Son of Man


In Ezekiel, God refers to him as ‘son of man‘.

Is the title ‘son of man’ given by God to a certain man, a special messenger or a ‘man of the hour‘?

Rio de Janeiro Jesus

Last Updated on Tue August 30, 2022 @ 8:29 pm

The word ‘Adam’ means ‘man’.  Therefore son of man‘ is son of Adam which simply means a descendant or member of the human raceSon of man is not an exalted title in itself, especially with mankind in his fallen state.

Numbers 23:19  God [is] not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do [it]?  Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?  [Editor:  This verse is showing us a son of man is a liar and needs repentance]

Psalm 8:4  What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?  [Ed.:  It is an incredible gift when God visits a member of the human race]

Psalm 146:3  Put not your trust in princes, [nor] in the son of man, in whom [there is] no help.  [Ed.:  A son of man cannot be depended upon]

Isaiah 51:12  I, [even] I, [am] He that comforteth you: who [art] thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man [that] shall die, and of the son of man [which] shall be made [as] grass;  [Ed.:  A son of man is not all-powerful nor in the least does he differ from any other creation of God]

Throughout the book of Ezekiel, God refers to Ezekiel as son of man‘ [son of dust in TLB].  It was a constant reminder to Ezekiel that in spite of the revelations and visions and word of the Lord given to him, he was still yet another member of the human race.  He was of the same blood and spirit as his fellow men.

Related:  Greater Than Jesus

Jesus Christ refers to Himself as ‘son of man’ continually.  God in flesh was the son of man’, because of that flesh.  Jesus referring to Himself as such showed God’s condescension to those members of the human race whom He came to live among and redeem.


en-Title Me

Scripturally, a ‘son of man’ is not a grandiose title given by God to a certain man (Jude 1:4).  The term made a clear distinction between God and His creation, the sons of Adam‘Son of man’ is not a special messenger or the latest man of the hour.  Anyone boasting in such a title (son of man) is boasting in a thing of naught (Amos 6:13;  Isa 29:21, 41:12).

What about God’s prophets and messengersGod’s true servants will not boast of their stations either.  Their job is to direct the people’s attention to Jesus Christ.  Can you imagine the Western Union messenger boy sounding a trumpet before him as he goes to deliver a message? 

Then comes the message:  “I am the Western Union messenger boy.  All who do not hear the message that ‘I am the Western Union messenger boy’ shall no longer receive anything from Western Union!”  Such a messenger boy would be fired without a thought and easily replaced.  A messenger of God will deliver the Word of the Lord, whether they hear or forbear, and be on his way… and will not direct undue attention to himself.


Prophet Brother R.G. Stair – Son of Man?


[Disclaimer: This article is from an associate writer and may or may not reflect the opinions of RG  The editorial notes are also from the writer, Jobe Lee] 

See also Brother Stair’s claim as the Son of Man Today in which he dethrones Christ as the Son of Man today and places himself in Christ’s stead.  This is because Brother Stair teaches that he is Greater Than Jesus.

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