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2020 July

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Leave your July 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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The 4th of July should be an occasion for some celebration in Christian communities, so we'll take a look here:

Richard (or was it Robert?), who won’t tell Stair how much money he has, is staying at the Carolina Inn.  He had wanted to buy a house from Stair (topic recurs for the next forty+ minutes).  Someone wanted him to give them a ride this morning.  Stuart is “recuperating” and was not at the morning M&G.  Stair said something in the Dining Hall (an everyday occurrence) and the congo can’t identify what.   The office phone number got caught by someone when they were called back.   He gives houses to people who move there after they have given him their money, they think they have bought them with that money (like the River People thieves).

The death of Simon (one of the members, not a Biblical one) went somewhere with Ebenezer and $84,000.   Simon got a fatal infection from someone’s wife.  The caller (back to the start ) could have paid for a taxi if he didn’t want to make the short walk up to the farm. Somebody just gave $7,500, his wife wrote the cheque.

Call-ins are invited at 1:07, a flat-earther replies and a couple of prank calls.  Steve (?) tries to get the last word. People at the morning M&G did not go looking for those missing (some of whom may have actually been out doing that).

Just another day on the farm.  Thanks for the editing, it was long enough.

Old stuff through the past week included material from the “invitation” to see the Pope in Philadelphia.  

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@malahat  Ralph stair is a Thief and a Robber, he has robbed young Girls of their Purity and Virginity. He is also The Very Profound Liar of this Age.

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Posted by: @malahat

He gives houses to people who move there after they have given him their money, they think they have bought them with that money (like the River People thieves).

The River People thieves land was never and has never been in RG's possession NOR was it ever TO be.  It was bought by a brother who lived there with money from his father who told him that it was to never get into Brother Stair's hands.  The River has always been earmarked AWAY FROM RG's groping hands. 

The only thievery here has always been Brother Stair's desire to get his filthy hands on it for his own.  Thus he magnifies his slander of God's people by calling them liars and thieves (Pr 10:18;  Lk 6:45;  Ex 23:1;  Col 3:8;  Pr 6:19;  Rom 1:30;  Pr 25:23;  1Cor 6:10;  Ps 64:3;  1Pt 4:4;  Eph 4:31;  Pr 11:1;  1Pt 3:16;  Mt 12:36;  Ps 101:5)

The River Community left Bro Stair because he refused to stop groping the sisters (from the River).  And in mercy they gave Stair space to repent.  To which Bro Stair turned around and demanded their repentance, that they would bow down and accept his groping and sexual advances (and more) on the River sisters.  As if this was not enough, Stair added that they stole the land from him and are lying on him.  He even accused them of creating the website when they left [which was some 10 years after was active.  Great discernment there RG.]

Much more can be said about this topic.  And just may...

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Thanks for the background information.  I just report what I hear from him so that clarification by people closer to the situation can be made.   This morning's broadcast came on air with a greater hullabaloo than usual and a remark about an unsatisfactory response early in his message (did you abhor yourself yet today?) as if response to the feast has been weak and he's trying to get local enthusiasm up to get the interest of visitors.  The covid-19 infection rate in SC seems to be among the nation's highest. It was depressing to hear that the Feast goes to the twenty-eighth, not just the twentieth that I thought I had heard earlier.  I fell asleep after fifteen minutes this morning.

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RG or Ralph Stair is a Pathological LIAR and Profound Sodomite Pervert. He gave the sisters at the River their own Private email service with him and a private internet connection straight to hm Just before They Backed away and Departed from this Wicked Person, as the Apostle Paul had instructed the Saints to do: 1 Cor 5:11 But now I have written unto You NOT To KEEP Company, If ANY Man That is Called "brother stair" be a FORNICATOR, which ralph stair Is, With such an One , NO Not To EAT. Therefore PUT Away from AMONG YOURSELVES That WICKED PERSON as The Saints at The River have Done. Glory to God. Thank God "The Email Scam" by ralph stair was Alerted to the Virgin Daughters Father, And Was put to A Stop.

Ralph Stair is The Lying/Sodomite Prophet as was Preached on the TruthBlaster Youtube Channel along with many other Truth Revealing Things about the Work's of Darkness bro stair has gone on into Perfection With

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Stair makes it to Sports Illustrated -

(maybe more appropriate on another page, admin. please feel free to move it)

This post was modified 5 years ago by malahat

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SABBATH July 18 - caught the last hour, it included a digression into rehabilitating a coffee-maker out of two old ones instead of buying a new one for $15.00, and much yelling at the congo to remember what he told them three years ago when they remembered the wrong thing.  He went on twenty minutes after some stations signed off and then invited the now vanished listeners to call him.

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Stair interrupts the evening prayer service twenty minutes in to announce that Stuart has been thrown off the farm and s sheriff's order wil keep him out. Stuart may have made an assault complaint but the sheriff seems to have sided with Stair. Stuart can remain in his trailer until the papers arrive, it has no hot water and Stuart had to get some by boiling water on a fire outside.
A sister's mother is not well and needs to be cared for (no names).
He was a devil and needed casting out (Stuart?)
There is a "wood barn" where the men can do woodwork if it meets Stair's plans, also several welding shops. They have all been set in a order that God wanted. He put Sister --- to bed tonight because it was cold. He (unspecified, might be Stuart) had a nice truck but they don't want it. Stand for prayer - more about the assault - dismissed without prayer.
noted through the week the Tabernacle is available for weekend campers for the Feast, confusing the garbled announcement about whether it ends on the twentieth or twenty-eighth. He'll need his migrant worshippers/farmhands for the longer time to cover the loss of resident workers.

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Here we go again 5:45 pm ET   "Our phone number is still the same --- 538-6689" (if I caught it right).   It came right after a "there were do dinosaurs" declaration to affirm the prophet's unchallengeable veracity :mrgreen: 

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Posted by: @malahat

Here we go again 5:45 pm ET   "Our phone number is still the same --- 538-6689" (if I caught it right).   It came right after a "there were no dinosaurs" declaration to affirm the prophet's unchallengeable veracity :mrgreen::mrgreen: 

He's airing many older broadcasts and Sister Teresa's singing as he does to deceive the listeners into thinking that his past teachings on holiness are the current norm - which they are not as he has repented from any need for holiness or sanctification (2Cor 7:10;  Heb 12:14).  The only sin that is unpardonable is the sin of not believing the Prophet.  Also, he wants them to think that Sister Teresa is still around and not that she has divorced him over his adultery or that he's shacking up with other men's wives. 

He knows just what he's doing.  And on the other hand, he's so confused that he doesn't know what he's doing or airing.  But that's okay because he's told us that Everything is Current!   Trust him, he said he's not the Devil.

If listeners would just realize that the only time you are hearing the REAL Brother RG Stair is when he is live in his ServicesWhich you can only re-hear on under the Services and Listen tabs.  These smooth sounding broadcast are to tickle the ears of his Radio listening financial supporters and turn them towards the Prophet and his fables (2Tim 4:3-4). 

We should ask ourselves why Brother Stair doesn't reair his Services?  Are they not current?  Is there no content in them?  Does he not want financial supporters to hear the way he talks to God's people?  Why doesn't Brother Stair have time (being under house arrest) to go on live and give us ANYTHING current?  What's he doing that's more important than the body of Christ?  Whose body is he focusing on???

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