Challenge God speaking to Brothers – Porn

God told me to not Challenge you Brothers when you tell me God told you something. God speaks to you too. [Aug 2002 after coming out of Jail]
Then, in 2004 when Brother Paul told Bro Stair that God told him (Paul) to tell Bro Stair that he should back off the Internet [what Stair was personally doing on the Internet]. Bro Stair kicked Bro Paul out in a rage and Paul walked off the Farm – in faith with nothing. Not even going back to his trailer to gather his belongings or his ID. Bro Paul had done what God sent him there to do – Bro Stair rejected it (3Jn 1:9; Mt 18:17). Bro Paul’s work was done (Mt 18:15-18; Pr 5:23).
A few months later (Dec 2004) Bro Stair reaped his rebellion when he aired worldwide the pornography that he was watching in the Radio Room [what he was warned to stop doing – by a man of God – that Bro Stair rejected – that he said “God told him” to not reject (Pr 17:10)].
For 10 days Bro Stair acted as if nothing happened, then explained it away as an interfering broadcast – until his then-wife Teresa found out. Then there was the standard meeting of the men called where Bro Stair came in like a raging bear (Pr 28:15, 28) telling them they could control the Farm and that he would just stay in the Radio Room and they wouldn’t have to be bothered by him [That didn’t happen]. Bro Stair said the porn was a slip of the mouse (a slip that lasted 45 secs until someone entered the Radio Room to see who was doing it) and said that we all would have done it given the chance (since Bro Stair has the chance all the time, is he saying that he does it all the time?). And what site was he on in the first place to make a simple slip that plays porn? You have to make a path of slips to get to a porn site, pick, and play a video – and then just let it play until you’re interrupted by someone. Meanwhile, the whole world is hearing it (Pr 4:14, 19; Pr 28:13, 18).
Then Brother Stair said that for him Pornography was Strong Meat and that he could handle Strong Meat [porn] but the rest of us couldn’t handle it, so we should stay off the Internet. [Apparently, that’s what the Internet is for to him. The same Internet that he said in 1998 that God told him to have nothing to do with. It seems God does change His mind – unless it’s about your witness on Bro Stair – then you’re locked into that one. He gets to change his witness on you [damning the leavers] – but you don’t.] Apparently, this strong meat (pornography) belongeth to him because he is of full age and by reason of use has his senses exercised (Hebrews 5:14). [Apparently, he has reason to exercise some meat that his senses belongeth to.]
So, back to what God told him. Certainly, we’ve not heard Bro Stair challenging what God has spoken to us – have we??? Or did he lie? Or did he lie on God by saying God told me?