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Leave your February 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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Sabbath Service Feb 1, 2020

Here is the morning Service with the overly awkward pauses deleted.


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Thank you.

We did learn that the monitor is costing him about $300 per month, and he has a credit card.    The "Don't buy on credit" teaching seems to have disappeared from his life ( with the don't watch television, etc.).  He was calling for Teresa to come back this week, if the message played this week was from her it makes a weird picture of her and her new partner if they take time to tune in to the Prophet for whatever she or they can get from hearing him.   There has been no mention of the coronavirus, the swine flu and chicken ones that were repeat material the last month oddly never seemed to suggest there was a current problem.

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Thanks for the updates here.

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No way you'll get a synopsis from me this week, it's a 2:45 ramble.  He is waiting for the New Zealand woman to receive the $10,000 from home, his wayward daughter (?) was stopped by the police near Atlanta and they phoned Naomi to deal with her.  There's been an arrival, an emotional man from Mississippi.  Something about the wrong address given for his monitor that had to be corrected, he has a monitor on a truck so it can be tracked.  Maybe being on the west coast has made us aware of the Corona virus, Trump to Stair seems more deadly than it.

It seems to have taken one or two weeks for him to have been made aware of the wrong phone number in recent broadcasts (----5050 instead of 5053) bad eyesight, poor memory or what, no one there listened enough to notice.

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Posted by: @malahat

it's a 2:45 ramble

Sabbath Service Feb 8, 2020

For those desiring to endure this week's ramble, here is the morning Service without the pauses deleted due to their inability to understand how to use the compressor to keep the volume normalized.


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Erectile Dysfunction Drugs can Lead to Prolonged Retinal Dysfuntion, A New Case Study Published Last In Frontiers in Neurolgy. That Is his problem with His Vision, after years of Him Taking Penis Pills !!!

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It was indeed endurance to make it through that ramble without the compressor on as you mentioned. I captured a few things as well. Feel free to use them out there on the internets.


"I'm under eight charges. Each one, if I'm found guilty of any one of them, 20 years in prison." - Brother Stair February 8, 2020


"I've never raped a woman. I've never molested a child. I told you what I done. I never went with a woman against her will, never."|"I committed adultery and that's consensual." -BROTHER STAIR February 8, 2020


"Craig Mack Was Worth MILLIONS!" - Brother Stair Feb 8, 2020


"I Spent Close to 50 Million Dollars" -Brother Stair Feb 8, 2020

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Sabbath Service Feb 15, 2020

No cupid today.  Only the speaking lies in hypocrisy from a man with a long seared conscience (1Tim 4:2).  Who can never apply his words of condemnation to the certain man that is guilty - himself.  Proud and Arrogant are his people - not him.  Epic narcissism at work in today's service - again.  Same as it ever was.

While he wants to get his ex-wife Teresa back to the Farm (for his trial, so that he does not look so wicked in having lost all his family and his wife leaving him because of his sexual perversion), he is also blasting her for being demon-possessed and defining the terms of her return.  Just like he does for the RiverWe all need to repent of not accepting Brother Stair's lack of repentance.  The airing of Teresa's phone call, the reading of her email... It's all a part of his witchcraft to get her back into his arms of abuse.

For those desiring to endure this week's browbeating, here is the morning Service.  Though they still don't understand how to use the compressor to keep the volume normalized, we have removed 34 minutes but it may have pulled out some of his quite words.  Probably not.  Nothing that matters anyway.


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It was another ramble, each sentence like cards shuffled together with occasional similarities between some consecutive ones.  His daughters seem to have been a problem too, or was it Mrs. Burgess? Some question about putting someone(s) into committee and Stair not wanting to be part of that because of the cost.  One of the daughters may have married a drug dealer, it comes up in the last hour.

The possibility of the Corona Virus being the instrument that will wipe our the 5 billion people from the world for the New World Order hasn't yet occurred to him, trying to integrate that with Armageddon and surviving the Tribulation must be a problem (7years to bury the Armageddon dead and 3 1/2 for the Tribulation).  I rather like the idea of a pan-Tribulation Rapture - whatever happens it will all pan out. 

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Sunday evening: No Prayer Service, repeat of Donald Trump at the Prayer Breakfast instead.
WWRB seems to have lost buyers, Charles Stanley announces he has received no response to his weekend broadcasts there and will go off air at the end of January. The station may be hoping a repeat after that date will get some response and a contract renewal.  Tullahoma, the Tennessee(?) woman, the I AM and the Iowa/Oregon groups haven't been heard this month.
The state of AM religious station broadcasting may be felt in this "...we partner together to present a clear, concise Gospel message. 17 of those radio ministries have been broadcasting on KARI for 25 years or longer" so those broadcasters are now a quarter-century older and their listeners have died off.  Weekend evening programming on that station is now ethnic and weekday schedules show a lot of gaps and probable comp time.

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WWRB update:  Tullahoma and the I AM broadcasts are back today,  Monday.  There was no interruption to the Overcomer broadcasts.

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Sabbath Service Feb 22, 2020

Upset today because no one will quarrel with him [Throw out the mocker, and you will be rid of tension, fighting and quarrels. (Pr 22:10 TLB)].  He remembers when they went to the Moon, which makes it true.  Steve's phone call helps to provide some filler.  Even Bro Stair says he [Stair] berates and hollers at his people. 

Bro Stair is so concerned that people keep him in the great high place that they once heald him in when they were first deceived.  Alas, he has always been the only message that he preaches.  Oh, he throws in Jesus and God on occasion but it's only to lift himself higher - as Lucifer did (Isa 14:13).  It's always the prophet, the prophet, the profit.  Me, me, me.  This is why he's always taken on greater titles because he couldn't get enough respect from the previous one.  So he turns up the volume.  Yells louder.  Makes himself out to be some greater one (Acts 8:9).  Simon's sorcery was the simple act of self-exaltation - making himself out to be something he wasn't.  Just as Lucifer did (Isa 14:13).

Brother Stair is always concerned about the impression that he makes on people and is upset when they are not impressed and don't stand in awe of him and his stories.  And then if/when they do get impressed he rebukes them for it.  You can't win.  This is also why he doesn't allow testimonies anymore - he doesn't want to be showed-up.  He doesn't want to admit (of have you realize) that God works in anyone other than the Prophet.

He brags about how the world and his radio stations treat him so good and bend over backward for him.  They are doing it all because of his money.  Yet the people of God with God's spirit are the ones he has issues with - not the world.  The spirit within God's people does not agree (witness) with what Bro Stair is saying and doing.  This anger you hear coming from him is ultimately not at God's people (as he makes it sound) but it is his anger at God for the unacceptance of his wicked ways.

While Jesus told us to be witnesses to Him (Acts 1:8) Brother Stair teaches that we are to be his [the prophets] witnesses.  This is antichrist.

For those desiring to endure this week's blasting, here is the morning Service.  Not only do they still not know how to use the compressor to keep the volume normalized but they don't know which mic is Brother Stairs' either. 

It opens with him unmic'ed and asking them if they're having fun, again.  We all know that the only one having any fun there is Bro RG Stair - when you let him have his way with you.

Deleted only 17 minutes of manipulating pauses, due to the noisy background [refer to the above-noted incompetance].

Click to listen to: 2020.02.22.SabbathService

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The last couple of minutes were all I heard. They are a gem, a plea for someone to show the congo that there are more than the usual few listeners to call him and getting no response.

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I am never able to listen. Thanks for the updates here and for synopsis.

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