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December 2021

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Leave your December 2021 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast of the former Last Day Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.  Now under the leadership and control of the corporate President and Vice-President, Dennis and Rose Larivee.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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for continuity...

Pastor Rice was "live" for a few minutes after the weekly playback this morning in the Tabernacle of a message from the deceased Brother Stair.  He is well (now) and "all is well" there now after a period of trials and tribulations (unspecified).

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@malahat Yes, much "unspecified-ness".  They returned to playing Pastor Rice's announcements as if they decided to restore him... somewhat.  It's still a barrel of confusion that they are manifesting - as their phone calls show. 

There's also the incessant push for funds and phone calls for radio checks and offerings.  They learned well how to merchandise the people.

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Follow the link to hear Dr. Terry Stair

This post was modified 3 years ago by KnightofGod

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@knightofgod This Fella is about as Rediculous as his dad Rg Stair was !! The Fruit of Ralph's Tree is Very Evident as his son The Doctor of lies talks about Jesus being involved with Xmas and Perverting the Word of God like his Pop did is So very Clear. Truly Amazing

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Thank you for listening to my messages.

Should you desire to know the truth I have shared a link.

God said his people perish for a lack of Knowledge. Hosea 4:6

Never be afraid to learn.

Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

malahat reacted
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@knightofgod Again This Fella is Deluded like His Pops Rg Stair was in his Application and Perverting of the Word of God !!! Ole Ralph Always used The Scripture in Hosea 4:6 to declare He had the Knowledge.  Now Clearly Rg Stair's Fruit is Manifest in his son, just as it was in Ralph's lies And Twisting of the Very Word of Truth !! They do it to Their Own Destruction !!  Proverbs 19:7 Go from the Presence of a Foolish man, When Thou Perceivest Not in Him The Lips of Knowledge !! All liars will end up Where Ralph Gordon Stair is right now ~ In HELL  Anyone who Adheres to the Knowledge coming from This Doctor of Lies is truly been given a STRONG Delusion !!!

This post was modified 3 years ago by Rejected of Men
This post was modified 3 years ago by Admin

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@rejected-of-men @admin-rgstair @knightofgod 

To: Rejected of Men, Do all of us and God a favor sir, please stop your attacks and grow up. Stop your hate attacks. "Good Christians" do not attack each other. Good Christians do not attack each other with hate. This is not Twitter or TickToc.

Dr. Terry Stair, If you want my email address it is 

The "Lujack" part came from WLS-AM 890 Disc Jockey "Larry Lujack I listen to on AM Radio growing up as a young teen. He played Pop Music. Mr. Lujack has been gone 8 years. He passed of cancer on December 18th, 2013. I met him in passing when I worked for WLS-TV (owned by ABC-TV Network) when I lived in Chicago around 1985.

Mr. Lujack had a a few send him letters of people who tried to correct him on Bible Scriptures. I remember he was polite, read their letters. Some of those letters were written by people who Good Christians, because Good Christians do not attack others, no matter what. We are to pray for others we may disagree with.

As we are getting into a New Year, 2022, shall we be Loving Christians? Stop all this please? Sometimes it depresses me.


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@knightofgod @admin-rgstair Dr. Terry, Please contact me at this email address: 

I saw one of your "You Tube" Videos, and enjoyed it. Nobody is perfect or has had a perfect past in this life. I know Good Christians should love each other or try to, no matter the circumstances. Pray for the others that post here, be it good or bad comments. God Bless All in 2022.

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As many of you know, I'm not a Liberal, I lean Conservative. Right now, President Joe Biden has a bad situation on his hands. Vladimir Puntin, President of Russia once again wants to invade Ukraine. We need to pray for the people of Ukraine, it's President, Our Troops, and even President Biden. We shouldn't judge if this is any sign of Jesus's return as Vladimir Puntin did this during the Barack Obama and the George W. Bush Administrations. Good Christians should not argue. Let's all pray for each other in 2022.

