Pre-Passover Service – Thursday, April 9, 2020 – Bro Stair

Bro Stair Pulpit sitting
Pre-Passover Service - Thursday, April 9, 2020 – Bro Stair

Last Updated on Tue August 4, 2020 @ 10:20 am

Thursday PM Pre-Passover Service

The Overcomer Ministry started having services for their Passover Gathering on Wednesday.  After all the announcements that their Passover Service was to be on Friday.  Spirit of confusion clearly there (1Cor 14:33).

Grace Community in attendance despite the COVID-19 stay at home warnings. 

This Service is one of 4 or 5 for the Passover 2020 Gathering.

Tightened up by 11 minutes.

Please pray for Pastor Rice, those from Grace Community, Sister Burgess, and all attending these Services that their eyes are opened and they witness for themselves the true deeds of Brother Stair and thereby know him by his fruits (Mt 7:20).

Related:  Sabbath Service – Nov 20, 2021 – Bro Stair [Old Service]

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