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2020 August

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Leave your August 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Last Day Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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Last Wednesday (or Thursday) 0515 Stair repeats a broadcast where says "I firmly believe I will not see the year 2000."
This morning a repeat of a Branham message - a sign of the End Times will be children playing checkers in the back seats of cars going down the highway... neither of them seeing things too clearly, in my opinion.


This post was modified 5 years ago by malahat

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Co-incidently with TBN removing Kenneth Copeland from their schedule and some radio stations deprived of a simulcast source, Tuesday evening M&G was interrupted with an appeal for funds to expand to another four stations.
I get the feeling that phone reservation calls for the Feast have been been mainly reasons for not coming.
Sis.Burgess' speech in her pre-Sabbath warm-up sounded as if there may be a problem.

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Aug.22 Sabbath Evening M&G: Stair comes after 15 minutes for an interview-and-sell for a book by Richard Rives for $10, later at 2030 ET, another book for $20. Both are probably not in stock on the Farm but the "offerings" will be accepted.

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Monday 8/24 2200: heard consecutively: a promo for a long distance service at 13.9 cents /minute ( $83.40/hr.) with a 10% rebate to the Ministry, a book offering, Strong Delusions Today (does not say if they are Stair's) and the Prayer Cloth. Phone number is the old --- 538-2242 one.

He has bought up all the available (free?) time on WWCR, I heard no other broadcasters than Stair this weekend on WWRB but that was the internet link, over-the-air may have been as usual.

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0244 this morning, we are going to have a three-day fast this weekend (voice sounds like this is an old broadcast) 8435386689 phone number is used, I'll skip it.

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The Evening M&G was interrupted at 14 minutes tonight, there's a recent bill of $40,00 needs $25,000 now (changed his mind, now wants $30,000). They paid someone to deliver several loads of wood, the Maranatha manpower seems to be insufficient now. They had marveled not long ago at having been the 233 Chosen People from among the billions on earth.
A few minute later a caller seems to have offered to cover the cost.

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Posted by: @malahat

The Evening M&G was interrupted at 14 minutes tonight, there's a recent bill of $40,00 needs $25,000 now (changed his mind, now wants $30,000). They paid someone to deliver several loads of wood, the Maranatha manpower seems to be insufficient now. They had marveled not long ago at having been the 233 Chosen People from among the billions on earth.
A few minute later a caller seems to have offered to cover the cost.

Yes, pathetic manipulation that he was "schooled" in how to accomplish.  He now uses Pray Time as a time when he knows his most faithful will be listening and "joining" and so he uses it as a Time to Prey on the people for funds to get him "out of debt".

Isn't this the man that said he wouldn't get into debt?  That one of "God's Commands" was to get out of debt?  The man that brags that he has no debt?  Now he's got into some $30,000 debt?  How did that happen?

As he knew, he found some sucker willing to be the prophets' lackey and funnel his funds into the kingdom of Stair.  To gain the honor of bailing out the prophet of God that disobeys God's Commands that come from his own mouth. 

Perhaps if he'd let his people get out and work instead of forcing them to listen to endless hours of his back-slapping himself in the Dining Hall, they might get their own work done without having to hire outside help.  Perhaps.  Just a thought.

Perhaps if he didn't excommunicate everyone that looks at him crosse eyed he'd have some laborers.  Well, Trumpets is coming soon so he can harvest some fresh meat to replace his Revolving Door ministry.

And speaking of Preyer Time.  Whatever happened to the Prophet praying and the people joining him in prayer?  Have we (certainly he has) forgotten that Prayer Time was his construct for having US join HIM in prayer?  Not a time when he knew where we'd be so that he would prowl the Farm for strange flesh - which is what it soon became.  Or now, a time when the Prophet might just pop in and prey on you with railings and disqualifications - never a prayer.  I recall Leonard Ravenhill (a true man of God) preaching on "No Man is Greater Than His Prayer Life."  I think that says it all.

Oh well, have another Rhino Brother Stair.
