Leave your March 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.
Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.
With the Passover push still on (since 2019) we still have till next month to see what transpires and unravels.
If you have any thoughts or ideas on changes to the Form please let us know via email or post them in the Suggestions, Ideas, Improvements forum.
An interesting couple of old clips pulled out for today's broadcasts, the old one dating back to Teresa's walking out on him for a need for ten thousand dollars to meet the personal need of twenty-five thousand and the one of a few months ago when Mark found a scripture verse he was looking for. There was also one looking forward to a "glorious number" attending the Passover. The day must have been spent in assigning Mark and Charlie's duties to some of the remaining members..
The into was shortened but included as he switched over because the point the scripture reading makes is important here. He's got his replacement Teresa on the piano and the ever spastic screaming Sis Burgess (which we mostly cut) who RG has in rebellion to her husband, making up for the empty Tabernacle. This is also the same Sister whose daughter was raped by Brother Stair.
He's got his replacement Teresa on the piano and the ever spastic screaming Sis Burgess (which we mostly cut) who RG has in rebellion to her husband, making up for the empty Tabernacle. In the end, it was just switched over, perhaps unintentionally, for 1.5 minutes before we're blessed with 14 minutes of paid silence.
Sadly, his "damn folk just won't take this admonition." There was a part of one of his non-prophecying prophecies played where he was trying to justify himself as having prophecied something that has come to pass. This from a failed prophecy. RG thinks that he can say "this year", "before this month is out", and have years pass and still have that prophecy be true.
Brother Stair says his "house does not understand. You don't understnad what the will of God is." This is certian in that they follow Brother Stair, whose ways are clearly against the will and commands of God.
Add your comments so that Brother Stair can read what you think about his teachings.
We removed over 15 minutes for your listening endurance.
some questions unanswered today:
He had been working on adding another (unidentified) station from 1000 to 1200 today. He went over time by 14 minutes so they would not have heard the whole broadcast. Perhaps the contract starts the first Sunday in April? The work on getting a loud-sounding Halelujuah!" from the congo in the opening quarter-hour sounded like an attempt to make the broadcast sound like something major, as if there were new listeners..
The wailing singer of Love Lifted Me played often this week was revealed to be Naomi. The call to "leave your family and home" is backfiring on him as he suffers demands of daughters he has abandoned himself.
Were there two Marks? One was ejected last week, one today knew the farm cash balance was $40,000 and the Ministry's was $141,000 (relying on memory here).
There was another threat to abandon Alan Weiner's station if broadcasts Stair did not like weren't pulled off the air. Paul gave another $20,000, could give more, was compared to Ananias and Sophira for keeping money from "God's" work.
I did not hear any Biblical context when Stair called Caleb to sit with his father so I take that to refer to Caleb Larrabee who is now eighteen and can live on the farm with his parents.
Were there two Marks? One was ejected last week, one today knew the farm cash balance was $40,000 and the Ministry's was $141,000 (relying on memory here).
The Mark that was excommunicated last week was someone that RG didn't even know his name at first. Just someone that came with Steve (was it?).
The Mark that knows and deals with the money is Mark Connely (whose father you may know from preaching and who left when RG came out of jail). That Mark also runs the board in the Tabernacle and is probably still RG's main Tech now. Mark C had to move off the land because of RG's restrictions against minors as Mark has a young son [who still gets hugged by RG anyway].
RG failed to account for the $1 Million that he has set back for his lawyers to get him off.
Paul gave another $20,000, could give more, was compared to Ananias and Sophira for keeping money from "God's" work.
In the account of Ananias and Sapphira, Peter tells us that the money they had was theirs to do with as they liked. They were not required or damned because they didn't give everything. They were damned because they lied to the Holy Spirit not because they didn't give all. This RG will always fail to tell his supporters. In this RG is lying on the Holy Spirit.
Withholding the money was not their sin (nor was it required), lying about the money was the sin. Which is something else that RG does well - lying about the money. Like when he would shaft WWRC when he was paying them per diem and would not pay or tell them when he received large offerings through WWCR listeners. RG just figured up a price that he was going to give them no matter how much came in. Lying on the money.
wondering what stories mark and what's his name could tell since they have been thrown off the funny farm recently along with the two before them. who were they?
enters room attacks the "damn folk" right away as usual.
around @6:43 accuses them all of putting on a 'sham'.
@10min says he's not acting, he's not an actor and has not been acting all these years.
@10:50 talks about how stupid it is for mr pope to be kissing the foot on a statue of mary.
@11:55 talks about drinking blood
@13:00 boasts of his authority over these damn folk
@14:35 upset with the guy in FL again
@15:15 calls them hypocrites and shammers again
@17:28 "I had her all to myself if I'd wanted to for a second or two." talks about going the other direction when he seen one of the sisters earlier that morning.
can't make any more notes at the moment, but that's a little bit for now. If anyone is interested I have a few cliips located here i will update with new clips when possible.