BBC Talking Point
We interrupt what Bro Stair says to bring you his fruit in a Testimony from a family member affected by Brother Stair’s ministry:
“My husband has been attracted to an extreme religious group, which has the origins of a cult in Walterboro, South Carolina, USA. It calls itself the Overcomerministry, the founder calls himself the ‘Last Day Prophet’. This man encourages break-up of families and has been quite successful in doing so.
My comment is that cults are formed by persons who are bitter about their own personal lives and are aiming to make themselves rich through the wealth of others by psychologically bullying vulnerable persons who lack inner strength at some point of their lives. Belief in God has nothing to do with most of these incidents, it is purely evil and encourages wicked people to do more wicked things all in the name of God.”
(BBC, Talking Point)