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@sheldon1560 It's Amazing This Website Still Allows A Pervert like You Spew out The Garbage that Comes from your Heart And Spirit !! You, Terry and Rg Stair will All have Your Part In The Lake of Fire. Just as The Lord Jesus The Christ said, ' How can You Escape The Damnation of HELL ", You Can't do it, Period. Come to The Channel God has me Using , TruthBlaster. Little Devils like you are like little Nats, Annoying but God did say, " Fret not thyself with EVIL Doers " Like You, Terry Stair, Rg stair and the list goes on and on Because Hell Has Enlarged Herself for the likes of your Familiar Sprits of PERVERSION. Why do You Hide behind your Sheldon1560 Mr. Scott Bailey ? 

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@sheldon1560 BTW Mr. Bailey, You are NOT a Christian by Any Stretch of The Immagination

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To the Administrator: I think without deep searching I know who the Rejected of Men Account belongs to. Very sad he can't even say or reveil who he is to the public.

Since Twitter has a new CEO, since Jack Dorsey stepped down, I'm hearing the new requirement on accounts is you must use your real name. Rejected of Men accused me of "hiding" behind a account. The man knows my name and what city I live in, it's on Wikipedia. 

I just wanted to take a stand for Dr. Terry Stair. I don't know Dr. Stair at all, but it's unfair that Dr. Terry Stair and his ministry in Georgia suffers bad word of mouth on social media out of on man who you see Mr. Administrator is hiding behind his identity.

I'll leave it at this. It's a new year, 2022 and it's a shame someone talks like this. I am aware of who Brother Stan is and about his Truth Blaster videos. At least Brother Stan doesn't hide what he has to say and his identity. He lived on the Overcomer Ministry Farm. I've never stepped foot there in my life, Walterboro, nor Colleton County, South Carolina. I just know what has been said. Thank You.


This post was modified 3 years ago by Sheldon1560

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@sheldon1560 Just as I said about your Spiritual Delusions and Perception, You are a Very Deluded Individual. The Scripture ise Clear about people Like You as I Have Used Many Many Times as you call it Hate. You Mr. bailey are like these Perverts out here in The World that call The TRUTH HATE. I am Brother Stan ~  just as I Referred you to the Channel God Gave Me to use as well as !! There is no Hiding behind a name as I use "Rejected of men" just as My Lord & Savior Jesus the Christ was Rejected of men !! Your Perverted Comments prove That Point very Clearly !!! I seen your name on Truth Blaster when you made some perverted comments but you removed them before I could Reply. Enough said about You or Any other Person who uses these Platforms to Express their Spiritual Depravity about The very Word of God. God's Word is " The Final Witness ", and There is going to be " A Great White Throne Judgment ". " Thus Saith The Lord of Host's !!!

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@admin-rgstair @knightofgod

Stan, I have watched some your videos. Rather shocked you would talk like this. Get over it, and grow up. Now I'm wonder if there is any credibility in anything you have said. Don't think anyone cares anymore. Soon Ralph Stair will have been gone one year.

I must tell you on one video that you made a statement on what Senate Majority Leader Chuck Shumer once said. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld said the quote first, not Chuck Shumer. Of course, both from the NYC Area.

By the way Stan, maybe you're a Liberal Democrat that wants to attack Republican Conservatives. Dr. Terry Stair I believe is a Conservative. You use religion and your religious beliefs to slam people you do not like. Such childish nonsense. Many big name preachers for example, Joel Osteen and Franklin Graham doesn't act like this. How would you like if we had many call "Truth Blaster" a perverted lying, piece of proproganda garbage? I'm not that type to lower myself to those standards.

Let me say this, the times I listen to Ralph Stair preach when he was "we assume" recording in his "radio room", he wasn't wrong on reading and explaining scriptures totally. I had a Southern Baptist Minister, Rev. Graves, that was also one of my clients who bought radio time, listen to Mr. Ralph Stair. Rev. Graves said Ralph Stair wasn't preaching everything out of the King James Bible wrong as you have claimed, BUT he did also disagree with some things Mr. Stair said, and we knew his Predictions were too far out.

Finally, if you reply back to this, I won't see it, you will be wasting your time. I have more important things going on than worry about Ralph Stair and things that happened or didn't happen on that farm. I was never there.

**Fact: I only talked to Mr. Ralph Stair on the phone one time and it was "a business only" call. We did briefly discuss briefly about actress Jennifer Aniston in a short email and why she seemed confused on believing in God, that's it. All other communication was short, business emails only. 

As Mark Levin says: I through, done. bye.


This post was modified 3 years ago by Sheldon1560

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