Feast of Trumpets Service 2022 – Start – Sept 25

Feast of Trumpets Service 2022 - Start - Sept 25

Last Updated on Sat May 25, 2024 @ 2:20 pm

Many of you have been looking for the Fall Feasts Services so here is the beginning of the Overcomer Ministry Fall Feasts beginning with the Feast of Trumpets on Sunday, September 25th at 6 PM.

Last year these services were played with by the new regime at the Overcomer but they didn’t expect Brother Stair’s words to come to pass with Jesus coming in September 2021.  Likely because they were forced to realize that Brother Stair didn’t die in Jerusalem at the hands of the Pope by being beheaded.  So why expect any of his other words about Jesus’ return to take place?

Thus, when they started with the Rosh Hashanah 2021 Service (which they are now calling Trumpets) Pastor Rice stated that it was a trap for them to expect Stair’s words to manifest.  This poured cold water on the rest of the services so that when Jesus was to return on The Last Great Day Service – Sept 28, 2021, they had no one excited about expecting Christ’s return.  This saved them from the criticism they realized that they would receive for expecting His return when they realized that Brother Stair’s words had failed.  Well, they don’t want to say it that way.  They just wanted (and still do) to continue to deceive their financial supporters and farm workers, so that they can continue in their nice lifestyles.

Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint  (Proverbs 25:19).

The Test

This year is a test for everyone to remember last year when Pastor James Rice departed from holding to Brother Stair’s words to come to pass and say that it was a trap for anyone to expect them to manifest.  This is important now because in this service Pastor Rice raved about how he is not trying to move anybody away from Brother Stair’s influence.  So the sleight of hand is not from his influence but indeed he is turning people away from his words.

How many times lately have we heard him say “I’m standing with you prophet”?  Now he’s claiming (lying) that he’s not turned anyone away from Brother Stair’s influence.  But he clearly is when he’s telling them Brother Stair’s words are a trap and then turning away from Brother Stair’s words manifesting.  He’s playing the influence card as something spiritual like he did with Brother Stair’s words – that we aren’t to take as factual but only the spiritual meaning of them.  This would be heresy to Brother Stair and should be heresy to any follower of Brother Stair.

Disorderly Leadership

There is disorder in the camp is the mantra of Pastor James Rice ever since he took rule of the Overcomer Farm.  Because he has put himself in the leadership position and taken charge of the Services he can make this look like it’s everyone that opposes him – just as Brother Stair did.  The problem here is that this disorder in the camp is coming from James Rice.

When the wicked rise, men hide themselves (Pr 28:28)

So in cult leader fashion, he instructs those under his influence in the Tabernacle and listening to the broadcast to not talk to the people that are not here, don’t talk to themDon’t let them talk to you!  There’s your disorder and discord.  This is an abomination unto God to sow this discord amongst brethren (Pr 6:16-19).

James Rice wants them to keep ignoring the law that others are trying to tell you about.  Thus praising the wickedness of Pastor Rice.  They that forsake the law praise the wicked (Pr 28:4).  He doesn’t want those under his influence to realize that those others who are contending with him are they that keep the lawBut such as keep the law contend with them (Pr 28:4, 29:27).

Prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church (3John 1:10).

Demonic Leadership

This has been what James Rice has done since he arrived at the Overcomer and it is likely what the others are fighting against.  But Pastor Rice wants those he influences to be blinded to the truth and to resist those who would dissuade you from him.  This is not how the truth works.  What hurts the truth?  Censorship!  Not being heard is what hurts and stops that truth.  This is the spirit of the age today – censorship.  Pastor James Rice is operating in it.  Beware!  He’s done it with Brother Stair’s words – Let’s not fall into the trap, he’s doing it with God’s word, and he’s doing it with the brother on the Farm whom he’s now censored (he calls instructed) his followers from hearing.  It’s not as much him as it is the demons that are controlling him but that’s not something that you want anything to do with.  That’s why you flee such as these (1 Timothy 6:11-13).  Beware!

Related:  Sabbath Service – November 21, 2020 – Bro Stair

Demons?  Now you’re going a little too far, aren’t you?  Let’s take a simple verse of scripture that you are all surely aware of, even if you pervert it to be about others and not about yourself.  James 3:18, For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.  Who is the worker of evil works?  God?  No, it’s the Devil, his angels, and his demons (John 10:10).  It is well established that confusion is reigning at the Overcomer.  Pastor Rice is constantly showing us (as did Brother Stair) the strife, discord, and envy that is going on there.  These are the manifest fruits of the evil one (Matt 7:20).  The works of the Devil (1Jn 3:8).  Brother Stair even bragged that he sat in Satan’s Seat as he justified being on the Internet (Rev 2:13).

