admitted it

He never admitted to it before 2001 when he would was accused.

Posted by: @malahat

People were trying to get back at each other for perceived wrongs

The only 'people' we know that to hold true for is Brother Stair.  ALL his sermonizing is IS accusing people over perceived wrongs.

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I'm just reporting what he says, I've never been there so I count on local input for confirmations and correction - thanks.

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RG is a flat out Liar - Period.  More to come on the Truth Blaster SOON.  He was Literally Caught in a locked trailer with His Whore Rose Larivee on His Precious wifes Birthday in 2013.  He came from the bedroom of the trailer Putting on his shirt as He was Walking from the Bedroom to the front door.  The man is The Ted Bundy of Preachers.  Same kind of Psychopathic Liar as Ted Bundy was.  RG Stair Can look you square in the face and present any Lie as the Truth and with a smile.

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Posted by: @malahat

I'm just reporting what he says, I've never been there so I count on local input for confirmations and correction - thanks.

You're good.  I was just responding to Brother Stair in what you were presenting that he said (which I'm sure he did say).

I was responding to and clarifying his lies as you reported them.

Thanks for providing us his sound bites to respond to.  Keep up the good fight.

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