Sabbath Service – November 14, 2020 – Bro Stair

Bro Stair Tabernacle Hugging
Sabbath Service – November 14, 2020 – Bro Stair

Last Updated on Tue December 15, 2020 @ 11:10 pm

Brother Stair, the Prophet of the Overcomer Ministry preaching at the Tabernacle in Canadys SC.

The service ends returning to the standard broadcast that puts out a lying note (Pr 14:5, 25).  Up until Brother Stair was scrutinized by the authorities he would always use “ministry” money, that was sent for radio time, for his personal uses and abuses (porn sites, prostitutes, …).  Even now you should realize your money sent for his “personal” use goes to not only fund his rebellious daughter but to buy sex toys – and his RedTube.  [Which may explain why he likes Sister Burgess’ screams]

He still doesn’t mind paying for his high priced lawyers on retainer that he has told to drag out the trial as long as they can, with “ministry” money.  That he recons as necessary to the “ministry”.

Brother Stair, the Prophet of the Overcomer Ministry preaching at the Tabernacle in Canadys SC.

19 minutes of the Sister Burgess Show was removed.

9.6 minutes of silence removed.

Related:  Sabbath Service - March 14, 2020 – Bro Stair

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