Brother Stair is God in Your Midst

“You know you can’t run your life without the prophet. The Prophet represents God in your midst.” (Bro Stair, 2020)
You see here how Brother Stair is replacing Jesus as the door/gate by which we enter into salvation (John 10:9).
“Today I Am the Word of God made flesh, and I dwell among you.” (Bro Stair, 2020) [audio clip]
“Jesus said: ‘If I go away, I will send you another Comforter– a man filled with the Holy Ghost, with the spirit of truth, who will lead and guide you.’ “ (Bro Stair, 2020) [audio clip]
Brother Stair has replaced Jesus and the Holy Spirit as your Guide and your Comforter, and even taking the place of God in the flesh. The Word of God made flesh that dwells among us. It should be no wonder that he claims to be greater than Jesus Christ today.
“[A caller] believes I’m the Prophet, but he don’t tremble. He’s a devil from the word go.” (Bro Stair, 2020)
Brother Stair is indicating here that we should all tremble before Bro Stair, if we don’t, then we’re a devil. He’s confused in thinking that the devils don’t tremble – because he wants everyone to tremble before him and he wants to make this caller out to be a devil. If the caller doesn’t tremble then that indicates that Bro Stair is not a man of God to tremble before, and/or that this caller is not a devil. Bro Stair is confused as to the logic of the scripture. The devils also believe, [that there is one God] and tremble (Jam 2:19)
Cursed is the man who puts his trust in mortal man and turns his heart away from God (Jer 17:5 TLB)