What is TV Today


We had an article idea submitted to us about what is TV today and how Internet streaming is the new TV, but rather than that, we wanted to first show you below what others are saying in that regard.

Brother Stair has said for decades that one of God’s Commands is to, “Get the TV out of your homes”.  Just what did God mean by that, since He would have to know what that meant for the Last Generation.

It is a matter of content vs. medium.  The medium may change, just as how we get our music today, but the content is the issue.  God must have been concerned with the content of TV rather than the medium that it arrived on.

How We View TV Today

YouTube's old TV icon

YouTube's old TV icon

YouTube's old TV icon

Last Updated on Mon April 29, 2024 @ 12:45 pm


Brother Stair has said for decades that one of God’s Commands is to, “Get the TV out of your homes.  Just what did God mean by that?  Since God would have known what that meant in the Last Generation and how technology would have changed that from what it was when He commanded it.  Today, in modern countries, there is no TV in that traditional sense (as it existed when the command was given) because those old sets do not work anymore with digital signals.  So has everyone obeyed this command without even knowing it?  Or did God know that it would mean something entirely different today?

Even Brother Stair knew and said that video streaming was the same thing in the early 2000s when he was offered the ability to stream his broadcast live on video.  For which he refused on the grounds that it was the same as TV.

Medium or Content

It is a matter of content vs. medium.  The medium may change, just as how we get our music today, but the content is the issue.  God would have been concerned with the content of TV rather than the medium that it arrived on.  Otherwise, it would be like saying, get the record-players out of your house.  It would seem time has caused us all to do that but it has not removed the intended offender in this case – music.  We still have music in our homes, just not via record players, the medium has changed.

Same with TV.  Time has changed the medium.  So wouldn’t God have known that?  Either this wasn’t God or we have to place this word into the context of our day.  Which we all understand to be the content, not the medium (TV), that is the offender.  Whereas this content is visual, then anything video would be what was then regarded as “TV”.

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YouTube’s new TV icon

Then God’s message must then be, “Get the video out of your homes”.  But that’s not what Brother Stair would end up saying – because he wanted his video, his news shows, he wasn’t going to give up his pornography – his RedTube.

Then Brother Stair finally got himself proudly on YouTube – which he wasn’t about to call ‘TV’.  This ended up being God’s doing to expose Brother Stair to the world and bring His sword down on him (Romans 13:4).  So the lawyers said his YouTube videos had to be pulled – much to the pain of the prophet who wished he could still be seen.  He had no repentance or remorse for his sexual actions viewed by all the world.  Not when The Sign must be magnified!

You realize that even YouTube now calls itself ‘TV’.  Not RedTube like Brother Stair watches.

Magnified or Vilified

“Get the TV out of your home!” – One of the claimed ‘Commands of God’ via Brother Stair.  Our point here is, if that were actually a Command of God from the mouth of the Prophet, then why didn’t Brother Stair obey it?  Was it merely a means of getting his followers and radio listeners to not hear (and see) about him when he was destroyed on TV after having used that medium to magnify his 1997 The Prophecy?  It would seem so as you can witness what happened on People Are Talking and other videos from that time that he decided that a command against it should be issued.


We had this article idea submitted to us about what TV is today and how Internet streaming is the new TV, we also wanted to show you what others are saying in this regard.

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YouTube's old TV icon

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