Leave your May 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.
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@admin-rgstair Comment appreciated, no offence taken. I thought it appropriate to state my approach being one of a reporter mainly, so there was a written record. I remember someone a while ago (on the old forum?) asking for names so they could keep up with people they knew who became involved. At least my occasional synopses will help others find the place in the broadcast captures more easily,
Nearly 3 hours of ramping up to Sunday's official Pentecost Service on the Pentecost Weakend Services.
8 minutes of wasted time was removed.
only 8 minutes of wasted time? ...
Sabbath evening M&G interrupted by Stair after 10 minutes.
The women had not gone out to pick peas for an hour before the Service (work there is OK on the “Sabbath”), Sis. Burgess gets a wind-up, Stuart is yelled at (trying to make him leave voluntarily instead of being kicked out?), people have arrived in nice cars, reminds the visitors of his prison record, “her husband” left to preach somewhere, he said several things to several people and nothing happened, he gets mad when congo has no reaction when he confuses “principal” with “principle” and doesn’t realize it.
The Spirit of Pentecost came upon the Unbelievers who got the Message even though the speakers did not know what they were saying. Congo respond appropriately.
Not many showed up, lots of beautiful house(s)/trailers are empty.
He learned from black people how to pick cotton in Arkansas.
Children loved him but betrayed him, two good-looking ones from Henryetta.
Someone living near Boston had a wealthy family in Switzerland and invited him to come there. A Shasta trailer described. Somebody said “God bless”, nobody remembers when. A sister gets a hug. Jesus knew “him” by name. Jail for him is a ‘lyins’ ‘ den.
Visitors are urged to stop social distancing there. Description of Sis. Matthews’ stomach (morbidly obese, will not get medical attention). 1 hr. 50 min.
Yesterday’s M&G was interrupted by Stair demonstrations of cattle and sheep calls. The afternoon kept everyone occupied with picking June-bugs off the vegetable patch. Dementia-like dissociation but not current memory loss. I heard enough to dissuade me from getting up early this morning to hear the service "live".
Sabbath PM Pre-Pentecost Service 2020.05.30
Perhaps we should say "8 minutes of pauses removed" as you're right Malahat - it's all wasted time ;P
So for the evenings meat-ing 6 minutes were removed.
Sabbath PM Pre-Pentecost Service 2020.05.30 – Bro Stair
This would only be the service preaching by Brother Stair, with 35 minutes of his awkward pauses removed.
Be sure to check out the article Pentecost is Past.
The Rg stair feast of PlentyCrossed should be the name He Should use for it. Amen & Amen