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2020 September

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Leave your September 2020 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Last Day Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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Clip comes at 1hr:42min.

At about 22:30 the description of Rose's short term forgetfulness sounds like a symptom of a serious problem.  Maybe she confuses Stair with Dennis?  Stair's detail of a new oar in the boat might be an echo of the recent Jerry Falwell Jr. incident.  The local Watchman may not be on the Wall but in the same room.   Lots of hugs this week, Craig Mack's Japanese wife is present but not his Moslem one, Stair never seemed to have a problem with that arrangement.

Someone is supplying chicken at 40 cents a pound augmenting what is being raised there.  An evangelist is coming to Pastor Rice's group but won't come to Stair, doesn't want to be forced to stay.  I couldn't tell if this was on the Feast weekend so the Henryetta crew could avoid the trip to Maranatha.  The Feast does not seem to be important enough to be celebrated elsewhere.

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An unusual visit to the morning prayer service from Stair for support because Craig Mack's (Japanese) widow doesn't understand him.

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Posted by: @malahat

because Craig Mack's (Japanese) widow doesn't understand him.

Yeah, he's working that one on repeat hard.

It's his classic game of submitting to me without question - or understanding.  He plays the trap of having ears to hear to put you in the confusion of not understanding what he's talking about to get you to the point of just giving up and giving in and submitting to letting him do what he wants with you - usually meaning sexually.

He never tells you what his problem actually is or what it is that we/they are not hearing - it's all ambiguous.  Which is always his intent.  Because it's not about anything real it's just that he wants them (in this case her) to think they are not spiritual and they are missing something - some secret revelation or spiritual meaning they are not having ears to hear.  It's always on them - never on the one with the Failure to Communicate.  So he hopes to get them to just give up and give in to his spiritual mumbo-jumbo and bow down to his whim.

Perhaps she's not understanding him because he's not casting his usual racial slurs on her?

What should be asked is, what is it that he is trying to get her to understand that he's upset with?  Something that he's not willing to tell us about - yet tells us about to dig at her?  As we know Brother Stair and his agenda, it's likely something sexual he wants her to get, like that it's not a sin to sexually pleasure the man of God or to let him pleasure you.  It's so obvious and the way he's talking about it magnifying her in it shows us what he's up to.

He's been hammering on Rose and now this poor soul.  This Jezebel (RG) is going to suffer the wrath of his eunuchs (his concubines in this case) casting him down to the dogs.

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He has eased up on the anticipated 200 attending the "Feast" and using the Tabernacle as a bunkhouse for the visitors so they could experience his (not His) presence every hour through the weekend.

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WED. The anticipated number of visitors for the weekend was downgraded this morning to "several".  Prospective celebrants may have put off coming until next year when the probability of Something happening will be greater if the moon count is right or another later year.  Visitors this year are being treated to a sales pitch encouraging them to stay there and abandon any families left at home.

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The FRIDAY "Welcoming" Service seemed to be Stair's self-authorisation of leadership by recounting of the number of times had been in "Prison"  interspersed with stream-of-consciousness bits of old choruses which led sometimes to something,  An invitation to the world-wide congregation celebrating in spirit with the Canadys group to call in produced one phone call.

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"SABBATH" Evening notes: Almost a half hour was given to the Expulsion of Stuart as if to caution those present to behave themselves. A couple present this morning may have been encouraged to cut short their stay. Filler was more of the "It's all me" message. One of the calls was from Jackie (from parts unknown), his jaundice must be in remission. Sis. Burgess may be driving herself to and from the services. Stair seems to be looking forward to her having to become a full time resident.

This post was modified 4 years ago by malahat

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Anyone that is noting the dates and times of all the Trumpet Service times please post them here.

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SUNDAY EVENING note: The source for 'first news' that comes to Stair's mind is redTube (about 8 minutes in). Charles left in tears after the Dining Hall Breakfast going back to NYC to be with his mother so that he wouldn't be disinherited if she passed away. It must be a pretty good home, taxes come to $800,000 yearly it was reported, Stair suggested that if Charles remained at Maranatha and she were to die it would be a great saving and (unspoken). Pastor Rice was warned against taking note of an enthusiastic "Amen" from the congo. Then on to the meaning and use of the word "abhor" occasionally with his usual disconnections and a finish (call finally from Steve) a bit short of two hours. There was noting like an envoi (farewell) to the visitors.  I am pleased to note that I was not "left behind" and nothing related took place, Stair was right about that.

This post was modified 4 years ago by malahat

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A very Encouraging comment on Truthblaster ~ God and Sister Andrea vs satan & bro stair by Reed Shield

I'm So Glad that I found your Video.  I have been listening to Stair for Quite some Time and was beginning to Wonder if This type of thing was going on Behind the Scenes.  I actually wanted to go to Walterboro for the Feast of Trumpets this year, but did not have peace from God to Go.  I have been listening to his Evening meetings on the radio for the last few days and Distinctly noticed that He NEVER says Anything of Spiritual Value.  He NEVER say's Anything To Lead the Saint's into a Deeper Relationship with God.  He only Revels in Himself and Meanders from one pointless subject to Another while Extolling himself as God's Ultimate man of Authority on the earth. 

