Sabbath Service – August 1, 2020 – Bro Stair

Overcomer Ministry YouTube Old Services Brother Stair
Sabbath Service - August 1, 2020 – Bro Stair

Last Updated on Mon May 9, 2022 @ 2:16 pm

Last Updated on May 9, 2022 at 2:16 pm ET

Brother Stair, the Prophet of the Overcomer Ministry preaching at the Tabernacle in Canadys SC.

We will forgo the almost 12 minutes intro of Sister Burges shouting and striking hands with the organ.  There will be enough of her in the Service, like when they all sing but she just shouts out words unrelated to the song and strikes her hands.  Reminds me of one of those wind-up monkeys with the cymbals.  Same spirit perhaps.  She’s the only one Brother Stair allows to testify because she says what he wants and he knows just what she’ll say – if she doesn’t he puts it in her mouth.  As witnessed in many services.

There are so many perversions of the Word of God in today’s message that it’s hard to know where to start.  If you check back we may get to a few.

Doctrine of Demon Replacement

What we see here in just the beginning of Service is the use of one false teaching to build upon and enforce another.  So far he has built about three false teachings (perversions of scripture) to get to this one of demon replacement.  No, we don’t believe that the fallen angels are the same as the demons – but doesn’t Brother Stair?  As such, this is what he is teaching.

Related:  Sabbath Service – February 20, 2021 – Bro Stair

This perversion of men in their deceivableness (1Tim 6:4-5;  2Thes 2:9-12).  This is beyond old wife’s tails (1Tim 4:7;  2Tim 2:17), this is an actual doctrine of demons (1Tim 4:1-2).  This one is Brother Stair’s long-standing Doctrine of Becoming a Demon.  How we are going to replace the fallen angels – so, we’re taking the place of the demons.  Yes, we’re sure that Brother Stair is going to join the fallen angels – in their place – but that’s as for as reality goes on this.

But this is what Brother Stair does.  He doesn’t have anyone read what it actually says, and if he did we know he would pass over what doesn’t agree with his interpretation (perversion) and add in his words to twist it around and make it say what he wants it to say.  It’s just like Brother Stair does when he takes away the power of the sins he commits and makes a sin of unbelief out to be THE sin – the only sin that matters.  “It’s not your sins that will damn your soul,” says Brother Stair – the Word of God begs to differ (Eze 18:20;  Rev 18:4-9, 17:1-2).

So, his teaching is that the holy angels that are returning with Jesus when He returns are us; “The holy angels are you who’ve been made holy” he says.  If we’re replacing the fallen evil angels then that would make us destined for the Lake of Fire.

False Schooling

Many, if not all, of his false teaching (which they all are), have come from his readings of false teachers, esoteric writings, Catholicism, cult leaders, and the occult.  These books line his office behind the Tabernacle.  You’ll not find many classic church fathers or sound doctrine there.  This is what formed his teachings and his self-applied rise to ascendency – just as did David Koresh.

Related:  Sabbath Service – March 13, 2021 – Bro Stair

This is what happens when you refuse to go to a godly institution to learn at least somewhat sound doctrines.  Rather Brother Stair turned aside to be schooled by religious shysters who taught him their tricks of the trade as they merchandised God’s people and seduced the women.

Changing the Gospel

Brother Stair proudly proclaims that he doesn’t preach (as he calls it) the Gospel of SalvationThat time is over he says.  If Brother Stair would read a little scripture he might realize that the preaching of the Gospel (of salvation if you must) will not be finished going into the world before Jesus returns (Mt 10:23). Thus Brother Stair must believe that Jesus has already returned, or he just doesn’t believe in Jesus ever returning at all – as his works declare (Matt 7:20).

Then we are taken to Brother Stair’s Gospel of the Kingdom where…

The Kingdom of Heaven – not the Kingdom of God.  Apparently, there are lots of kingdoms to be had.  While he says that the Kingdom of God is in you he doesn’t treat them like it is.

The Most Hated…

He’s the most hated man again.  But Jesus told us that was the case for all of us, nothing for Brother Stair to brag about that he’s exclusive to,All men will hate you because of Me (Mt 10:22).  In fact, that doesn’t even apply to Brother Stair because no one hates Brother Stair because of Jesus.  People that hate Brother Stair do so because of his sins – the same thing God hates about Brother Stair (Ps 7:11-12).

The only hatred that we witness is the hatred that comes from the mouth of Brother Stair against God’s people.  This accusation defines who his father is according to Jesus.  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do (John 8:44).

Related:  Sabbath Service – Nov 5, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice


Jesus is not coming this year (2020) but it looks like it will be the next year, 2021.

In just a few days they expect to wipe out 2/3 of the American population.


Finally, (for you sisters), The Lord (Stair) hath need of your ass.


2:32 with 36 minutes of silence removed.


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