Feast of Trumpets 2020 – Monday Service – Sept 21 – Bro Stair

Last Updated on Wed December 16, 2020 @ 12:34 am
The Man of Sin is a reoccurring topic tonight.
You should know that Brother Stair has already proclaimed the man of sin was revealed and manifested by the Great Falling Away.
“We like to look at pretty girls down here. You know what I do with pretty girls? I hug em.“ [that’s where it starts]
He tells us how he lost tens of thousands in the stock market and $100,000 in an insurance scam that the man with discernment fell for. This was the listener’s money sent in to support the radio broadcast. Oh well, they’ll send more.
“I know all about it [womenizing].” “I don’t know men like I know women.” [so he’d like us to think, as you’ll see next]
“You think women are pretty? You should look at some of them transgenders.” [Bro Stair (giggly) has current intimate details here]
“Shall we stand. The Hell with you! I’m serious.” [now he’s upset that they’re not responding right because of their shock at what he has been saying perversely and giggling as he enjoys thinking of the wickedness]
2:18 >1:55. 18 minutes of silence removed.