Feast of Trumpets 2020 – Sabbath PM – Sept 19 – Bro Stair

Feast of Trumpets
Feast of Trumpets 2020 – Sabbath PM – Sept 19 – Bro Stair

Last Updated on Sun April 10, 2022 @ 1:43 pm

God Damn these people!

“You know you can’t run your life without the prophet.  The prophet represents God in your midst.”

“Do you know how to put the Overcomer on?  Do you know how to put on Christ?  You poor people.  And he looked around about them with anger.”

“Oh he [Steve} believes I’m the Prophet, but he don’t trembleHe’s a devil from the word Go.”

Do you see the two glaring errors in that statement?  The scripture that Bro Stair is perverting says that the devils believe and tremble (Jam 2:19).  Thus Steve would not be a devil according to the scripture he is referencing.
Second and most blasphemous, Stair is placing himself in the place of God.  This scripture is about the one God, Thou believest that there is one God (Jam 2:19) and this is what Stair intends people to think of him as.  This is shown in his desire for people to tremble before him.

There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.
Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright:
for the end of that man is peace.

(Isa 48:33;  Ps 37:37)

Prayer Time was taken over after 5 minutes to bring in an over 2 hour Service that couldn’t wait 25 minutes for God’s people to pray.  Much like this morning, Bro Stair came in upset and superior.

Related:  Sabbath Service – Sept 18, 2021 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Bro Stair talks about the Round Table which is something that Bro Stair and Rick Bell dominated and so it was soon shut down by Bro Stair because it wasn’t suiting his agenda.  It was only started as a means for the Brothers to hash out issues on the Farm (because of the recent revelation) – this was shut down by men like Rick Bell who took the preeminence and the little people were shut down (Mt 18:6;  Col 1:8;  3Jn 1:9).  It was one of Bro Stair’s acts of feigned repentance – that he repented of (2Cor 7:10).

Brother Stair takes flirty calls from sisters, some of whom are excited with sexual innuendos.  It’s interesting how Bro Stair never treats those who live with him like this.  Seems like there’s a lure at work here.


Nearly 23 minutes of silence removed.

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