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2020 June

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Leave your June 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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I heard only a few minutes of the "Sabbath".  He kept yelling "Get those silly grin off your faces" at the congo so I decided even they were bored. Hardly anything new though the week so far, he gives more time to plays of the call-in phone number correction than anything else and call-ins have been vintage recordings, some from people on the farm.  Evening M&G got interrupted about 10 minutes in, Sis. Johnson seems to be ailing.  He bellowed over playing two songs played simultaneously, then he could be heard listening to "The Honeymooners" as he pled for callers.



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SABBATH June 13, 2020  only 1 hr. 45 min.

He feels better today than he did yesterday but the short session gives away some fatigue or depression bothering him.  Mary, Martha and Lazarus… again.

He lent a tent when he was preaching in NJ, Stan and Enoch didn’t return it.

The Men of Issachar knew when there should be a king.

Dogs and car searches.

Elijah was running from Jezebel.   Paula Whyte wears tight slacks, the President will call her but not The Prophet.

‘They’ have found some dead bodies.    Nothing about COVID.   No pleas for the usuals to call in, perhaps an absence of Sis. Johnson is a reason.


This post was modified 5 years ago by malahat

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Sabbath Services

The June (as well as others) Services are under the SERVICES tab.

Brother Stair at the Overcomer Ministry Tabernacle in Canadys SC starts preaching at 8 minutes.  We get to hear more of the new organ playing today, under Sister Burgess' message.  For whom Bro Stair is fixing it so she can soon move on up to the East Side.  Another woman that he has ripped from her husband - spiritually in encouraging her rebellion to her husband and family in her coming to services, and soon physically so that he can have his way with her, and give her something to really scream about.

34 minutes of long effecting pauses of affect purged.

Still containing Brother Stair's declarations of God's acknowledgment that Brother Stair is too high for the rest of us to understand (Rev 2:24).  That Brother Stair is The Sign who "if you don't hear me you won't hear Jesus when He comes."  We need to hear The Voice (aka Bro Stair), that you can't keep doing what you're doing (but Bro Stair can), and that you must stay in this place (Brother Stair's Farm, the Overcomer Ministry) or you Won't be saved!

As you may know, this last one is the End Time Sign that Jesus told us on in Matthew 24.

Sabbath Service 2020.06.13 – Bro Stair

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Heard this morning: several long announcements for the Feast of sTrumpets Sept.18 to 20.  Two hundred attending hoped for.  If God wills that you come, He will make a Way for you, Stair will not although accommodation can be arranged so phone now to show some support for the Prophet.

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Sabbath Service

You can find all the Services are under the SERVICES tab.

We don't get to hear more of the new organ today, but only piano playing... and Sister Burgess.  For whom Bro Stair is further targeting to move on the Farm without her husband by labeling him a tare.  Furthering his rebellion in separating the woman from her bond to her husband.  This move is in a large part to help him in the criminal case against him by having the mother of one of the girls he raped now living with him.

After coming in mild with a song it took less than two minutes before he showed out his true colors by taring into them  (something he says only others are doing to him).  This also manifesting what he will later say are Satan's works.  Like calling Robert a fool and slandering him (after taking and squandering Robert's 2.1 million dollars on riotous living) since there's no more he can now take from Robert, all Robert gets now is slander. 

He was upset that they didn't know something Brother Stair should have known.  This rouse was to disguise his fault and turn it onto God's people.  Though they are, in this service, declared to be not Born Again.  Reinforcing our reference below about him being a tare gather.  Out of his own mouth.

Gets the phone calls done at the beginning of Service.  Again encouraging a sister that he is targeting to leave her husband and family and come.

In the end, he calls several that fell away to be tares.  Refers to the dream/vision of him going higher up the steps (as did Lucifer and not John [Jn 3:30]) and dropping wheat, as if this means he's not a tare gather.  If he had understanding he would realize that this means that all those that fell away were wheat and not tares.  That his story most likely means that he is carrying tares as he ascends above the Throne of God (Isa 14:13).  The true wheat escaped from him and went back to God as they were the Elect (Mt 24:24).

34 minutes of silence removed.

Other notes on Service will be updated on the Service page

Sabbath Service 2020.06.20 – Bro Stair

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It's been a while since I posted, but I still catch the cult's broadcast once in a while, normally on saturdays that I am mowing the lawn. This morning I tuned in to the moan and groan session. There was some background noise that sounded like sticks being broken.. no idea what that was. After M&G, a very old rebroadcast was played in which a much younger Ralf prophesied that nude dancing in churches would become commonplace and accepted as an artistic from of worship. I'm sure this was just wishful thinking on his part or perhaps a plan for his own compound, anyone know of any nude churches in their area?


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One thing I remembered from this past Saturday was a call in from what sounded to be a young woman. Ralf was telling her she should come live at the farm and if her family did not want to go, she should leave her husband and young daughter.. Normally I would not be interested in a site that will criticize someone for years on end.. but for reasons above, this site is absolutely nessisary. Thanks for all the great work you do in documenting, Admin and Malahat.

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i dont know of any nude churches nearby but the farm was only a 1/4 mile from a strip club down the road maybe it reopened again.

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A few minute before 3AM ET maybe an old broadcast as he's sitting near a wood stove: a plaint about having to give back $8000 to someone leaving the 'farm (not a compound)'.

Given his enjoyment at watching a woman's breast balloon back to normal size in a prayer service, he might try having one to cure his Rhino dependency although just the laying on of hands might do the job without the prayers.

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The recording may prove me wrong. There was a lot of padding on some sort of text “Behold . . .” that doesn’t go far except to reach 2 hours when some stations leave. That’s when Steve called and they wrangled for a half hour which I could not imagine the World-Wide Audience getting much benefit from particularly because Steve was inaudible. Stair urged him to show up and face him so God (or an earthly rep.) could smite him dead.   - Stair got a new attorney - recent or old action to provoke the River People?

The only memorable line was “I like boobs”.   Sis. Burgess got a hug, a caller is coming for the fall Feast in a different car. Does she leave them there and take the bus home? – unfollowable remarks gave that impression.  Corn crop is good, good potential revenue from sale for making corn syrup .

There’s a new background singer in the M&G sessions, for most or all thirty minutes, with energetic renditions of old 1950’s standard revival hymns.      2 hours thirty if uncut.
