Reprobate Concerning The Faith


Who are these men whose faith is reprobate?
Those who have made Faith reprobate?

Those who have shipwrecked their Faith?
Who destroy the faith of others?

Their faith is reprobate – to them being reprobate IS Faith.

Reprobate Concerning the Faith

Last Updated on Sun August 7, 2022 @ 11:42 am

Who are these men whose faith is reprobate?

Men who have made Faith reprobate?  (2Tim 3:8)

Men who have shipwrecked their Faith?  (1Tim 1:19-20)

Men, who destroy the faith of others?  (2Tim 2:18)

Men, who resist the truth?  (2Tim 3:8)


These are identifiable certain men!  (Jude 1:4)

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Jude 1:4)

Faith, but What Faith

Their faith is reprobate – to them being reprobate IS faith (1Tim 6:5).  They have faith in their reprobateness that it will not affect their salvation as long as they believe that it won’t (Ps 94:7) – this is a dead faith (James 2:24).  Not just a faith without good works but a faith that relies on evil works to establish it.  This is why Brother Stair teaches that “God made man to sin”, and Your flesh is going to sin – just let it (2Cor 13:5;  Rom 1:32, 24, 26).

We see here an establishment of the throne of iniquity (Ps 94:20).  Bro RG Stair has told many a woman that questioned his sexual advances that “God will forgive”.  God may forgive, but thinking that He is also going to overlook the judgment of your sins is ignorant, arrogant, corrupt, and abominable (Ps 14:1;  Ps 1:5).  He avenges your evildoing and wicked practices (Ps 99:8).  Did someone forget that the man of God is to be perfect and produce good works? (2Tim 3:17)?

“Where sin abounds grace much more abounds” (Rom 5:20) does not mean that more sin equals more grace.  That’s the error that Paul dealt with in Romans 6:1-2, to which Paul said, God forbid!  God forbids us to do the wickedness that Brother Stair justifies and commends, while Brother Stair condemns you for even your thoughts (Mt 23:24) he justifies himself with blanket forgiveness.

Brother Stair believes he has Freedom To Sin

That ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1Corinthians 1:8)

So that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”  Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
(Philippians 2:15)

God Forbids, but They Don’t

This new message is a far cry from Brother Stair’s teachings of holiness in the pre-2002 days – before he was found deceiving his followers under the pretense of sinlessness.  It’s not that Brother Stair changed his deeds, he’s always walked in gross sin, it’s his message – his bait – that he changed (1Tim 6:21).  Men of corrupt minds (1Tim 6:5), unstable, sensual, full of lusts (2Pt 2:14, 18-20), waxing worse and worse (2Tim 3:13) – these men expose themselves in the end (2Tim 3:8-9;  Pr 26:24-26), when their warped minds are too far gone to keep up the pretense of the charade (Pr 12:8).  Thus it becomes clear to all what they really are (2Tim 3:9;  Jn 3:20-21;  Rom 6:1-2, 3:5-8).

Like Edwin Louis Cole once said, “When the charm wears off all you have is character left.”  Brother Stair’s followers once surrounded him because of his flamboyant personality (charm) but now all we witness is his true character showing (wickedness).  The character that he long concealed behind his many ruses of an evangelist, pastor, prophet, and “sinless” man.  Now we see the foaming out of his iniquity – and that iniquity is not the thought crime that he teaches it to be for which he condemns others as he points his finger away from himself  (Isaiah 58:9).

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The Throne of Iniquity

Look at our article What is Iniquity to see that the Biblical definition of iniquity specifically encompasses Brother Stair’s legal transgressions, his sexual practices, and his unequal and unjust ways in his dealings both inside and outside his congregation.  It defines his fruit.  Why wouldn’t it?

It’s the very thing Brother Stair points his finger at his followers and leavers over – to the end that no one thinks it’s in him (Isaiah 58:9).  This is helped by his never owning up to an ounce of it – all the while “he is the man” (2Sam 12:5-7).

Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with Thee, which frameth mischief by a lawThey gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood (Psalm 94:20-21).  Sound like anyone we know (Matt 7:20)?  Someone who makes evil good and good evil (Isa 5:20)?  Someone who gives the Command of God in order to frame his mischief?  God has no part in it!

