Bond Hearing News


Stair is accused of sexually assaulting some members of his church.  Arrest warrants are packed with disturbing details from the victims that date back to 1998.


Last Updated on Sun October 25, 2020 @ 12:23 am

Harve Jacobs (WCSC) reports:Ralph Gordon Stair, Al Cannon Detention Center

“Colleton County preacher Ralph Stair will have a bond hearing before a circuit judge in Walterboro on Wednesday 24 Jan 2018 at 2 PM eastern.

Stair is accused of sexually assaulting some members of his church.

His arrest came after a Live 5 News investigation into Stair’s ministry.”


Walterboro’s Press and Standard reported that a few hours after Brother Stair’s arrest on 18 Dec 2017 he was “slated to have a bond hearing on the charges in magistrate court but Stair’s attorney waived the bond hearing.”

It is believed that Stair waved the December bond hearing because the sitting judge was the same one that took on his case in 2002 and denied him bond.

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018, 5:03 am EST

Live 5 News reports that, The arrest warrants are packed with disturbing details from the victims that date back to 1998.

The report contains a GRAPHIC content warning, “Some of the details of the charges contain explicit sexual references and may be very disturbing.”

2018 Brother Stair bond hearing - WCWS TV-5
Source: WCSC TV5

Reports are that Brother R.G. Stair will be going before circuit court judge Perry Buckner on Wed 24 Jan 2018.  Buckner is the same judge that he had in 2002 who denied him bond, the one his lawyers were trying to avoid by waving his bond hearing in December 2017.

Libby Roerig reported in the Walterboro Press and Standard on July 16, 2002, in her article Grand Jury Reinstates Charges Against Stair  that “Judge Perry Buckner denied Stair bond at an earlier bond hearing.”  Two months earlier she reported Prophet Stair Still Behind Bars with other details, subsequent to her days earlier article, No Bail for ‘Prophet of Baal’.

Related:  Entitlement

Which brings us to a very important point to remember, this is not a man with just 4 rape charges (currently 8 counts in total), as if that means there were only 4 events – which would be bad enough.  This man is a serial rapist.  In the 2002 cases if was brought out (as can be seen in the Press and Standard articles) that, “Stair had sex with them over 70 times against their will.”  In almost all these cases, and the current ones too, Bro Stair has forced himself on his victims multiple times.  Brother R.G. Stair is a serial rapist!

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