Nobody Over Me

This double-tongue, double-minded man doesn’t even realize that when he says there’s nobody over me referring to others whom he cannot control, that he is talking about himself.  He is the man! (2 Samuel 12:7-12)  He is the man who isn’t listening to those who oppose him and his adulterous ways and teachings.  Manifesting physically also – like in his unlawful marriage to Rose Larivee – having his brother’s wife (Mark 6:18;  1Cor 5:1).  Which scripture says – it that means anything to you (because it doesn’t to them) – is not lawful (Mark 6:18).  It is also another manifestation of his rejecting Brother Stair’s words that his wife will return to him.

But this had to have been because James Rice stepped into the mantel of Brother Stair.  Therefore he took that mantel (Rose Larivee) just like Brother Stair did.  This is the manifestation of the Jezebel mantel that teaches God’s people to commit sexual immorality and that it’s okay to do so, and that this sacrifice is unto the idol Brother Stair (Rev 2:20;  Pr 30:20).  Of this Pastor Rice is clearly puffed up about (1Cor 5:2).  Indeed, the Overcomer Ministry fulfills scripture.

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying (Jude 1:4)

The Report

It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you… namely, that someone has his father’s [Brother Stair’s] wife [concubine]You have become arrogant and have not mourned instead, so that the one who had done this deed [James Rice & Rose Laivee] would be removed from your midst (1Cor 5:1-2 NASB).  Imagine that, scripture tells us that it is James Rice and Rose that should be removed from your midst.  Yet because he’s in control there and she’s the inheritor of the ministry, they rule the roost and are upset that others are resisting and opposing their wickedness.  Sounds just like Brother Stair, doesn’t it?

Related:  Passover 2021 – Sabbath Service – March 27, 2021 – Bro Stair

This is more showing of the spirit of James Rice who says there is nobody over me here at the Overcomer.  Get in line with me or get ghosted.  Stay away from them.  This is good advice.  Don’t let them talk to you.  The things they say I speak are not right.  You got the spirit, you let the spirit bear witness.  This is the same witness rhetoric that Brother Stair taught.  It teaches you: forget scripture, just go with what feels right.  It’s damnable and will damn you.  Influence is a vital element!  God commanded you to Test these spirits!


What he is instructing you to do is to flee before no one pursues you.  Instructing you to flee from the boldness of the righteous that are trying to help you see the light.  Fulfilling the scripture, The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion (Pr 28:1).  James Rice is instructing you on how to make your prayers an abomination; he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination (Pr 28:9).  So don’t listen, and fall into the pit (Pr 28:10).

Rice is instructing you that the church should not operate according to the scriptures by disciplining unruly leaders (elders) but rather be operated by his instruction.  His instruction is censorship of the truth.  Realize, that in Revelation chapters 2 & 3 Jesus instructed us to repent of the teachings and wickedness of the leaders of the corrupt churches.  It was those leaders whose instructions were corrupting and misleading the church and bringing upon the whole church the judgment and removal of that church because of the sins of the leadership.  Why does nobody apply this today?

What Pastor Rice is describing, more and more, is the disapproval and judgment of those who are shaming him (2Thes 3:14;  Pr 3:35) by leaving when he starts to preach or comes into the Dining Hall.  To counter this, in Brother Stair fashion, Rice seeks to shame those doing this.  What he’s describing happening to him sounds like they are practicing what is told in Matthew 18:15-18 and 2 Thessalonians 3:14 – if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.  Note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

It’s evident from Pastor Rice’s lack of talking to them that he cannot stand against the wisdom of their words and the word of God (1Cor 2:5) and this is why he censors them and cuts them off.  Indeed, they went out from [you] because they are not of [you] (those under the spirit of error) (1Jn 2:19).  This misunderstanding of Pastor Rice’s is understandable, evil men understand not judgment (Pr 28:5).

Another verse he doesn’t understand or heed is Acts 27:31, Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved.  Like his mentor Brother Stair, he chooses the easy path of casting them out (3Jn 1:10).  This is not the act of a pastor.  This is the work of the Devil demanding that all bow down to his rule or be excommunicated (Jn 10:10;  Rev 13:15;  Dan 3:19-20).  Prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church (3 John 1:10).

