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Last Updated on Sun January 29, 2023 @ 9:33 am and the Brother R.G. Stair Forum are an outreach of MicroCults.
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My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. ~Hosea 4:6
Hello. I’m trying to find a contact email for the people who run this site. Please reach out to me regarding my upcoming documentary involving Brother RG Stair . Thanks!
Gladly Andrew.
Please email us at
i am from Italy hello. Can you help me translate? /rardor
Thanks for letting us know.
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I heard a small portion of one of Stair’s comments and it seems he thinks President Trump is the Man of Sin (antichrist) about to be revealed. It is the opposite. Trump is a last blessing/gift from the Lord Jesus the Christ to His Christian believers in the USA. We are about to go into the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Jacob of the Last Days is made up of two nations descended from the sons of Joseph whom Jacob/Israel adopted and made his heirs to the Abrahamic Covenant. The synagogue of satan Jews will soon cause the IDF to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons and ICBM delivery systems development programs and destroy them. That will bring ALL the warring factions of Islam together in a Super Jihad against physical Israel. Israel will also fulfill Isaiah 17:1 when their attacking force that destroyed Iran’s nuclear weapons and ICBM delivery systems return to Israeli airspace via Syria and expend all remaining ordinance on Damascus. That is the prophetic marker that the Time of Jacob’s Trouble has begun….and the TOJT only lasts 150 days….from Rosh Ha Shana to Groundhog
Day…the exact middle of winter. This will happen JUST BEFORE Trump is reelected in November 2020 and his first order of business will be to destroy the Islamic armies attacking Israel that are supported logistically by Russia. Trump and the British PM will destroy those armies of Islam on the borders of Israel using Neutron Enhanced Radiation Weapons. Their Gamma radiation will pass through 13 feet of lead shielding to kill the occupants inside the shield…so it will kill the soldiers inside the tanks and legions of Islamic soldiers in the open marching on Israel….leaving the equipment unharmed but the soldiers killed.
Trump was put into the office of President by the Lord Jesus the Christ to PUSH the NEUTRON weapon button on Islam. 150 days later the US and UK (Jacob of the Last Days) will square off against Russia and the nuclear exchange will destroy ALL 3 nations. That is what the bible refers to as ‘removing that which prevents’ the coming of the antichrist world leader. He will rise to world power out of Germany’s Deutsche Bank with the help of the Jews and take over the world. He will cause there to be a ONE WORLD currency based on the German Mark…..the Mark of the Beast.
He will force everyone to take part in his worldwide economy but exempt 3 nations in Asia….the Kings of the East…..China, Japan, and Korea…..because they are the source for microelectronics….and he will use an implanted electronic device to track every man, woman, and child on the Earth. He will raise an army of the remnants of the EU, the UN, and NATO in Europe…..and he will allow the Kings of the East to field a 200 Million man army to meet him at Armageddon. It is at Armageddon where the Lord Jesus the Christ returns….and His countenance SLAYS the soldiers on both sides….because both armies belong to satan….and NOTHING of satan can stand in the Light of God.
The Remnant of Jacob Christians will make a last defiant stand against the antichrist and refuse to bow down to worship him. They will say to his (antichrist) face, “Hell no! You’re NOT my God and I will NEVER worship you!” knowing full well he will have them beheaded for refusing. But, they are NOT AFRAID and will not worship him. These are the remnant Christians of the USA and UK who have lost their lands, their inheritance under the Abrahamic Covenant, their friends, neighbors, and their very families after the US/UK defend physical Israel and are destroyed while destroying Russia.
We have about 10 years until the Lord Jesus the Christ returns at Armageddon. R.G. Stair should KNOW all this because it is what the Holy Spirit it teaching every Christian who will listen.
Rot in Hell you anti-Christ haters!!
Indeed, we do hate Anti-Christ. Even when it comes out of those (like you) that call themselves “Brother” (Rom 16:17, 2Thes 3:6, 2Jn 1:9-11).
You people suck dick!
You’re confusing us with Brother Stair (the Sodomite Prophet). We are not a part of that mess. You can contact him at the
Questions about the R.G. Stair cult now that Stair is dead.
Roughly, how many people were at the compound before he died, and have many people have left?
Are they in the middle of a power conflict between the leading members, or are they getting along waiting for Stair to return?
Why are they transmitting the same recording on multiple shortwave transmitters on the 49m band? And why are they running decades-old recordings? That band has become a collection of dead preachers, with Pete Peters, Dr. Gene Scott, and now R.G. Stair talking by recording.
Do you see the cult imploding when Stair does not return in September or October?
Thank you for any responses.
You all must have really hated him to stoop this low.