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2019 June

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June is here and the pull to get new brooms in for Pentecost is in full swing.

Put your June notes below

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No times for Services or other events this weekend have been announced except for the usual 10 a.m. Saturday one. Requiring visitors to call in advance must be a way of eliminating unwanted outsiders.  Walterboro occasional visitors would be unaware of the whoop-up.

Thursday afternoon broadcasts were not helpful. They were old reports of ‘flu epidemics and worries about Obama’s presidency. The Overcomer website is silent about details too.

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FRIDAY June 7 6:15 pm. Stair arrived early for the 7 pm service and was surprised to see so few there, maybe people coming in to get out of the heat. He got a few call-ins from full-time listeners and was perplexed that there were so few listening and calling in.   A few unknown faces means there were some visitors. Sister Matthews usually listens, she is morbidly obese, a male is gaining weight.   “No fat people go to Heaven” must be a discouraging message to the sister. (No mention of glorified bodies, which would be an explanation).

The few listeners send in money, he passes on the personal offerings, some to support Teresa.

Terry did not get the $750,000 from the DVA(?).   Mark and Rebecca had had a shotgun wedding producing a baby Stair did not want. 843-538-1334 for call-ins was announced again at 7:45, nobody called.   1-605-562-4989 number is given, must be the listen-by-phone. The congo in the Tabernacle don’t call because they can hear him there.

Someone should leave his wife because she won’t give him the phone.   More references to Teresa. Craig Mack is invoked, his wife is not getting money from his estate. Lies about him in court, the lawyer cautioned him to not respond.   Teresa (?) had accused him of stalking her ninety times.

He left his wife (first?) his truck and tent and went off with a young girl from Georgia.

The Pope wanted the Prophet to meet him in Philadelphia.

It sounds as if some daughters get hugs at this point. Don’t mock him for this.

Something vague to or about Jackie. Bro.Carpenter’s house has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, Timothy is not staying there now so two women can move in. Visitor Del directed to stay somewhere, people do not have to share beds.

Otherwise there was nothing new, even at 8:40 pm no more calls. (Raptors-Warriors basket ball game about to start).    Since the 7 to 7:30 radio time slot has been cancelled in most stations the over-all discontinuity will not be noticed.

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After Friday night's session I did not feel much would be forthcoming during the rest of the weekend, but a check of Sunday evening's broadcast seemed to show the things to remember  were that his last words to Steve were "Don't come back" and Jackie's trailer is cluttered.  Old-fashioned Pentecostal messages in tongues etc. did not occur.

There was a long bit of him calling for the scripture he could not remember about "a hart" which the congo heard as "a heart" that led to digressions about sparrows on roof-tops also. 

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An added detail: given almost as an afterthought was the suggestion that the sixth Trumpet might be someone killing the President and the seventh Trumpet could be his resurrection and appearance as the False God (=Antichrist).


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Wonderful news about the New Earth (repeat today about 8:30 pm, heard earlier but need to hear the repeat to confirm)

The continents will come back together Pangea-like  after  the polar reversal and there will be roads in all areas leading to Jerusalem appearing miraculously.   

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short report, there had been a request in an earlier forum to provide names to keep track of current members

June 15 Sabbath service:   Stair arrives at 10:18, congo fill in time with repetition of a couple of choruses with guitar accompaniment (Jackie?   I miss the piano and organ players).  

Mention of his prison sentence as a Badge of Honour,   Jackie and Steve wasted a lot of money going back and forth to Jerusalem (to see if they were the Two Witnesses (?), they weren’t. Steve died

A text from Hezekiah: …thou shalt die. (2 Kings 20:1) All the great men (Evangelists) died alone, that’s why he is “cleaning the house”.   They will die and go to hell for “touching the Lord’s anointed.”   About an hour of disjointed rambling, Somebody snuck in with Pastor Tyrene and took things from a refrigerator.   Emotional male voice gets a moment, starts praying and is cut off. I did not get the name.

Mentioned in passing: Sisters Lois, Eunice, Rose,  heard: Burgess.  Brothers Jackie and Patterson got mentioned several times.

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Tues. June 18 overnight: some borrowed broadcast that sounded like congressional hearings

afternoon: June bugs are attacking the peach trees.

Evening Prayer Session cut short for something about Angela Merkel shaking while standing next to a Ukrainian politician, someone in favour of abortion, Trump declaring himself running for re-election, $30,000 received or demanded, “Lydia” has discovered he is back on the air, an atheist and a preacher were together on an overnight radio show, more about peach trees. His son, being a DD (Doctor of Divinity), won’t agree with him.

I’m trying to figure out what the cause of this is but having no result, maybe he was planning to sell the peaches and can’t now.

I don’t take mind-altering drugs but this sounded like people I’ve met who do.

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Prayer Service June 22 evening interrupted by Stair.  Sounds like it's been a bad day, Jackie has left (with Lupinka ?), he should have stayed even though he felt he was in stocks and bonds (medieval prison, not Wall Street)  like Paul and Silas.  Followed by 2013 rebroadcasts again, like overnight, about what horrors Obama and the Pope were about to unleash

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The number of calls praising the Prophet must be negligible as he is mainly playing calls from five years ago from listeners to KARI.  The number of log-ins to the Overcomer website now rarely goes over 100.

An offer of a CD of Teresa singing made on early Sunday morning probably got no response as it gave the obsolete 1-888 and a –660x or 60—one.   It was repeated today.  Repeated listening there must be novocaine for the ears.

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Repeated listening there must be novocaine for the ears.

It show he pays no attention to his own broadcast, or that he is too 'busy' preaching (or reaching) in the Feasting Hall, or carousing in broad daylight [2Pt 2:13;  Rom 13:13].  Either way, a truthful or timely word is not important - yet that is his whole claimed justification for being.

The number of log-ins to the Overcomer website now rarely goes over 100.

I guess all the traffic has come over here ;p  We're better than that.  Not that there's too many who really care about him anymore - apparently.  Or maybe it's the few that be are getting fewer ;p

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My concern is for all the good people he deceived. I called him several years ago. He was a total quack. I blamed him for the death of Wayne Douglas saying he was responsible and he cursed me to Hell! I spoke to Pastor Rice about all this and am totally astounded that such a great a man of God like him who knows the Word is still convinced that this false prophet is legit. Others there still blindly following this evil hack. Sorry...i just don't get it!  We will know them by their fruit....  And Stair has an orchard of rotten apples...  Be rid of him! 

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