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Ralph has hired a investigator to investigate each one who lives on the farm. As they will be testfying for him. Simple Jim was sent to live off the farm because he will not be good for supporting Ralph.

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The new expenditure might explain the rebroadcast of a need for money due to the shortage of offerings in 2013 when May ended also on a Friday like this year so he could copy the report of his "treasurer" and hope no one noticed the date discrepancy.   

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The Tues. June 11 evening prayer session was cut short but not before we learned it was about the congo not praying correctly.   What followed was a declaration that it was Wed. June 12 (maybe from 2013 again) and warnings about thunderstorms and torrential rain in the Midwest, passing through Ohio. It looks like another disappointment for those who take him seriously.

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Nothing he says anymore makes sense. Very rarly do i listen to Saturday because of his lies a d inconsistency in the preaching. I do not hear or see the spirit of God in him, there is no repentance for the betrayal and wounds he has caused. We are all in different stages of our wounds being healed. People say to me i would never believe him but  i heard him long ago after being saved an d my life was very messed up. Once God helped me to see the destruction he caused it was to late and the problem is you fear him instead of God this was the first thing I learned when God opened my eyes. I do pray for everyone who is wounded. Also for all the twisting of Gods word that he has done. Started reading the Bible after i got away from him and there is so much truth he didnt preach and so much he twisted to suit himself not God. The truth is he should never have touched a woman in hugging or any other way, that is not scriptural as Stan has pointed out. God is dealing with him and he is reaping what he has sown all these years.

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I think the investigator is being used by his lawyer to help slow down the trial process. It takes a long time to interview each person. 

I agree Freedom, so much inconsistency and a lot of outright rambles about nothing. 

I believe Jim was sent away because the lady who used to take care of his social work papers has left recently. Also gone is long time supporter Ms Case and I've heard a couple others gone too.  

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Jim was sent to live with someone off the farm because the investigator said Jim is not a reliable witness for ralph. Heard this from a reliable source. Investigator has been there for weeks. Basically a vetting of those who live there. 

Porcia44 reacted
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Yes I was only speculating because I know his previous caretaker has left. Not that anything he does makes much sense ..but It doesn't make sense to move Jim because the prosecutor can call anyone to testify whether they live there or not.  Ahh well.


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As you know anything goes with Ralph. He is all about self preservation

This post was modified 6 years ago by Freedom

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