Ye that love the Lord, hate evil:
He preserveth the souls of His saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

Righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His throne.  (Psalm 97:10, 2)

The Lost Message of Holiness

If faith is anything, is it faith that we can and shall be holy.  That God’s Spirit living in us can transform our sinful lives into a walk of holiness unto the Lord (Zech 14:20;  1Thes 4:7).  Faith has never been a faith that we can stay in our sins and one that says God will not care, and that He will still welcome us into His Holy Kingdom.  This is the very lie of Satan from the beginning – go ahead and sin “you will not surely die” (Genesis 3:4).

This message of holiness was preached by Brother Stair but never lived by Brother Stair.  He preached it under the pretense of baiting those Christians who would submit to his control over them by beating them down over their sins – supposedly to purge them and make them holy.  In all of Brother Stair’s years of ministry, there is not one person that he can point to as having attained this holiness – aside from the free card he gives to all who die on his Farm.

This should have always been seen by us as Brother Stair has always opposed the Spirit of God (Acts 7:51).  This is why he opposes the Promise Keepers movement – it’s about holiness and accountability.  Why he opposes Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life.  Why he opposes and shuts down any real movement of the Holy Spirit in his meetings (Eph 4:30).

Brother Stair will not be accountable to anyone – he’s not ashamed to say so.  He walks in wickedness and accountability would expose his wickedness.  Songs of pure praise, love, and worship to God are not on his agenda.  He rebukes those who move into those realms and puts them down.

This is a mocking of God.  As the fool says, “God will not require it of me” (Ps 94:7;  Ps 14:1;  Ps 10:4;  Ecc 10:3;  Isaiah 32:6).  Just as the adulterous (a spirit, not a gender) does and says, Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness (Proverbs 30:20).

It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known My ways:  (Psalm 95:10)

The Evident Works

The Psalmist speaks much of God’s works and that it is by His works that He is known.  When did this change to the teaching today that we don’t know God by any physical evidenceThis teaching has brought about this age of ethereal fuzzies that we are to just accept God and His servants on faith.

This came about largely from the teaching that focused on salvation not having any manifestation or feelings.  But there will be evidence of salvation – something that this focus has lost and taken us away from.  James essentially says that if you have no evidence in works of your conversion then you’re not converted (James 2:14-18).

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Departing from “God’s Appointed Man”

Another teaching from these God-appointed, God anointed, Men of the Hour is that if you leave them you are damned and lost.  That you must repent and be restored to them or judgment awaits.  These certain men (Jude 1:4-6) want to make their cause the greatest cause, their ministry the greatest ministry, and even their calling the greatest calling – and they do this with fearful words of judgment upon all who do not heed their words.

They are following in the doctrine of Lucifer and like their father, they want to use God to draw attention to themselves and to make themselves higher than God (Isaiah 14:14).

These certain men tell us that leaving is never right.  These are the same men who give you Comments of God that are a list of things you are to leave [Churches, Doctors, Cities, TV,…].  But after they get you to leave everything they say you cannot leave them.

We could list men who have fled, who have left – leavers as Brother Stair calls them when they leave him.  Men whom God blessed because of doing so.  Lot left Sodom.  Abram left his country, left his people, and left his father’s household.  Later Abram left Lot. Moses left Pharaoh.  Moses left Egypt.  The Israelites left Egypt.  Rahab left Jericho (Heb 11:31).  Rebecca left her home.  Jesus left Heaven, left Bethlehem, left Egypt – then left Earth.  And there are many more examples.

The point blankness that once you’re here you cannot leave is a deception that is used to blind people as a trap to keep them grinding out your grain (Judges 16:21).  This deception is brought about largely by Brother Stair’s foundational doctrine (heresy) of The Witness.  That you are to get a witness on him and once you “get the witness from God”, then that settles it, you’re locked in.

Departing from God’s Appointed Delusion

To go against that witness puts the blame on you or God – your choice – but never on Brother Stair.  Brother Stair gets off scot-free because you are denying the witness that God gave you.  What Brother Stair is doing here with his “get a witness from God on me” is the same thing the Mormons do when they tell you to “pray about the Book of Mormon” to get God to tell you that it’s from Him or give you a burning in your bosom.

