Heralding Brother Stair: the unreplaceable Last Day Prophet of God, the Voice of God.
He who stands in Christ's stead as the Son of Man today - taking Jesus' place.
The Prophet who is the promised Comforter, and greater than Jesus Christ.

DOW Never Above 10,000

DOW above 40,000

In 2003 Brother Stair prophecied that the DOW will never go above 10,000 and that when it does the whole economic system will fall.  Just a few months later the DOW did go above 10,000 for the first time, and Brother Stair’s response was to ignore that he had prophesied it.

Then again in Oct 2008, Brother Stair said, Thus saith the Lord, The Stock Market will never go above 10,000 again.  [Rinse and repeat the response to the above]

We should not overlook the fact that the Prophet lost tens of thousands of ministry dollars in the Stock Market – not knowing where to invest it or what it would do.  So how does he then know what the whole market is going to do?  Or is he just upset with his loss and takes that out by putting out a curse on the Stock Market?  Either way, the DOW has managed to mock his predictions every time. 


“The DOW will never go above 10,000”
(Bro Stair, 2003 & 2008)

In November 2022, it surpassed 36,000.  In February 2024 it surpassed 40,000.  Far beyond the prophets’ 10,000.
Another prophecy failed!