Sabbath Service – Sept 25, 2021 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Overcomer Ministry YouTube Old Services Brother Stair
Sabbath Service – Sept 25, 2021 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

An old service from Brother Stair is aired to the seated spectators today.  Today’s service and Pastor Rice’s… whatever afterward, was so boring and lacked any content that they are not even worth perusing.  But if you feel you must punish yourself by them – here you go.  Please comment below with anything we missed that would be noteworthy.

We were void of Sister Burgess in today’s service.  While she’s heard in the old service she was vacant today live.  Perhaps she is holding to the Prophet, the Prophet, and has realized that the current regime has departed from the Prophet – no matter how much they still play him to keep up the donations.  Though since she’s not one for having perception this is not likely and she just couldn’t get a ride from Timothy.

Pastor Rice speaking afterward starting at 2:14


Submitted for your approval or at least your analysis: One Brother R.G. Stair, who at any age is the biggest bore on earth.  He holds a 50-year record for the most meaningless words spewed out during a church service.  And it’s very likely that, as of this moment, he would have gone through life in precisely this manner, a dull, argumentative bigmouth who sets back the art of conversation a thousand years.  I say he very likely would have, except for something that will soon happen to him, something that will considerably alter his existence and ours.  Now, you think about that now, because this is The Twilight Zone. 

~Opening line [for the most part] from The Twilight Zone: A Kind of a Stopwatch (1963)


Related:  Prayer Time Sabbath Evening - July 25, 2020 – Bro Stair

Meanwhile, on the Forum, a viewer notes:  I don’t see on the website any indication of a Welcoming Service on the Day of His Coming, haven’t heard any mention in a broadcast.  The time would be indefinite depending on the hour in Jerusalem so an all-day-and-night vigil would be appropriate.  Other worshippers might want to attend for fear of missing it by being in the wrong place.  I don’t remember if California was to break off and sink into the sea like a giant jigsaw puzzle piece before the Coming or during the Tribulation which I thought preceded it.

This is the house that Brother Stair built.  Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God (Job 18:21).  Those associated with him are in confusion about which version of Brother Stair to believe… or promote.  They are not informing anyone supporting the ministry of where they currently stand.  Phone messages from long-time listeners have given more details and are in more support of Brother Stair’s words than his own ministry is.  The propagation of confusion has gone out unto all the world.


2 thoughts on “Sabbath Service – Sept 25, 2021 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

  1. Well, I may find more but just started and…at 2:17/2:18 Rice informs us Jesus is the only Saviour. This is in contrast of what Stair taught when he said he was greater then Jesus Christ. They still sit and listen to Stair before Rice speaks so any prayers, any songs, any Scriptures, any words spoken by Rice are as a husband going home to his wife after an unfaithful liaison with a whore. That’s why there’s no salt and it’s banal. They are telling God they want to be saved through the false doctrine of Stair who was a vile and abhorrent man. That is a stench in God’s nostrils. This sacrifice is unacceptable.

  2. At 2:31 Rice asked if he has overstepped his bounds and a short time later mentions being rejected by some elders. He states he has nowhere else to go and at around the 3:00 hour mark give or take a few minutes Rice says he’s is waiting to see what happens. At the 3:11 mark Rice invokes the words of the Prophet in his closing prayer to God as though this man Stair wasn’t a spiritual bastard. A quick note: I didn’t hear Conchita Burgess although it took me awhile to register her absence.

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