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2020 December

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Leave your December 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Last Day Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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I did miss today’s broadcast, if you have it, I’d love to listen.  Also, I was wondering is there any word on brother Stairs court case?    I can’t figure out why it’s taking so long.    Blessings 

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Ole Ralph Paid His Lawyers $250,000 to keep the case Delayed as long as possible. This is From Several Very Credible Witnesses and Ole ralph also told his DH Dummie Crowd that the $250,000 given to the laywers was not Returnable at all. The Lawyers Told Him/rg ~ None of the $250,000 was to be returned to him at all no matter how the case turned out. ralph is a False witness~ False Prophet ~ and the most Profound & Prolific Liar the Church World has Ever Witnessed !!! Truth blaster will soon in very Great Detail reveal how Rg stair has been a False prophet and Liar from the Beginning !!! By His Own Words He no Doubt has Condemned Himsef, His Cup is Almost Filled Full 

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Wow!    That’s very bad.    Yes, I appreciate how bro Stan brings out those truth blaster messages.    I check his YouTube page each day for messages, just like I do this website.     It is through these sources that many things are brought to light!    Blessings!


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He gets mad when I notice errors so I won't be the one to tell him he is getting no calls from listeners because it's an old broadcast and outdated telephone number (----6689)    heard at 1000 this morning.   But neither he nor anyone on the plantation listens anymore too.


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Sat. evening: Stair interrupts the evening M&G at 1915 for 10 minutes to pray for God's Wrath upon his adversaries, particularly noting the men in (some) Lane. He seems to have become aware of the catatonia-like state that his preaching induces among the congo. The last five minute of the time were the current appeal to listeners to call him, this was followed by a rerpeat of the message. Callers tuning in will be able to hear messages repeated (over and over again, like the current insert.).
A few years ago he took up the idea of a fast (for Hahukka ?), it's not being mentioned yet this year. I think the member who suggested it to him was shunned for several weeks.
I miss WWRB, WWCR disconnects after 6 to 23 minutes.

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I appreciate the efforts of this site to make sure people are informed.     I definitely appreciate the efforts of the Administrator for uploading the services and providing clarification or correction on things that were taught.    I know it’s a lot of work to do, but it is much appreciated.     I also appreciate the comments made, as they give me a greater insight and provide a bigger picture.     Blessings 

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Posted by: @malahat

Sat. evening: Stair interrupts the evening M&G at 1915 for 10 minutes to pray for God's Wrath upon his adversaries

Thanks for the update.  We posted the break-in of the Prophet's Wrath.

Prayer Time Sabbath Evening - Dec 12, 2020 - Bro Stair

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@admin-rgstair  Thanks, it's useful to have the first-hand witness of his words.  I'm impressed by the amount of captures you make, listening to him 24/7 would be an unbearable strain.  The evening service tonight concluded with two consecutive inserts, the first one with the old -6689 number and the second with the current one.

I wonder (not much) if he gets a Christmas card from Audrey, his real estate agent.

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Blessings.    I was wondering if you were going to post today’s broadcast.    I love reading the posts and corrections.     I’ve learned so much from them.    God bless your efforts.    

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It's not going to be easy describing today's broadcast, a listen to the first quarter hour will give you....
Timothy alone outside, Stair's 40-ish daughter said or did something yesterday, Linc isn't there, the congo seem stunned again, someone is going to get a head transplant, Linc phones in to call Stair a liar but Stair won't put him on air, more calls from Linc, the congo don't remember what he said when he was released from prison ten years ago, another reference to the head transplant (maybe a new body to go with the head), Sis. Burgess gets wound up and reacts, Timothy gets a hug , Stan won't come to face him. . .
and it's raining hard on the tin roof.
The congo were out in full force last night for the evening M&G, it was preceded by a repeat of the April excoriation of the River People and

She who went there for their Passover Service.

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