Brother Stair
Brother Stair
2007 Prophecy

Last Updated on Sat July 23, 2022 @ 12:27 am

Proclaimed by the last day prophet of God: Brother R.G. Stair on Labor Day 2007 from Grace Community Tabernacle in Henryetta, Oklahoma.

I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him. I will personally deal with anyone who will not listen to the messages the prophet proclaims on My behalf.
(Deut 18:18-19  NLT)

They have Moses and the Prophets (of the Old Testament).  If they don’t hear them (Moses and the Prophets) then they are likely to go looking for another Prophet in their current times (Lk 16:31;  Mt 18:17).  In steps a man, Brother RG Stair to fill the gap for these unbelievers.


“Because you’ve not heard:
    Calamity upon calamity,
    and tragedy upon tragedy,
   and evil upon evil,
   and destruction upon destruction,
   shall be upon this place, [Grace Community in Henryetta, OK]
   saith the Lord.
   Hear Me world.
   I sent unto you, prophets.”

The 31-second Clip from Grace Tabernacle in Henryetta, OK Labor Day 2007 Service that was emphasized on the broadcast, until the newer ones with the tongues that were edited and over-dubbed were later used to exalt the prophet, and show the spirit of confusion at the same time.

Below is the context of how Brother R.G. Stair spoke it while he was reading from Amos 5, on Labor Day 2007 from Grace Tabernacle in Henryetta, OK.

[Brother had just finished reading up to Amos 5:18]

“Blow you a trumpet in Zion.  Sound the alarm.”
[Brother Stair speaks in tongues]
“Yea, the word of the Lord would say unto this world.  And yea, even to My people.  
You have mocked My servant.  You have dis… treated him spitefully.  You have rejected the words that I have spoken through his mouth.  And you have challenged the integrity of his heart.  This is My servantHe’s not his own.  You have touched an apple of My eye.”

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“Because you will not hear.  Therefore, because you’ve not heard:
     Calamity upon calamity,
     and tragedy upon tragedy,
     and evil upon evil,
     and destruction upon destruction,
     shall be upon this place,
     saith the Lord.
     Hear Me world.
     I sent unto you, prophets.
And I have sent you this prophet saith God.”

“Now you mock that again.
What a foolish thing to do to send an old man, so uncouth, hu?  So unlearned and so unpersonable.  You know, clothed in camel’s hair.  Honey dripping, as he eats the honey and grasshoppers.  What an unholy way to present the prophet of God, huh?”

[Brother Stair resumes reading at Amos 5:18]

Indeed, what an unholy thing for a holy God to do.

Full clip of the complete Prophecy spoken from Grace Tabernacle in Henryetta, OK Labor Day 2007 Service

God wasted a lot of words just to pat His prophet on the back.

Too bad God didn’t tell us anything useful in this prophecy.  Aside from the judgment upon Grace Community that didn’t take place.  Another failed prophecy to add to the bin.  Unless we’re still waiting for this judgment upon Grace?

If we look at Amos 5:18, from which this prophecy spawned, we will see that those words of this prophecy should be spoken to Brother Stair.  According to Amos 5:18 – which he was reading – Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord!.  Isn’t Brother Stair the one who desires and teaches us to desire the Day of the Lord?  He then is the one to whom the woe is upon.  He is who the day of darkness is upon then.

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It should then be understood that this prophecy of calamity, tragedy, evil, and destruction is upon his own head.  The only mocking we hear is from Brother Stair, who proudly makes the claim to be the mocker.  Brother Stair is the one who says God told him he would be the most hated man on the face of the Earth.  Does he not believe God?  Perhaps he’s just trying to side skirt God on that one.

Brother Stair often proclaims It’s time for me to decrease, are these just empty words?  Why is he always expecting a ticker-tape parade?  He is always about taking his wrath out on God’s people who do not have a witness from the spirit that what Brother Stair is doing is right.  Yet he is presenting it as a word from God or a prophecy – is this to justify that it should therefore be unthinkingly accepted?  This is not the sacrifice that God desires – burning His people as your offering (Hos 6:6;  Mt 9:13).

Something to seriously think about.

“I sent unto you, prophets

Perhaps someone should have cracked the book of Hebrews.  Then they would have known the error that this is.  On many past occasions and in many different ways, God spoke to our fathers through the prophetsBUT in these last days He has spoken to us BY His Son whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe (Heb 1:1-2  BSB).

Yes, God sent unto us prophets but now, since Christ came, in these Last Days, God sent Jesus – the long-awaited messianic prophet foretold in Deuteronomy 18:18.  There are now no more Old Testament prophet types sent to God’s people.  It is finished (Jn 19:30;  Rev 21:6)!  New Testament prophets are different from what they were under the Old Covenant.  Do some research and you will see this.  Start with reading the New Testament.

Related:  Wayne Bent - The End of The World

If you believe Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Heb 13:8) then why are you dethroning Him for another prophet?

I will raise up a prophet [Jesus] like you [Moses] from among their fellow Israelites [Judah, not the NT Church].  I will put My words in His [Jesus’] mouth, and He [Jesus] will tell the people [Church] everything I command Him [Jesus]  (Deut 18:18  NLT).  Fulfilled in John 14:24-25, 16:15, 15:3.  The word which ye hear is not Mine, but the Father’s which sent Me.  These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you (John 14:24-25).

But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in My name or who speaks in the name of another god must dieIf the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message.
That prophet has spoken without My authority and need not be feared.
(Deut 18:18-21, 22  NLT)

“Behold, I am against the prophets,” declares the LORD, “who use their tongues and declare, ‘The Lord declares’.  (Jer 23:31  NASB)

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