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2020 April

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Leave your April 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

With the Passover push still on (since 2019) we're finally at the month to see what transpires and unravels.  With the COVID-19 Coronavirus unforeseen by the great prophet of god now interfering with his Gathering.

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Post-Passover Service – Sabbath PM after PM Prayer Time

The only got to pray 9 minutes today because Brother Stair needs to sell a motorcycle.  Every word from his mouth is pure wickedness in the lies on this one.  Here is a man that is putting on that he is righteous and his house is wicked and in rebellion.  He says that rebellion will not be permitted on his land - so when is he leaving?.  Everything that he heaps on others he is in full measure walking in.  It's epic hypocrisy in action.  How anyone could be so blatantly wicked surpasses understanding.  Yet, this man is eviler than that.  This deceiver wears the mask of a man of God while he walks worse than a godless man of the world.

So enjoy ;p.  Almost 11 mins compacted.

Post-Passover Service – Sabbath PM 2020.04.11 – Bro Stair

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Things remembered from the evening Service today:
Willie had an unpleasing  look to Stair so he was sent away.  He may have put hs motorcycle into storage, not sold it, as the money was not offered to Stair and he could use it to get away from the farm without Stair's approval.
No one could find the same thing Jesus said to Mary and Martha, and stair didn't elaborate.
Women who don't use Tampox (sic) smell.     Brother Patterson had left and returned.
Peter was in a boat during a storm.  After a cry of "Why don't you wake up?" there was a sudden sign-off.  There was no appeal to Steve or anyone else to call in.  Enquiries from the visitors for clarification about him might have discouraged further mention.

Departure day for the Henryetta crew has not been announced, there may be more work for them or it avoids alerting authorities about their presence. 

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Post-Passover Service - Sunday

This time we got less than 4 minutes for Prayer Time.

The story of He Would Have Passed Them By. This time adding that you could not only be a Mary or a Martha but now a Jesus - which is reserved for him I suppose.

Rather than being glad that they are with him on this and 'preaching it for him', No, RG is so upset that they are trying to preach it for him. [You can't win when dealing with a narcissist!]

Still, they are not saved. How could they be? Brother Stair doesn't preach a saving gospel according to his own word. Yet he wonders why they're not saved. Which means in RG speak that they mindlessly move in his groove.

He got so mad at the end that his people were not giving him the praise he desires that he just ripped off the mic and walked out in silent rebellion.

One thing we can be certain about is that Brother Stair is not one (or both) of the Two Witnesses that he aspires to be. Because we know Brother Stair would scourge the earth with all manner of plagues often - and he can't - or he would have. Certainly!

18.5 minutes dead spots removed

Post-Passover Service - Sunday 2020.04.12 – Bro Stair

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ralph  has been up to his old tricks again on wednesday the 8th before service he threw simple jim closius off the land and told him to move out from jackys house but seems to fail to mention this to anyone after a phone call from colleton county sheriffs to pick him up by bro. steve they inform him to find jim a place to stay or he becomes ward of the state mental hospital . but ralphs trick is dont tell and no one will know but everyone in walterboro knows ralph and his evil ways. havent heard what jim has found out yet as living arangements but will update as i hear 

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A half-hour, at the least, of loops of the phone number correction was played, ending about six minutes before the evening prayer session. 

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Sabbath Service 2020.04.18

The magnification of Brother Stair, the prophet, is being preached more and moar.


"We want to draw attention to ourself and not to God."  We commend ourself!"

"Nobody treats me like that and gets by with it.  Nobody, nobody."

"You better stop treating me lightly.  You better stop doing it.  You better stop doing it!  Cos' if you don't you're gonna make the Boss Man angry."

"Touch not My anointed... When God's talking He's talking about the anointed prophet, the anointed man with the present truth, needful truth, the only truth.  So don't touch him!"

"My advice to you, and my council to you, is receive me or leave me.  One will bring god's fullest blessing on you.  The other will be a curse on you.  'I don't believe you.'  Keep on.  Keep on straddling that fence."


Sabbath Service 2020.04.18 – Bro Stair

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The theme for the day started with a repeat of Jacky's "Touch not the Lord's Anointed" that was played after the morning prayer session.  Jacky seems to have a favourable status at the moment.

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Posted by: @malahat

Jacky seems to have a favourable status at the moment

That's only because he has a favorable message "Don't touch the Prophet".  What is more likely though is that RG is playing this to remind Jacky of what he said.  To hold his nose to the grindstone because he's going against the prophet and against what he said.

This is the sad thing many have had to bear, that Proverbs 23:8 warned us about when we deal with evil men and give them praise that they do not deserve, "You will vomit up the little you have eaten and will have wasted your compliments."

Pr 23:6-8 Don’t associate with evil men; don’t long for their favors and gifts. Their kindness is a trick; they want to use you as their pawn. The delicious food they serve will turn sour in your stomach, and you will vomit it and have to take back your words of appreciation for their “kindness.”

Posted by: @malahat

A half-hour, at the least, of loops of the phone number correction was played

Far more than a half-hour, and aired at many other times as well. We should all heed the message - confusion about the confusion. Not God's hand (1Cor 14:33)!

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Thanks for the Proverbs reference, it's not one of the Books that get referred to often (other than most of the minor prophets and Philemon).

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a report was made to the colleton sheriffs office regarding simple jim as reported in the about the eighth paragraph . shortly after ralph contacted jim and told him he would help him but now jim threatens to call the police on ralph for not allowing him access to his belongings still on the farm.

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Jim having been kicked out from Jack's house by Stair fits in with Stair's cozening up to Jacky with the sermon replay.   Real  news like that is appreciated by us in remote areas.

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I can't find a link to the article, can you make a screen capture or  give more details..

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heres a link cant seem to get it to copt and paste

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Got it, thanks for directing me in the right direction

Elderly man found wandering
An elderly man was found lost and walking near the Augusta Highway and Jefferies Highway, in the Canady’s community. According to the sheriff’s office incident report, the man was seen walking near the intersection. When a deputy stopped to help him, the man told the officer that he needed to return to the “farm,” and was “kicked off the property,” the report states. The man said he had been living on the property for 22 years and had nowhere else to go. The man gave the deputy a phone number, which the deputy called. He spoke to a member of the World Overcomer’s Church: that person came to the area and picked up the man, the report states.

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