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2021 April

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Leave your April 2021 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast with the Last Day Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

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Remember, the Services audio is located under the Services tab, if there be any more Services... 

It appears we are witnessing the Last Days of Brother Stair and his total disregard for being the Messenger with the timely message to the Body of Christ for today.  For those of you who have invested your time and money into following this Seventh Angel Messenger, ...

the time has come for you to witness the fruit of this ministry.

This topic was modified 4 years ago 3 times by Admin

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We wanted to wait until it was official to release that Brother Stair has died.

He passed away late Sabbath evening, April 3rd, at the age of 87.  He was exactly one month away from his 88th birthday on May 3rd.

The Last Day of the Last Day Prophet

This post was modified 4 years ago 4 times by Admin

malahat reacted
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My internet was down this weekend (fried modem) so I missed the Event.  That was a precipitous drop in his health over the last few weeks and self-diagnosis was no help.  WWCR must have been paid to the end of the month at least, broadcasts continue there.  The future of the farm may hinge on any outstanding lawyers' fees as well as competition for successorship.  Perhaps some of the River People will be repatriated.

Any one needing a shot of weird may find the Full Gospel half-hour on WWCR-1  0730 Eastern time, just after the morning Prayer Service ends (Mon-to Fri) of note. 

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The Prayer Services may be windows into the mood of the farm.  This morning's attendance sounded quite low, as if with no one to berate those who preferred to sleep in they took advantage of the situation.   No hysterical weeping and wailing, a few quiet voices, a long Scripture reading, and the 27-minute "Thank you Father" alarm clock were noted.  Sis. Burgess did not come for a session of veneration.  There must be a feeling of emptiness throughout, God's Grace and direction are sorely needed.

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Can someone contact the Brothers/The Saints at the Overcomer Ministry and ask them to pull a broadcast R.G. Stair did right after the Presidental Election in November 2020? Brother Stair mention that President Trump was protesting the outcome of The Election, he some Preacher (I think it was) said that Biden won the night of the Election. I *think* R.G. Stair also said some other things in to addition to this about President Trump. I heard it last night.

My opinion is this, Brother Stair has passed. Maybe since South Carolina is a "Red State", he turned against the State over these Criminal Charges that were filed against him. Politics needs to be not mentioned on the broadcast anymore, let President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris take care of the State and Federal Government. As I posted before, may you agree or disagree, have Respect for our Current President and Past Presidents! Support The Troops that protect us as well! Support The Ones Protecting The Capitol.

Some of you may know, the day before Brother Stair passed away, a Police Officer was killed protecting the Capitol! Pray for his Family and keep up with the News on TV. It doesn't matter if you watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, or Newsmax. Your choice, Your right as a American!

Finally, Brother Stair was a good speaker and in the past 16 years on the air, he took the Scriptures out of the King James Bible, broke them down on the air for people like me to understand. As far as Brother Stair saying that Jesus was coming back six months after he dies, I have said for years that remains to be seen.

I saw a "You Tube" Video made by WRMI in Florida about the future of Shortwave Radio. We'll just need to wait and see, the Shortwave Stations can't rely on people like Alex Jones. I don't think he has the money to cover the hours of time the Overcomer Ministry rented or purchased. I live not to far from WWCR/1300 AM, WNQM in Nashville, Tennessee. 

Blessings To All At The Overcomer Ministry! May Jesus Be With All Of You!

Scott Bailey, Owner/Manager, WMRO Radio, Gallatin, Tennessee


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There's no funeral announcement yet, possibly some concerns over who might conduct it (Pastor Rice, Stair's son, etc.), who will attend (families of both ex-wives, former Maranathites, maybe protesters? -

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We'll, I'm sure whoever does the funeral, may it be Pastor Rice or Dr. Terry Stair, it will be very nice. Despite all this so called "Drama" brought on by ignorant people, people with too much time on their hands, causing trouble, it's over, this ship has sailed. Be our God, his son The Lord Jesus Christ be with with those people on the farm. My heart poors out to them. I listen to them at the 7 PM,  Eastern Time, Prayer Time, and my heart just dropped! I hope Jesus will comfort them all to find peace, may they can move on. We need to pray for the folks on the farm, not mock them! I also feel for Naomi, according to what I heard, she had to deal with her father at his end. Pray also for Sister Teresa as well. May Our Lord be with her as well. Love to all there at the Overcomer as they move on with God's help!

