See You In September… again
The Feast of Trumpets Gathering
The magnification of the Sign
The Sign in September
Feast of Trumpets is at hand – more Signs
Don’t disobey the Prophet on this one!!!

Last Updated on Mon June 1, 2020 @ 12:20 am
OBEY The Sign !!!
Well, I missed it on the last one(s)
“The Sign in August” – The Eclipse was not the Great Sign I was proclaiming it to be
All the last Feasts have not panned out as I magnified they would
The DOW will never go above 10,000 (2003)
Planet X did not herald the Anti-Christ the following year (2004) as I proclaimed
Donald Trump will never win
World population will never reach 7 Billion before Jesus comes
Jesus is coming before the year 2000
I will have nothing to do with the Internet (1997)
The world would end “before the year 2000” (Philadelphia TV interview Apr 22, 1988)
President Ronald Reagan would not finish his term in office (Philadelphia TV interview Apr 22, 1988)
If I go to jail it’s because I sinned, I will not say that God put me in jail
I’m not going to plea-bargain out of the two rape charges, I’m going to trial (plead to assault to avoid prison)
Ministry Termination – Stated on air that I am though, this is the end of my ministry (Oct 2009)
The world banking system will collapse in February 2014 (Nov 2013)
Let’s try it again…
Feast of Trumpets is at hand
The Sign in September
Remember what Brother Stair said about the 2017 Eclipse:
“There so much mystery around very rare and time of this particle a total Eclipse this year just before the Feast of Tabernacles – Trumpets. Hear the word of word of the on this vital event.” [Brother Stair, Sep 2017 (bad grammar quoted as included)]
Don’t disobey the Prophet on this one…!!!…
September 21 – 23 be at the Overcomer Ministry Tabernacle in Canaan Land
One of these times I’m gonna be right
p style=”text-align: center;” mce_style=”text-align: center;”> If you wonder, ‘How shall we know whether the prophecy is from the Lord or not?’
This is the way to know:
If the thing he prophesies doesn’t happen, it is not the Lord who has given him the message;
He has made it up himself. You have nothing to fear from him.
-Deut 18:21-22 TLB