
Last Updated on Sun December 15, 2019 @ 11:41 am

Back around 1988, Brother Stair was under much investigation and stirring up controversy by many TV stations in Philadelphia, PA.

This was because of concerned family members of children who had heard Brother Stair on the radio and moved down to the Walterboro South Carolina Farm (in Canadys) and had separated themselves from their families – as Bro Stair teaches to do.

These are several news clips from that time, stacked together from TV stations in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Eyewitness News, KYW-TV Ch-3, Paul Moriarty…

This shows you why Brother Stair commands you to get the TV out of your house.  He had hoped to make a name for himself with his 1988 (from 1987) Prophecy by going on TV programs and interviews but it backfired on him and he was labeled a crackpot and a false prophet.  So, get the TV out of your house so that you don’t hear these reports or watch the TV evangelists that he opposes you sending his money to.

[These were converted from old .ram format (thus the bad frame-rate) that was from VHS (thus the bad quality)]

Bro Stair’s Church of Doom 1988 – Part 1


Bro Stair’s Church of Doom 1988 – Part 2


There are more videos on MicroCults YouTube channel.  Like when Brother R.G. Stair was on People Are Talking in 1988.  Please visit them and Subscribe.


Related:  Phone Messages #21

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