Brother Stair would not want to see us scattered

LOL!!!  Brother Stair did nothing but scatter.  And to top that off he didn’t lift a finger to bring back the 99% that he scattered.  That is manifestly evident.  God open their blind eyes!

Disorderly Prophet

Today’s Feast of Trumpets (which is actually Rosh Hashanah but they don’t realize it) is from an archive of Brother Stair in a Trumpets Service where he’s not making any way for them to come here.  Most likely he’s talking about the River Community that he excommunicated because they stood against his groping the sisters there.  He hoped his pressuring them into denying Christ and accepting the words of the prophet to repent of their withholding from him his sexual agenda would get them back.  It didn’t.  Then he went on the justification path and condemned them for things they did not do.  Persecuting them falsely– thus opening up God’s blessings upon them (Matt 5:11).

Related:  Sabbath Service - November 3, 2018 - Bro Stair

Disorderly Pastor

Perhaps this service was chosen for the discord that Brother Stair is fomenting against the River because of its parallels to Pastor Rice sowing discord today with those on the Farm who are against the wickedness that he is manifesting over the Farm.  But since they didn’t know James Rice was going to kick it into discord gear today it’s likely not the case.  So you can put God in it and see how He is showing us the mantel of the spirit of discord and disunity has also passed to Pastor Rice.

This is now a ministry that doesn’t believe Brother Stair.  It is a ministry of lies that lies on the lies of its founder.  To use the word that Pastor Rice harped on today, they are living off the influence of Brother Stair.  Brother Stair said that not only would his ministry not continue after his death but not even Christianity would survive after his death.  Thus Christ is dead.  Now that’s some epic narcissism there.

The longer the Overcomer Ministry continues, the longer it proclaims by its continuance that Christ is dead.  Stop supporting this evil.

There ain’t no way Christianity is going to endure on this earth after my death.
I’m the one reminder to all of you that Christ is alive and He’s coming again.

(Brother Stair)

[Brother Stair declares that without his reminder,
and after his death, Christ is dead to us.

Christianity has ceased and Christ is dead since Brother Stair’s death.
Therefore we no longer remember that Christ is coming again.

How do you recon Pastor Rice reasons that is influencing them?]

A further examination of the fruit of Brother Stair (the item [or witness] that Jesus told us to examine prophets by) shows more clearly that he is false and not of God (Matt 7:15-20;  Jn 8:47;  1Jn 4:6;  1Cor 2:14).  Thus, we should not have had to go to these lengths to enlighten you about the errors of Brother Stair and his false teachings.  A simple examination of the scriptures would have shown us this, along with obeying God in testing the spirits of the prophets.

Brother Stair made it crystal clear himself when he told us his untimely unnatural death would mean that I’ve been a liar and I’ve been deceived and that we believed a lie, and that he and those who follow him are going to go to HellOr do you not believe the Prophet’s words?  You’re in a paradox if you do, aren’t you?  In answer to that, we quote Brother Stair, “Absolutely!”


A false witness will perish, and whoever listens to him will be destroyed forever (Proverbs 21:28  NIV78).

As far as Pastor Rice’s influence in this – If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked (Proverbs 29:12).  This is why we are seeing the increasing wickedness of James Rice.  Expect to see more as he follows in the footsteps of Brother Stair and likewise waxes worse and worse.

Pastor Rice to the Rescue

With Pastor James Rice turning from the Propht and making his words out to be a deadly trap at least that’s better isn’t it?  It would be if he were actually doing that but he’s living in massive confusion and walking in massive sin.  Thus he is under the strong delusion that Brother Stair was under and is deceiving the former followers of Brother Stair into following him.  Trying to hold forth Brother Stair because he’s the voice that brings in the money and the followers to work his Farm.  But Pastor Rice has turned the manifestation of Brother Stair’s words into a trap to believe in.

How can he have the two?  He cannot, but the real question is how he can deceive the followers of Brother Stair into buying any of this when Brother Stair has made it concrete to his followers that his words cannot be altered and must come to pass – or he’s been a liar.

That’s deadly!


Read your Bible!

Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.
(Johan 2:8  NIV84)

1 thought on “Feast of Trumpets Service 2022 – Start – Sept 25

  1. Thank you for your continued steadfastnest in revealing the truth of the evil confounding those under it’s deception and delusion. May God bless you.

    Link Thomas

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