The following from the Mormon’s Doctrine and Covenants sounds much like what comes from Brother Stair’s lips in his doctrine of the witness, and it certainly covers Brother Stair’s intentions.

“But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right. But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me.” (D&C 9:8-9)

This is a heresy because it is contrary to all scripture.  God has long established how you get a witness on any man – by their fruits (Mt 7:20), and Jesus in Matthew 7 is specifically emphasizing the witness on a prophet (Mt 7:15).  Likewise, the Old Testament test of a prophet was that a non-spiritual nation was to judge them (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).  This is the result of God turning you over to a strong delusion so that you believe these lies – because you didn’t love the truth (2Thes 2:10-12),

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Test the Prophets

This same pattern continues in the New Testament, we are to judge prophecies not just blindly accept them (1Thes 5:20-22).  Nowhere in scripture do we have God locking someone into following an overlord because God made them God’s man”.  Even Jesus said that the witness on Him comes from what He said and did  – what was witnessed in Him (Mt 11:4;  Lk 7:22;  1Jn 1:1).  Is Brother Stair better than Jesus?  He thinks so.  [See the article Greater Than Jesus]

This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish (James 3:15)

We are commanded by God (a real command, not one made by a man so as to extract more money from people (Mt 15:9)) to flee wickedness – not to remain in it (Rom 6:2).  God knows how to deliver the godly from sin, wickedness, and evil men (2Peter 2:9).

So if you’re not being delivered or not even desiring to be delivered – rather you’re excusing your wickedness – then you’re not a righteous man.  These certain men (Jude 1:4) who want to walk in their wickedness and teach that the flesh is going to sin – so let it.

They tell you that you’re not going to be free from sin UNTIL Jesus comes are men of corrupt minds, unstable, resisting the truth, double-minded, reprobate, wanting to have their cake and eat it too – “make the prophet a cake first”.  (1Tim 6:5;  2Tim 3:8;  James 1:8).  These evil men are known by their fruits (Mt 7:20, 15, 16) – not by some ethereal ‘witness’ that they sell you on to trap you into bondage to them with (Mt 23:15;  1Jn 4:1).

Ye that love the Lord, hate evil (Psalm 97:10)

Satan’s “Messengers of Light”

Who is this that supplies instructions in sinfulness, against the instructions of the scriptures in righteousness?  (2Tim 3:16-17)

Why is Brother Stair not free from his sins?  Why does Brother Stair not seek to be free from his sin, rather he excuses them and says they don’t matter to GodBecause Brother Stair does not have the spirit of God (Rom 8:9-11) or he has grieved God’s Spirit to the point that he has become reprobate (2Tim 3:1-8).

He that says he knows God and does not do what God requires IS A LIAR (1Jn 2:4) and there is no truth in him.  Not God’s truth or any other truthNo truth!

The teaching of Brother Stair is – These Things I Teach Unto You So That You Sin! (preferably with me).  This has always been the ministry of the Overcomerovercoming the saints  (Rev 13:7, 11:7, 2:20, 14).  Being over, lording over, overcoming you.  This is the work of the Antichrist and his ministers (2Cor 11:14-15).

Contrary to Brother Stair’s message, God’s word teaches us to not sin, and it teaches us things to do so that we don’t walk in sin (1Jn 2:1;  Rom 1:32, 2:5-6, 8-9, 13, 19-24, 3:5-8;  1Tim 3:2-7, 14-15, 4:12-13, 15-16, 6:3-10, 11, 14;  2Tim 2:14-19, 20-21, 22-24, 3:6-7, 12-17, 4:4-5;  Titus 1:6-8, 10-12, 16, 2:2-6, 7-8, 12, 15, 3:1-2, 10-11).

Be certain of this one thing – you will reap what you sow – so sow righteousness!

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another (Romans 14:19)

Ye are the salt of the earth: but
if the salt have lost his savor,
wherewith shall it be salted?
it is thenceforth good for nothing,
but to be cast out,
and to be trodden under foot of men.
(Matthew 5:13)

For even hereunto were ye called:
because Christ also suffered for us,
leaving us an example, that
ye should follow His steps.
(1Peter 2:21)


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