Sabbath Service – Nov 5, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Overcomer Ministry YouTube Old Services Brother Stair
Old Services
Old Services
Sabbath Service – Nov 5, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Last Updated on Sat November 12, 2022 @ 11:30 pm

The Unrepentant House

Today’s Service reminds us of the lack of repentance that Brother Stair had after he was caught as a serial adulterer.  Making it clear why God put him in jail in 2002 – he refused to repent and change his ways.  Today’s Service appears to be from late 2001 to early 2002 and shows us a Brother Stair that those that left the Farm in 2001 saw.  A man of anger that demanded forgiveness of his sins from us and justified his sins with the likes of David was a prophet that committed adultery.  That is not what repentance does.  It doesn’t justify what it’s done.  There was not only not any repentance in Brother Stair in those days, but there was never any that lasted after his chastisement in jail, and there was never been any since.

He took his sins (especially his adultery and having his brothers’ wife) to the grave (Mk 6:18;  Ecc 11:3).  He continued to refuse to restore the River whom he did evil against by demanding that they allow his groping and furthering his sexual agenda.  To this day, his calling of their good as evil is still believed by his followers and radio audience.  Thus he has done, and spread, much evil among the people of God, perverted justice and truth, and caused a division in the Body.  Now we see Pastor James Rice wondering why there’s a division in the body.  It’s because that’s the spirit that Brother Stair sowed on the Farm and worldwide on the airwaves.

This Damn House

Again, realize that this archive Service is not from his later years but it sounds the same doesn’t it?  He’s calling them a Damn house back then when he should have been on his face, humble and meek before God’s people.  This hard angry man routine was buyable when he was believed to be a holy man without sin – which is the lie that he preached up until 2001 when he was caught in gross sexual sin.  This was the only way anyone allowed him to lord it over them at that time.  Once his charade was uncovered only those who idolized him and worshiped his person would or could tolerate his overbearing pride and self-justification.  Once his lies were exposed his lordship didn’t work on half of us.

The problem here is that Brother Stair was so engrossed under the control of these evil spirits that he couldn’t (or perhaps didn’t want to) break free even after he was exposed, and turn from his evil ways.  Those evil ways of his that treated God’s people with such despite and hatred – the working and fruit of the Thief (John 10:10;  Gal 5:19-21).  Even though Brother Stair says in today’s Service that you don’t have to continue in your transgression, that’s exactly what he did – wholesale.  He would never look at himself and see the evil in his own heart.  His demons had him believing that he was some great one (Acts 8:9) and that made him believe that he was better than the rest of us and that gave him the right to beat the sheep (Lk 12:45-46).

This is also the time period where we find that Brother Stair’s messages no longer had any content to them.  There was never a message for the body there was only self-justification and railing against the people of God.  The only thing that comes out that makes people think that he’s preaching is the verses, phrases, and rhetoric that he uses to justify himself and the occasional using those verses to project that it’s about us, that we share in it too.  And to that, we are expected to jump and holler.  But that’s not the whole or the intent of his focus.  He only uses those turnarounds to keep us from realizing that he’s focusing on himself and that we also should focus on him.  This is what Lucifer wanted – and did (Isa 14:13-15).

Related:  Sabbath Service – Oct 22, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

False Leaders

He was the phenomenon Praising Herbert W. Armstrong, one of his mentors, whom he studied under and took his courses.  Armstrong was a cult leader.  The mere fact that Brother Stair couldn’t discern that should concern any follower.  This also explains many of the doctrinal errors and teachings of Brother Stair.  He got most of what he taught as doctrine (Mt 15:9) from cult and occult (William Branham) leaders shyster that he was schooled under.  This is a clear contrast to men of God like David Wilkerson who had nothing to do with shamans, like Branham.  Wilkerson’s mentor was the true man of God Leonard Ravenhill.

There’s a stark difference between these men and their teachings.  Yet Brother Stair still liked to add them to his list of men of God – even though he didn’t follow their ways or heed their teachings.  He was just using them for merchandising and to gather unto himself those that followed them by making them think that he was the same.  Brother Stair was always a wannabee of those that were held in high esteem.

Reverend Ike
Reverend Ike

Brother Stair brags about remembering Daddy Grace.  He likes bringing up the old-school famous preachers of his youth to make himself better than the rest of us.  He has talked about Father Divine before.  What he doesn’t tell us about Father Divine is that he claimed to be God.  Best of all is his bragging about personally knowing and eating with Reverand Ike, a godless shyster.  Brother Stair liked to quote his phrase, You can’t lose with the stuff I use!, but never denounced him.

