Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles 2020

The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot (Sukkah), which means “booths” in Hebrew, is from Friday, October 2nd to Friday evening October 9th, 2020. We’re in it now – did you know it?
Don’t expect a Gathering at the Overcomer Ministry for this as they are not acknowledging that all the Fall Feasts are not in September this year (2020). Brother Stair didn’t even finish his Gathering dates for the Feast of Trumpets, ignoring the most important Day of Atonement on Monday the 28th.
We might think that the Feast of Tabernacles would be on the list and focus of Brother Stair as it represents a picture of the Millennium reign when Jesus Christ and the saints rule the earth for 1,000 years. But apparently there didn’t seem like a feasible way to merchandise it – this year anyway.
It’s not like the Overcomer is not already living in booths (trailers), so it’s easy to fudge it and keep it without all the trouble of making a temporary dwelling. Something the Farm supposedly already lives in.
The Feast of Tabernacles is a festive time in the spirit of reconciliation and salvation, where we enter this season with joy. This is just not the acceptable spirit on the Overcomer Farm. It doesn’t fly with the spirit of dejection, slander, and abuse that is propagated upon the Overcomers.
This is also known as the Feast of Ingathering as it falls in Harvest Time. Another thing to gives us pause to wonder why Brother Stair – the gatherer with the sheaves of harvest – ignores such a time as this. If nothing else, it would have been a good time to get Farm helpers to help him make ready for winter.
Alas, one has to wonder if Brother Stair really cares, or believes, in the coming Kingdom or not? Just preaching it doesn’t mean you believe it.