Obama is God


Obama is God

The Prophet is telling us that the media is declaring Obama to be God, and how that fits into Revelations with the AntiChrist.

Are we witnessing Brother Stair declaring the identity of the AntiChrist?

Obama says “I am God”

The Revelation Of The Anti-Christ

Obama is God

Last Updated on Tue May 24, 2022 @ 9:26 pm


The Prophet is telling us that the media is declaring Obama to be God, and how that fits into Revelations with the AntiChrist.

Are we witnessing Brother Stair declaring the identity of the AntiChrist?

Obama is God

Obama says “I am God”?

The Revelation Of The Anti-Christ

Those of you that have followed Brother Stair for years should know that Brother Stair teaches that he is the one man who will reveal to the Church who the AntiChrist is, or that he will tell us who it is that God is going to use to reveal the AntiChrist.

Brother Stair teaches that the revelation of the Anti-Christ does not come by calculation but by revelation (Rev 13:18).  That this revelation is only going to come from the mouth of the man of God’s choosing — His anointed prophet.

So is this it this time?  Brother Stair has talked about Obama like this for almost eight years now.  Will he stay in office?  Brother Stair did say in 2002 that the Antichrist was to be revealed the next year [2003].

Are we now witnessing Brother Stair declaring the identity of the AntiChrist?


Related:  Fourth Strike

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