Saved Wrong – Abide in the Ship

The Prophet cast out

The Prophet cast out

“You were saved wrong.”  Brother Stair teaches that salvation in Jesus is wrong salvation.  His teachings on salvation are:

Except you abide in the ship [Overcomer Farm] you cannot be saved.” (1998.11.19) [audio clip]

The ship he is referring to is his Community Farm.  Unless you come and remain with him you cannot be saved.  All those that leave him are lost.  (Acts 4:12)

“You either believe the prophet or you’re not gonna be saved.” (2020.11.07) [audio clip]

You stay in This Place or you won’t be Saved (2020.06.13) [audio clip]

If you don’t hear me, you won’t hear Jesus (2020.06.13) [audio clip]

‘Are you rejoicing to see the Messiah/prophet in your midst? You’re seeing God manifest Himself.’ (2009.02.06) [audio clip]

I am the Word of God made flesh and I dwell among you (2020.11.28) [audio clip]

You see from these examples how Brother Stair is replacing Jesus as the door/gate by which we enter into salvation (John 10:9).

Cursed is the man who puts his trust in mortal man and turns his heart away from God (Jer 17:5 TLB)
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12)