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My earlier question about the length of the fall work bee (aka Feast) ending on the twentieth or twenty-eighth (Stair's ill-fitting dentures not helping) is answered today by another evening service.  Frequent caller Peter, a European peripatetic. would not come from Switzerland although Stair offered to pay his air fare (possibly the money held back from hauling wood last week).  There are continued appeals to callers to register their intentions to come, perhaps to organize work schedules or to weed out known False Witnesses.  Stair recounted a vision of Heaven ("very beautiful") with no details as to whether or not it looked like the pictures in Sunday School Papers.

This post was modified 4 years ago by malahat

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WEDNESDAY Evening notes
I arrived late, the first hour seemed to have spent some time about Richard giving Stair some money. This devolved into reminiscing about writing successful money-raising letters used by the popular evangelists Stair had worked with (the God blesses the cheerful giver, here's a buck, send it back with more etc.),
Rose needs new glasses, "go out and buy new ones and hang the cost". The supply of low-priced reading glasses he had bought a few years ago must have run out. A couple of calls, one from the listener in New York who won't move to the farm with his truck-plow, and Willie. A warning to Mrs. Burgess and someone else not to leave him.  Pastor Rice leaves the farm tomorrow but not the leadership of Stair.
The third hour was bit of this and that filling time until Steve could call, he didn't.

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I saw this quote at the top of the page:

"In Dec 2004 after Brother Stair was caught broadcasting a Pornographic video which he was watching on the broadcast computer, he said that Pornography was strong meat and he could handle strong meat [pornography], but that the rest of us couldn't."

Did this really happen?  I don't doubt that it is true.  I think Brother Stair has become dangerous and am concerned for those who follow him.  I listened to his evening broadcasts during the Feast of Trumpets week.  it sounded like a new couple has moved to his community.  Brother Stair said that they were "on probation". 

I find your website to be very valuable and would like to see you get the message out to the whole world.  I sincerely believe that brother Stair could pull another Jim Jones kool aid type of thing.  I believe he is going to want to end his life in a spectacular manner.

I would like to see more testimonies from former followers, especially those that once lived in his "community".  I once considered giving everything up and moving to Walterboro to follow him myself.  It was the stories I heard from former followers that changed my mind.

Thanks for this website and forum.  Get the message out there!!  Brother Stair has become a raging maniac in my opinion.  One that knows his days are numbered and I am genuinely concerned about what could happen to the innocent who follow him!!

Keep up the good work!!!

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Brother Stair said...

Posted by: @lightchaser

that Pornography was strong meat and he could handle strong meat [pornography], but that the rest of us couldn't."

Did this really happen?

Yes, it really happened.  There are many witnesses to this, most of whom have left the Farm.  There are even some audio recordings of it that we hope to use someday (not the porn but his statements).

You might find things submitted on this Forum that might not be completely on the level, because of those posting that do not know what they are talking about - for which we try to correct.  There is nothing on the website that is not factual and backup up by witnesses.

That Pornography incident and the aftermath are covered in more detail in Challenge God speaking to Brothers – Porn.  And is also written about in the podcast Bible Study – June 7, 2002 – Bro Charles – Repent as well as mentioned in several other articles.  Do a site search for Strong Meat.

Posted by: @lightchaser

I sincerely believe that brother Stair could pull another Jim Jones kool aid type of thing.  I believe he is going to want to end his life in a spectacular manner.

While he is one to focus on himself at the expense of all others and in his grandiose narcissiam he cares for no one but himself, or he feigns caring it to the extent of what he can use them for - for himself.  His life means too much to him to end it.  That said, he has tried in the past to end his life and he is not the same man that he was even 10 years ago.  Plus, like Jim Jones, he cares nothing for his own people - as any listener can hear.

Right now he thinks he's going to slide by justice because of the problems today and he's hoping for a quiet death before he has to face trial for his crimes against the people of God.  Even though this will cement him as a total false prophet with none of his End Time claims of himself having come to pass, as his Titles presume him to be.

Posted by: @lightchaser

I find your website to be very valuable and would like to see you get the message out to the whole world.

Thank you very kindly. 

Anyone can help us through financial donations on the About Us page.  That would help us pay for internet hosting, domains, and possibly even advertising, and taking more time to finish and publish the 200+ draft articles that await being published.  We would like to expand into doing video and podcasting of our articles - and shortwave radio.

Another way people can help is to post a link to the website whenever you comment or post on other sites; like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other Forums.  Add our link to your comment.  Thanks.

We welcome testimonies and writers to contact us and submit materials to our email:

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