The Coming Apoc-Eclipse
While scripture says that the “eclipse sign” marks the END of the Tribulation, Brother Stair is proclaiming that this may mark that we are entering INTO the Tribulation. Who’s right?
“Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken” [Mt 24:29]
Brother Stair states, “Are we in the time -tribulation – 3 1/2 years 1235 Days. The last time just before the 45 days that will shorten the days so that the remnant will be saved alive to keep the word of God to be true.” [Brother Stair, Aug 2017]
Speculation is not Revelation.

Last Updated on Wed April 10, 2024 @ 8:11 am
Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? (Acts 1:11)
A Prophet Should Know
Brother Stair states (or asks) in his emails, “Are we IN the time –tribulation – 3 1/2 years, 1235 Days? The last time just before the 45 days that will shorten the days so that the remnant will be saved alive to keep the word of God to be true?” (Brother Stair, Aug 2017)
Which was that now? 1235 Days or 45 days? Or both? Most likely neither. And did he just ask us, “Are we in the time…”? If the Prophet doesn’t know and is asking us, why would we be looking to him for the answer? Which, from his statement sounds more like conjecture than conviction.
By the way, the word of God will always be true. For him to say, “…to keep the word of God to be true.”, means, “to keep my interpretation true”.
What Does the Scripture Say?
While scripture says that the “eclipse sign” (as Brother Stair is calling it) marks the END of the Tribulation, Brother Stair is proclaiming that this may mark that we are entering INTO the Tribulation. Who’s right? A list of scriptures out of context does not make one scriptural.
“Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken” (Matthew 24:29)
Who’s Right?
I hope this is not used for sensationalism… Yet Brother Stair continues in mystery and mysteriously making this event possibly something – he doesn’t know (but will surely say he said it if something does come of it).
“There so much mystery around very rare and time of this particle a total Eclipse this year just before the Feast of Tabernacles – Trumpets. Hear the word of word of the on this vital event.” (Brother Stair, Sep 2017)
Speculation is not Revelation. Likewise, Hindsight is not Revelation. Desperation perhaps. You do realize that Brother Stair’s definition of revelation is that it comes after the matter – that again is hindsight, not revelation. Here we have a prophet that gets his revelations ‘after the matter’ with his application of what he can interpret out of what already happened and make it into something that he can use to put him in a good light. That’s simply an opinion – everyone has that.
See also: Observing Times & Seasons
Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? (Acts 1:11)
Be not ye therefore partakers with them (Eph 5:7)