Yom Kippur 2021

Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur 2021

Yom Kippur, the high holy day, the holiest day of the year, when we are to get closest to God.  We find it reserved at the Overcomer to focusing on the departed prophet and his message rather than the theme of the day which centers on atonement and repentance.

While atonement was close to Brother Stair’s constant desire for for-get-ness – which he termed forgiveness – he was unaware of the actual meaning of atonement and what it brings about.  This was due to his bypassing of repentance – which he liked to substitute the word confession for.  Confession is not repentance. 

We see this magnified in Brother Stair’s definition of forgiveness (given in this Service) – “Forgiveness means you aren’t being held accountable for it anymore.”  Then he focuses on the word purging to define it as “Purging is even greater than forgiveness.   Purging means – ‘Never did it.  Can’t find it.  Can’t see it anymore.’  That’s perfection.”  This is the way he perverted God’s view of sin.  Perfection is not ignorance.  How did he get to purging trumping forgiveness?  If you can’t be forgiven then there’s no need for purging.  So how can it be greater?

Confession was not even fully exercised by Brother Stair.  He would only tell as much as he must, and as little as he could get away with.  Thus he was never actually fulfilled confessing his sins.  But he could sure drudge yours up for all to see and hear about.  This way people would focus on others’ sins and be distracted from his.

Brother Stair loved to hold fast to his sins being gone – without his need of repentance.  Repentance is turning from those sins.  Brother Stair had no interest in doing that.  Brother Stair’s atonement meant that his sins were gone and that no one should bring them up.  Even though he would continue to walk in his sins.  His intent was that his sins are atoned for without his need of quitting them or even trying to.  No godly sorrow is necessary for his version of repentance – confession (2Cor 7:10;  Mt 3:8).

Related:  Sabbath Service – Aug 14, 2021 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

No, to Brother Stair atonement meant that he was free to continue in his sins without any guilt or stigma (Romans 6:1-2).  This is what every Service is about – his focus on how he felt his house knew about his sins and was not okay with his continuing therein, and how he should be free to continue therein (Rom 6:2).  He was trampling the blood of Jesus underfoot as an unholy thing that was not ABLE to cleanse him FROM sin that needed not to be committed again, and thus no need to be repented of again (Heb 10:26-29;  2Cor 7:10).

Now unto Him that is able
to do exceeding abundantly
above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that worketh in us

(Ephesians 3:20)

So perhaps we can at least keep to God’s intent of the day and afflict ourselves – not with these circular messages of confusion that focus us on the Prophet but – in repentance and realizing that it still requires atonement for our sins to be forgiven (Heb 9:22).  To focus on Jesus and realize that atonement not only cost Him everything but it also costs us something.  David said that he would not give to God what didn’t cost him or that cost him little (2Sam 24:24).

This is still a reality that Christians under the New Covenant need to recognize and meditate on – to understand that for Jesus to provide for us the ultimate atonement through His own blood (Rom 5:9;  Heb 9:12).  This was only purchased by the ultimate sacrifice at the expense of His own life.  Jesus’ purchase of our salvation comes to us through our repentance and acceptance of His sacrifice.  Thus we should understand that the sacrifice and atonement that God requires are still valid today.  He did not do away with it.  He just found a way to fulfill it – Himself.

He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many;
without sin
unto salvation.

For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation
(Heb 9:26, 28;  2Cor 7:10)

While in times past Brother Stair might have had Services in the evening when Yom Kippur begins.  We have now religated Service to a more convenient season of mid-day.  Still disregarding Friday evening Services more and more as we see the Day approaching (Heb 10:25).

Related:  Sabbath Service - August 3, 2019 - Bro Stair

The itinerary for this month’s Feast is listed in the Fall Feasts 2021 Announcement.

The next one is the Feast of Tabernacles which runs from the 21st – 28th of September (Tuesday – Tuesday).  Not sure how many Services are planned or for which days – as the End Time message is not coming from the Overcomer broadcast.  But we are in the month of September when some believe that Jesus is returning as Brother Stair said He would after his death. 

Meanwhile, his own ministry and Pastor Rice finally announced in the last Service of Rosh Hashanah that he is not sticking to what Brother Stair said but is just gonna go on living life as if all things continue as they were (2Pt 3:4).  If you were looking for Pastor Rice to drop some more bombs today you will be sorely disappointed.  Nothing but filler.  Pastor Rice starts at 1:51.


1 thought on “Yom Kippur 2021

  1. At 2:04 Rice states he’s not preaching /teaching a new doctrine. However, Stair who was/is currently revered and held in great esteem at that street address point blank said he was called to preach a different gospel. We were warned not to enter any other way or we were thieves and liars. It astounds me there are some who no longer had fellowship with Stair before his death because he drove them out but to this very day call Stair (Brother Stair) when he’s been clearly revealed to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing and go so far as to quote him in certain matters as though he had anything to impart.

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