Nobody Gonna Replace This Leader

“Nobody gonna replace This Leader. Follow me!…
God Damn It!… Follow ME!…
Follow ME!…
Follow ME!…
Follow ME!…
Follow ME!…
Follow ME!
My ME is I.”
“You’re not going to lead this congregation, or this people…
You won’t be needed.
[Because when Brother Stair dies Jesus will be returning within six months] [audio clip]
Hate me. Despise me.
You’re not going to lead this people [Pastor Rice].
You’re not going to have the authority over ’em.”
“You’re not responsible for my soul. I’m responsible for yours. You obey them who have the rule over you.“
[That ruler would be the Prophet, and these words of his were left to be obeyed by his followers and his chief men (pastors)]
(Bro Stair, 2020.08.29)
See the full article Nobody Gonna Replace This Leader
“If I die like any other men die, then I have not been sent from God!” [audio clip]
“When I speak that, and they don’t come to pass, I’m done! That’s all there’s to it…. this ministry then was all in vain.”
If I Die Naturally, I’ve been a Liar.
My God man. Do you understand that?!!!
If I Die Before My Time – You’re Gonna Go to Hell
You die believing that I’m the Last Day Prophet and I die before my time – you’re gonna go to Hell. ‘Cos you believed a lie.