Bragging that he knew or respected these black leaders is one of his virtue-signaling cards.  Brother Stair bragged that he was a pastor of a black congregation and that he sympathized with their plight.  This is actually racist of him the way he speaks and treats and terms black people – even in his Overcomer congregation.  But he spun it that he was the epitome of anti-racism. While he would always mock black people for their traits and their talk.  That focus on difference alone is racist.  Remember how he would mock a sister’s speech every time she called?  Don’t forget how he loved using the N-word and getting away with it.

No Love for You

I don’t love you.  I love Christ in you.  This is wrong and against what John, Peter, and Paul said.  Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.  He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love (1Jn 4:7-8).  Seems to be a grand canyon failure in Brother Stair there.  And a great exposing that he doesn’t know God.  This rhetoric of loving Christ in you and not loving the brothern with sincere love is more self-justification to pour out hate on us.  A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another (13:34).  It all gets exposed in this verse, If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? (1Jn 4:20).

Related:  Sabbath Service – Aug 7, 2021 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Let’s just give you a few verses that show the error of Brother Stair in this teaching.

  • Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another  (Rom 12:10)
  • And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins (1Pt 4:8)
  • My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth (1Jn 3:18).

These verses make it clear that this teaching of Brother Stair’s is not according to scripture but according to the commands of men (Matt 15:9).

Here’s one that slaps this false teaching of loving Christ in you in the face.  But love ye your enemies, and do good (Luke 6:35).  How are you going to love Christ in your enemies or those that persecute you when they don’t have Christ in them?  Then there’s Christ Himself.  How did He love us when He wasn’t in us (Rom 5:8)?

Beloved,… we ought also to love one another (1Jn 4:11).

Then there’s the talking about things on the Farm and how we’re not doing things right and he knows how to do it right.  He’s always trying to set things in order – so he thought and preached.  What he always did was make things worse, confused, and eventually brought death to them and they were cast aside and we were then to blame for it.  Never did Brother Stair accept any responsibility for what he did.  Just as his constant self-justification cleared him of every wrongdoing in his sexual sins, he likewise justified himself in every failure on the Farm and blamed us – just like he does in service.  Where’s that building-up message he promised?

Fruits of the Narcissist

This self-justification spurns from his epic narcissism.  If you understand narcissism you’ll understand Brother Stair. He is a classic case study in narcissism. He embodies many categories of narcissism; grandiose overt narcissism, antagonistic narcissism, communal narcissism, malignant narcissism, sexual narcissism, and spiritual narcissism.

Some of those traits are:

  • Arrogance
  • Entitlement
  • Overbearing
  • Having an exaggerated self-image
  • Needing to be praised and admired
  • Exploitative
  • Competitive
  • Lacking empathy
  • Disagreeableness or proneness to arguing
  • Becoming easily morally outraged
  • Describing themselves as empathetic and generous
  • Vindictive

If those aren’t enough we have more in the Entitlement article.  In those attributes of the grandiose overt antagonistic narcissist, we see the clear description of Brother Stair.  The reason many overlook this is because of his prophet game.  His being called and anointed as some great one (Acts 8:9) is what allows people to let him get away with it and drive the wheel over them.  This is the same play that Lucifer used, as did Simon the Sorcerer (Isa 14:13-15;  Acts 8:9).

Fruits of the Flesh

One thing we should all remember when considering these attributes is that part of the fruit of the Spirit is “Self Control” (Gal 5:22-23).  This is not a fruit that is in the attributes (or fruits) of a narcissist – nor of Brother Stair.  Rather, what we see in him and narcissists is the fruits or works of the flesh as defined in Galatians 5:19-21.  Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;

  • Adultery
  • Fornication
  • Uncleanness
  • Lasciviousness
  • Idolatry
  • Witchcraft
  • Hatred
  • Variance
  • Emulations
  • Wrath
  • Strife
  • Seditions
  • Heresies
  • Envyings
  • Murders [abortions]
  • Drunkenness
  • Revellings
  • and such like:

of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21).

God went into Adam Brother Stair gets into his sexual definitions even at this time.  Using God this time like when he claimed the Holy Ghost had sex with Mary.

We’re not waiting for a great revival.  Yes, they are now.

