Sabbath Service – July 11, 2020 – Bro Stair

Last Updated on Sun December 13, 2020 @ 10:49 am
Brother Stair at the Overcomer Ministry Tabernacle in Canadys SC starts preaching at 8 minutes today while in competition with Sister Burgess’s fit.
First 8 minutes Sis Burgess has some competition in the uncertain sound department before the Prophet began. Much moaning and groaning and speaking to God loud and slow like He’s deaf and slow to hear. Make you think of the prophets of Baal crying and cutting themselves (1Kn 18:26-29).
The notes have not been tallied yet for those of you who are in a hurry to get this. Check back for comments and add your comments below.
Brother Stair won’t come to the point to realize that “I am nothing” but he wants his people to fully accept it for themselves. His foolish heart is darkened to himself (Rom 1:21-24).
It is astounding, and appalling, to see Brother Stair rail on God’s people for their lack of repenting when they are so fully following his example in this.
Brother Stair tells of his watching TV. Another clear Sign that Brother Stair’s Commands of God are not for him but for everyone else. Just like repentance is something you need to do while his repentance is always put in the past as having taken place already – without any fruit thereof (Mt 3:8).
30.5 minutes of silence removed.