Touch Those Things Video Thumb

Last Updated on Mon July 15, 2024 @ 9:51 am

This is the controversial video that started the investigation that got Brother Stair arrested and jailed in 2017.

This is the video that caused Brother Stair to pull all his video Services off YouTube.

One interesting thing here is how around the 7-minute mark he rails on his congregation for not giving him the acceptance he desires for how he likes to handle things”.  Well, at least there were some that recognized the red flags and were not overcome by this Overcome-Her (Rev 13:7).

This clip was made from clips between May and October 2017 at the Tabernacle.  All from just a short 6-month period, months before he was arrested for these antics and more.  Narrated by a former member who witnessed firsthand Brother Stair’s deeds (Mt 7:20), whose sister was also raped by Brother Stair years earlier.

Praise Time

A month after these clips, in November of 2017, Brother Stair was still so high on himself that he was playing praise calls during service [phone calls praising the prophet].  Not one ounce of repentance, or humility – no shame whatsoever (Jer 8:12;  Zeph 3:5;  Jer 6:15, 2:35;  2Cor 7:10).

At that time Brother Stair made the statement; When you don’t believe that an adulterer can be saved, what a sin.  What a sinThat’s a sin.  When you won’t believe that God forgives your brother of sin, that’s a sinThat’s a sin unto death (2017.11.25).  It appears that God didn’t believe that this adulterer was free of his sin when He had His sword deal him a blow (Rom 13:4).  “If I get through this one now”, well he didn’t get through it, did he?  What a sign to the world.  We’re a sign to the world.” (Brother Stair, 2017.11.25).  That’s the actual sign that we need to pay attention to.  Pay attention to what these signs meanThe thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD… the mouth of the wicked gushes evil (Prov 15:26, 28 NIV78;  Ps 50:16-17).

Related:  What is Iniquity?

Can I Get a Witness

Someone who lived about seven years on the Farm and on two other satellite Communities under Brother Stair’s leadership commented on a November 2017 service (which was just audio because Brother Stair pulled the video feeds just before his arrest).  These are some well-explained and very insightful revelations of the reasoning and results of, and for, Brother Stairs’ tactics.

Why should anyone feel obligated to agree with every single viewpoint this man has just because he quotes a few Bible verses?  Are people supposed to turn off their spiritual perception?  Wouldn’t that fall under the description of the blind leading the blind?”  It drives him so much to the point of spending every Sabbath service and every grueling dining hall indoctrination session trying to cause you to be “past feeling” like he is.

Bro Stair wants to destroy your ability to know right from wrong so he can wear the brothers and sisters down to the point of not resisting his agenda. Defrauding isn’t good enough, after that he even covets your wife or daughter and attempts to defile the purity of the sisters who trusted him to have integrity. If you’re there long enough you see the insidious working of a cunning predator. In the event he’s caught he is quick to use his role of authority to deflect accountability.

Bro Stair is a lifelong pro at wresting the Scriptures and his community is a lure to con Christians of their all and discard them when he tires of messing with your mind and soul and complaining about how your countenance isn’t full of awe and amazement at every syllable that he utters.This man is cruel, has no mercy, and is full of wrath because “the people LET HIM DOWN!” In his sick perverted mindset of self-worship, he EXPECTS your adoration and full-time focus to be on pleasing himunder coercion and duress, and if you don’t make him feel good anymore then you have FAILED HIM. [Editor adds: And thereby FAILED GOD]

Bear in mind the numerous personal sacrifices everyone made to go live there at his insistence that this was a spiritual ark of safety in the soon to transpire Tribulation.  This is such an unreasonable expectation and that’s why his ministry is a revolving door of broken, wounded, grieved believers.  Even when people attempt to leave peacefully and with respect Stair rages and curses and is malicious.  His spiritual level is like a toddler having a massive tantrum at not getting his way and his obvious lack of self-control is shameful to observe.

Related:  Unless Ye Be A Reprobate

They also commented on Brother Stair’s use of playing (repeatedly) a call from a man who was giving praise and adulation as he worshipped the Prophet.  I guess that makes it okay because Brother Stair was letting another praise him and not do it himself (Pr 27:2).  Or was he doing this himself by playing it repeatedly and desiring his congregation to do the same?  Brother Stair even said he was doing it because he couldn’t get his people to do it.  Therefore he tells us that he wants this praise and never gets enough.

Paul had integrity, humility, and accountability.  Paul did not promote doctrinal error to exploit, constrain, or coerce the flock or to excuse his tremendous responsibility to lead by example.  Paul said I would to God these people who trouble you are removed!  Mr. Stair has defrauded numerous Christians and has sexually assaulted numerous teens/young women.

This man calling in to support Mr. Stair with his Pharisaical tirade is in gross doctrinal error.  Mr. Stair is a heretic who is long past the 2 or 3 admonitions that the Bible allows.   He’s been turned over to a reprobate mind and has no repentance but only seeks to manipulate the Bible to excuse his wickedness and undermine the faith of many sincere believers.

[Source: YouTube]

Blind Prophet

Then a few weeks later, at a time when he thought not (the day after he came back from hiding off the Farm over the weekend because he thought they might come for him then), the FBI raided his Community compound and he was taken to County Jail (not Prison) (Mt 24:40).  Do you think he remembered what sign this might be to him from God? (Mt 24:44)

Related:  Every Dog Gets His Day

Sadly, even today [Mar 2021] after coming out of jail on bail and awaiting a trial of 8 criminal charges, Brother Stair is worse today than what we witness in this video from 2017.  Thus showing forth the Sign of his true fruit (Matt 7:15-16, 20).

This is apparent even in the fact that the only reason he pulled his Tabernacle Services from YouTube is that they were being used to prosecute him – not because he was ashamed of what he did in them (Jer 8:12;  Zeph 3:5;  Jer 6:15; 2:26).  This is made clear by his later remarks that he wished he was back on video.  He also shifted the whole blame to the Brothers that let those things go out—no remorse for his actions, only for getting caught.

That is the scriptural description of worldly repentance that does not produce godly fruit because there is no working repentance, and thus never brings about salvation – rather it worketh death – the witnessed fruit of Brother Stair’s ministry (2Cor 7:10).  Thus is the life and times of Brother Stair – the fruitless deeds of darkness (Eph 5:11).

Their prophets worshiped Baal [the god of fertility and sex rites]
and wasted their time on nonsense.
(Jeremiah 2:8  TLB)


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