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It sounded like a group from Henryetta had returned and made it to this morning's Prayer session.   Without The Prophet there  was nothing to attract Sis. Burgess this week and his absence could see the return of some ex-members with children

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Posted by: @malahat

It sounded like a group from Henryetta had returned and made it to this morning's Prayer session.   Without The Prophet there  was nothing to attract Sis. Burgess this week and his absence could see the return of some ex-members with children

Pastor Rice has returned anyway.  Perhaps for the funeral proceedings.

We wouldn't expect Sis. Burgess until Sabbath Services - whatever that might entail.  Pastor Rice probably.

Don't expect the ex-members to be returning, as they are not even allowing Brother Stair's "old friend" Chris to attend the funeral.  The confusion they are in and the attempt of Dennis to gain control have them in disarray.

malahat reacted
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@admin-rgstair Just in my opinion, what you have said this morning sounds totally crazy out there on that Farm. Over the past week, I have concluded to say that Ralph Stair is a Self Proclaimed Prophet! Hundreds of Men and Women claimed to be Prophets! I heard Joel Osteen is a Prophet! Kim Kardashian could be a Self Proclaimed Prophet, and who knows! Actress Jennifer Aniston of the old TV Show "Friends" could jump up and say she is a Prophet, but that's highly unlikely since she just started a new company called Vital Proteins. Oh my gosh, Jennifer Aniston is making drugs? Ralph Stair could have jumped Aniston on that if he had learned about it! This is all my opinion! I'm will to bet Brad Pitt, Aniston's ex husband, who got caught up in the religious world when he was younger, didn't like Ralph Stair. Pitt is now an Atheists, so the Mainstream Media says! Ralph Stair loved to mention Hollywood Celebrities from time to time on his broadcast, say something bad.

Gee, Sister Burgess is taking Stair's passing hard! They won't let Brother Chris come to the funeral. I have listened to Brother Chris preach on the air for Ralph Stair. He wasn't bad at all to me. I guess perhaps Chris and Ralph started not to see eye to eye, and that is why Chris left. In the real world, God's world, we are supposed to "Make Up" with our enemies or former friends and put the past behind! (Sigh,) some people can't do that! Looks like to me Pastor Dowell will do the Funeral Service, my opinion. It was planned for selling the property at Straightway, Pastor Dowell and Company was to move to the Overcomer Farm. That is what Ralph Stair said on the air. I heard that.

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Denny Liar~ vee is a Profound liar like the Jon~ Rg stair he pimped his Whore wife Rose to!! Prov 6:26 For by Means of a WHORISH Woman a man like Rg stair is Brought to a piece of bread: and the Adulteress did hunt for the precious life !!!  Amazing that James rice conducted the so-called Funeral Service and not Pastor Timothy who was much closer to Ralph. Also the Sacrifice of fools made her Voice also heard at the grave side, Prov 11:10 When the Wicked Perish there is Shouting !! heard this Scripture come to pass for several days before and after Rg's Death !! and sure more to come with Satudays service with james rice!! Only the Anointing can Destroy that Yoke of Delusion That still is in Full Bloom in Canady's S.C.  

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I'd forgotten abut Dennis, sort of an  éminence grise lurking in the shadows.  I'm glad I am not there to be able to be asked my opinions about anything.

Evening Prayer Service was live for 15 minutes, the Prophecy and songs by Stair and others filled the next quarter hour.  Maybe having the members together was an opportunity for a Town Hall meeting for updates and assignments for funeral preparations.   I would think he is to be buried in the Community burial area.  That's going to affect the sale price if new owners have to move or accommodate the area.

This post was modified 4 years ago by malahat

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There has been a funeral ?   very private, no broadcast?

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@malahat Whattt? They had a funeral and didn't tell anybody? This is strange. Did Ralph Stair have this all legally arranged, maybe before he passed? This is getting to wierd, scary, and bizarre! I'm reading things on this website that are far out! Are these people thinking if they did not do what Brother Stair told them to do when he passed away to prove he was "A True Prophet Of God" they would go to Hell? I'm just grasping at straws and guessing. Also, until one of them gets brave enough to go into that radio room and turn on the microphone, all we will hear will be repeated broadcast of Brother Stair, just my opinion.

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@admin-rgstair I want to add this. I feel so sorry for Sister Burgess. I hope God takes care of her, Brother Burgess, and their Daughter. I heard Brother Stair, once again I need to say I heard him say this to Sister Burgess and Brother Burgess that Brother Stair told them to come up to the Tabernacle or the Radio Room, wherever on the farm, he told them what he did to their daughter and asked for their forgiveness. Then Brother Stair said over the Radio/Internet Radio they did. We'll in my mind, it's not going to erase what the young daughter went through, and how the parents feel. All of you with children need to think about this, how would you feel? Put yourself in Sister Burgess or Brother Burgess's place.

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