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2020 April

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Leave your April 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

With the Passover push still on (since 2019) we're finally at the month to see what transpires and unravels.  With the COVID-19 Coronavirus unforeseen by the great prophet of god now interfering with his Gathering.

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Sabbath Service 2020.04.04

Brother Stair doing that which is right in his own eyes.

Opens, as usual, magnifying and bringing glory to himself and casting shade on God's people.  Upset that they pick on him - while all we ever hear is him picking on them.


No time cut so that you can notice his breathing.  Is it from age and tiredness or in anger?

Sabbath Service 2020.04.04 – Bro Stair

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Passover 2020, the 15th of Nissan?

If you're expecting a Service tonight (Wednesday, the start of the Passover) don't expect it from the Prophet of Time because he's GOT to get it wrong.  I guess he likes to do things halfway through?

What this again shows us is how RG does things by convenience rather than by what God says.

RG is having his Service Good Friday evening.  With the SC Governor having issued a stay at home order how does he get away with inviting people to 'come and join'?

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There was a Service April 8, it included a Communion Service (that part not broadcast) I guess to use up some of the "wine" that will not be needed on the Sabbath due to the low attendance.  The "migrant workers" from Henryietta did arrive, Madam Burgess also present.

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Posted by: @malahat

due to the low attendance

The low attendance is also due to his announcing the Service to be held on Friday the 10th.  Did not noticed him announcing a Wednesday service.  Perhaps he read our articles and decided he'd better repent quiclky.  Not likely.

He needs to add more items into his 'confusion' announcement - like everything he says.

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Backing up to Wednesday, Stair had grown tired of a young male after three months and ordered him out.  The kid may have been glad to have Stair overrule his parents if they had forced him to be there. 
Thursday evening was mainly a recount of miracles he thought he had seen or performed himself, changing wine to blood and water to wine somewhere, sometime. (never repeated).   The Friday morning prayer session was followed by a computer voice reading a story of the World Scientists creating CERN to open up a gate to Hell under Switzerland and France.  I thought we had been told that there was one already at the North Pole.

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Pre-Passover Service - Wednesday PM

It appears that the Overcomer Ministry had a service on Wednesday after all.  After all the announcements that it was to be on Friday.  Spirit of confusion here (1Cor 14:33).  Perhaps he saw our article and made the change...

Pre-Passover Service-Wednesday 2020.04.08 – Bro Stair

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Back when ... in his itinerant tent meeting days, he saved money by not having an advance man.  He would arrive, put up the posters, set up the tent and wait.  He's still does that.  There's no mention of this week's extra services on the website, (the "Daily Word" is two years old, so again he waits for someone to show up.
FRIDAY:  Sister Linda phoned, he found this important enough to mention three times.  Calls from NZ, Australia, New York and a couple more local.  Nothing from Steve.   A Br. Link (Lincoln?) is the latest rival prophet bugging him.Otherwise it reminded me of the rambles of some of the not-there seniors in my mother's care home (she was still lucid but disabled and well looked after).  Wine instead of grape juice, congo was cautioned it might produce diarrhoea.  In addition to the visitors from Oklahoma there are people from North Dakota, Connecticut and Virginia who weren't stopped at state border crossings.  (Maybe they will be quarantined there for a couple of week's work on the farm).

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Pre-Passover Service - Thursday PM

The Overcomer Ministry started having services for their Passover Gathering on Wednesday.  After all the announcements that their Passover Service was to be on Friday.  Spirit of confusion clearly there (1Cor 14:33).

Grace Community in attendance despite the COVID-19 stay at home warnings. 

This Service is one of 4 or 5 for the Passover 2020 Gathering.

Pre-Passover Service-Thursday 2020.04.09 – Bro Stair

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Passover Service - Friday PM

The Overcomer Ministry started having services for their Passover Gathering on Wednesday.  Taking Good Friday as the day to celebrate Passover and making a laughing mockery out of the communion service.

Brother Stair, the Prophet of Time, is not the one we want to be waiting to tell us what time it is.  If so we're going to be late.  Passover was on Wednesday.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread started on Thursday.  What's this Friday?  It's the Catholic Good Friday that's what it is.

This Service is one of 4 or 5 for the Passover 2020 Gathering.

Please pray for Pastor Rice, those from Grace Community, Sister Burgess, and all attending these Services that their eyes are opened and they witness for themselves the true deeds of Brother Stair and thereby know him by his fruits (Mt 7:20).

Passover Service-Friday 2020.04.10 – Bro Stair

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SAT. Morning - some bits from overnight:
A clarification: Br. Link had expressed an interest in attending the weekend, Stair arranged for another attendee to pick him up but Link decided against coming.
New history for me: He sent a Nigerian back to set up a satellite "Kingdom" (sic.) with eighty-five thousand dollars.  Both disappeared.  A junior who accompanied him had an affair there and came back with something else (fatal).  I hope he did not advance travel money to the Nigerian in Brooklyn.

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Posted by: @malahat

I hope he did not advance travel money to the Nigerian in Brooklyn.

He has tried many times.  He's had brothers working on getting money from these scammers, and RG tells us he doesn't care about money.  Right!  He bought into every one of those scams and still does.  Who knows how much Radio money he lost.  No discernment whatsoever. 

He still thinks the emails about the Pope coming to see him are real.  Twice he's been fooled by that scam.  Then there's the Yannis scam.  Everyone but RG could see through that one.

What time (eastern) was he saying this?

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I caught a second play of it at about 8am ET.  Lemon-ginger tea was acting like caffeine so I've just tuned in this morning.

"Why did you call?" to Link and Steve.  Answer: So that you could be finished and shut up.

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Posted by: @malahat

I caught a second play of it at about 8am ET

Thanks.  He just reaired it an hour after Service.

It's full of lies, as usual.  RG always told the story of Brother Wayne (who he racially dubbed Simon) filled with his own lies so that RG would look good.  Thankfully Enoch would not lie on the truth and agree with RG's lies about this.  This story keeps on changing and getting more prophet boasting as it goes.  Like many other happenings, he would story-ify into a spin of his own fancying.  As such we should realize that all his stories of his past are likewise made up or at least twisted to be what he want's them to be.  Just as Simon the sorcer did in Acts 8:9.

When you didn't stand in agreement with his lies, as Enoch did not, and you tell RG that it didn't happen that way, Brother Stair.  RG then tells you, 'that's the way I said it happened, so that's the way it happened.'   He has no desire for truth only for himself to be exalted.  Rick Bell under the same spirit would say the exact same thing.


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Sabbath Service - Milking It

Throughout these Passover Services RG is not the same railer that we are used to hearing.  Why?  Because he has Grace Community and Pastor Rice there to impress to move to the Farm so that RG has access to more fresh meat (strong meat) that Pastor Rice gets to partake of.

But to get his fix of anger he had his weekly bout with Steve or Link on the phone.  Brother Stair really shows that Steve (or Link) is smarter than he is in this.  But Brother Stair loves (lives to) quarrel, so he takes them on.  As we see here Brother Stair is only defining himself in denouncing men like Steve and Link with his statement, "He's not just sinful, he's wicked."

A few notes:
"I'm gonna torment you guys."  RG says to his congregation.
Jesus doesn't have a voice today.  The Holy Ghost is not God.
[Who then is this coming Jesus that Brother Stair is speaking of?  It's not the God of the Bible.]

About 25 minutes of silence removed for your listening endurance.

Sabbath Post-Passover Service 2020.04.11 – Bro Star

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