The End Is Near – The Last Days Message


The message that Jesus said would be preached in the Last Days.

They come in Gods name, proclaiming that it is the Last Days and that they are Gods Anointed vessel, telling you of the great signs and wonders that have marked their ministry…

As children of God, we do not want to receive the spirit of bondage again to fear.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

Last Days

Last Updated on Mon June 1, 2020 @ 1:05 am

They come in Gods name, proclaiming that it is the Last Days and that they are Gods Anointed vessel, telling you of the great signs and wonders that have marked their ministry, and they seduce you into going to a certain place in the wilderness which they have prepared, where the true body of Christ is to be kept safe and where God’s secret mysteries about the End Times will be revealed by them alone.

Have You Heard It?

This is the message that Jesus warned us would be preached in the Last Days.

Though one would think that this would be the more valid message as the days shorten; but Jesus gave us a clear warning that this would be the message and emphasis of those who will seek to mislead and deceive the children of God.  God’s children know what time it is, they “need not that any man teach [them]” (1Jn 2:27;  Heb 8:11;  Jer 31:34)

These Last Days deceivers are preaching this message NOT to help the children of God, they are preaching this to get the children of God to receive “the spirit of bondage again to fear (Rom 8:15) by preaching unto them fear and terror.  Justify it how they will, and they will, it was Jesus who gave us the warning to steer far from them.

Two Points of Deception

The article, “The Time Draweth Near“, shows that Luke 21:8 reveals that they will have two points of deception:

  1.  They are ‘anointed ones‘, God’s ‘men of the hour‘  [Without you hearing their message you will not make it.  They alone have the secrets for the Last Days]
  2.  Their message is the time draweth near‘, ‘it is the last time‘, ‘the Last Day

What shall we do?  Again, in Luke 21:8 Jesus tells us what to do – go ye not therefore after them”Flee!

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A Certain Place

Some of these men are further identified by Matthew 24:26 when they draw you to a certain place, telling you that the anointed are in a certain place.  A place that they have prepared for you“go ye not therefore after them”.  They say unto you that the Body of Christ is in the Wilderness, that there is where the secret mysteries of God are.

Be on your guard and be careful that you are not led astray; for many will come in God’s name, as God’s anointed vessels, saying, I am God’s anointed special messenger and, The time is at hand Do not go out after them.  (Luke 21:8)

So if they say to you, Behold, the anointed are in the wilderness – do not go; if they tell you, Behold, the anointed should gather in our secret place – do not believe it.  (Matthew 24:26)

But by their fruits, ye shall know them.  (Matthew 7:16-20)

In Today’s Words

To paraphrase what Jesus is saying in these verses and to put it into today’s context we would say:

Warning!  Be on your guard!  In the Last Days, the End Time deceivers shall come saying:

    • ‘I am the Messenger of God, I speak for God.
    • It is the Last Days, it is the Last Time.
    • Get out of the churches, stop going to the Doctors, get out of the cities, get the TV out of your house, get away from your families, get out of debt.
  • [that way you can]
    • Come out into the Wilderness where the Anointed One is with the true Body of Christ, which is where you will be preserved and kept safe.’

Go not after them!  Pay them no heed.  They are the deceivers that I told you would come in the Last Days.

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The Nut in The Shell

To totally sum up Matthew 24:23-26 and Luke 21:8

They come in Gods name, proclaiming that it is the Last Days and that they are Gods Anointed vessel, telling you of the great signs and wonders that have marked their ministry, and they seduce you into going to a certain place in the wilderness which they have prepared, where the true body of Christ is to be kept safe and where God’s secret mysteries about the End Times will be revealed by them alone.  (Lk 21:8;  Mt 24:23-26;  Cf. Acts 8:9-11)

They make themselves out to be some great one, and thereby deceive the people.  (Acts 8:9-11)

Fruitful Testimonies?

Consider the outcome and testimony of all their followers – what is their end, their fruit?  What is produced in the lives of the majority of their hearers; past and present?  Remember them which have the rule over you, … considering the end of their conversation.  (Heb 13:7)

Beware the false prophets – they come in God’s name, as men of God, as angel messengers.  (2Cor 11:14)  By their fruits (not by anything else) ye shall know them.  (Mt 7:20)

Ye shall know them by their fruits.  Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?   Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.   A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.   Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.  Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them (Matthew 7:16-20)

Related:  Deceived - The Jonestown Tragedy


“Stop listening to teaching that contradicts what you know is right.”  Pr 19:27 (TLB)

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