You don’t believe that I’m reaching the good news, the gospel.  And they’d be right and Brother Stair confirmed their rightness in 2006 when he proudly proclaimed that he didn’t preach the gospel.

Related:  Sabbath Service – October 10, 2020 – Bro Stair

If you find someone joined to their idols – their iniquity – leave them alone.  This is what the leavers did.  They departed from the evil one and those joined to their idol prophet.  This is a command from the prophet for all on the Overcomer and the airwaves to leave Brother Stair and his Overcomer Ministry alone.  They are joined to their idols.

I only am the prophet remaining.  Not so remaining now.

Don’t call me a liar!  Yet you are a liar and that has been proven.

This last-generation began around the 1930s.  That’s a lifetime – not a generation.  He so loves to hear himself talk and is always upset that others don’t feel the same.  [See narcissism above]

The Sister Burgess Show

This is something that the rulers of the Overcomer are not going to deal with but at least the Brothers that are running the soundboard could stop bringing her into the mix with her overbearing nonsense so that the prophet cannot be heard.  We never use to mic her for this nonsense.  It’s ruining the Service for everyone.  We get more than enough of her in her show before service.

All Things Continue As They Were

All in all, it’s just disgustingly sickening to listen to this rhetoric.  Then to hear Pastor Rice come behind him and reiterate it all as if it had any validity.  Judgment is what James Rice should be following this with.  Judging the iniquity and error of what we said, and the way it was said and used against God’s people for the advancement of the Prophet.  Disgusting!  Reprobate concerning the faith (2Tim 3:8)!  Nothing here that benefits the body of Christ or prepares them.  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (2Tim 3:5).

Let’s not forget the failure of God to back him up and God’s failure to give me a people whose eyes will light up when I talk before I die.  It’s either God’s failure or Brother Stair’s lies on God.  You decide who’s the transgressor here.  Mark 8:18

The Pattern

Sadly, the Pastor Rice Show magnifies again on the pattern – the pattern of Brother Stair.  Not the pattern of God but rather keeping to what Brother Stair said in did.  Pastor Rice has done a good job of walking in all the sins of his father (1Kings 15:3;  Jn 8:44) and taking his have his father’s wife (1Cor 5:1;  Lev 18:8).  The evil spirits that drove Brother Stair are also manifest in Pastor Rice in his treatment of the congregation and his own importance.  Though he currently sprinkles it with some false humility.  Showing he is currently more of a covert narcissist.  Manifesting as:

  • Insecurity or low confidence
  • Defensiveness
  • Avoidance
  • Tendency to feel or play the victim

Pastor Rice continues on in his putting the people in fear of listening to other preachers and using their phones for that and YouTube.  Like Brother Stair, he doesn’t want anyone to stumble across the truth or anyone exposing him.  As per usual, he is also denouncing those (1Pt 4:4) that are shaming him according to scripture (1Cor 5:11;  Eph 5:11;  1Tim 4:7) and don’t play his reindeer games (1Pt 4:4).


A people without understanding will come to ruin
(Hosea 4:14  NIV)

Read Your Bible!

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight (Pr 3:6  NIV78/RSV).  What does that tell us about Brother Stair and Pastor Rice?  Where you have crooked paths you have people who do not acknowledge God in all their ways – no matter how they speak to the contrary.  They are liars.  God’s word is true.  God’s word will reveal to you the way these men walk.  Read your Bible and depart from these worthless idols (Jonah 2:8  NIV84).  Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace (Pr 3:17).  Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not Thy law (Ps 119:134).



1 thought on “Sabbath Service – Nov 5, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

  1. Ralph Gordon Stair Never Knew God ~ Period !! When The Thousand Years are over and We come to The Great White Throne Judgment, Rg Stair will Appear before it and Hear First hand out of The Mouth of Jesus The Christ Emphatically, Matthew 7:23 ” I NEVER KNEW YOU,” Depart From Me, YOU that Work Iniquity.! Will be speaking soon on Rg Stair and his Mentors like His Twin Spiritual brother Jim Jones and the likes of Men Like William Branham. Jimmy Rice is More Perverted Then Ralph Ever was, and Rightly so to Keep the Perversion going on Radio and on The Farm. Will also be dealing Profoundly with His Doctrines of Devils Soon !!! Just Remember this Scripture that clearly Describes ALL events and Speech coming out of the Overcomer Ministry ~ Isaiah 19:14 The LORD Hath Mingled a Perverse Spirit in the Midst Thereof:

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