Jan 2018 – No Service, Just Lip Service

Bro RG Stair

Last Updated on Wed December 16, 2020 @ 12:26 am

The Shepherd of Iniquity

In typical narcissistic fashion, there was no Tabernacle Service the first Sabbath after Brother Stair’s return from jail (out on bail), because he cannot go to the Tabernacle as it’s too distant for his GPS tether… currently.

Caring not for the flock in not having a Service, Brother Stair took to devouring the airwaves to rant in his now odd voice. Just like a cartoon character, this character is playing the part of a godly man and making it a joke to all the world (Pr 18:2).

This master deceiver makes God a liar by saying that he does not have to pay for HIS sins. That Brother Stair’s iniquity is not marked (while his audiences’ are), that he is too special to God as the Last Day Messenger of God (add echo here) to be called to account for his sins. Making a mock of sin and using grace as a license for him to continue therein (Rom 6:15, 2). Just ask him how many times he’s had sexual contact since his return to the Farm. He told us all once that he wasn’t going to be celibate after his wife left him – and he surely hasn’t.

At least he finally attached the word iniquity to his name, but God’s not paying it any mind – so it doesn’t matter. But YOUR iniquity! That’s another matter. Brother RG Stair spoke of spiritual leaders like David and how God used them even though they sinned. What Bro Stair forgot to tell himself, and us, is that God never used these men AFTER they sinned.

The great King David was not even allowed to build a house for God, and he was dethroned by his own son of whom he was also on the run from because he sought to kill David. And this was only David’s second judgment from God, more were to follow. Does Brother Stair tell you about that David? The David that sinned? No! He tells you of the David after God’s heart that walked a holy life. Not the man that he became who fell into sin as a result, and faced judgment for the rest of his life because of that sin. And even that David was a man that Bro Stair has far surpassed in his sinfulness.

What Brother Stair also fails to tell us is how many men that he says were anointed men of God that failed God, sinned, and were no longer used by God. That all their doings became works of their own hands and were not ordained of God. Men that Bro Stair has condemned as lost. Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, David Terrell, David Wilkerson, and many more.

Bro Stair has even claimed that John the Baptist was imprisoned because he went into an area that he shouldn’t have – taking on Herod having his brother’s wife (this rings home for Bro Stair now as he is in the same situation as Herod, having his brother Dennis’ wife Rose).

Bro RG Stair even said that William Branham was “taken out by God” because of his later false doctrines. What about these examples of men that Bro Stair has condemned that their error and sin removed them from God’s favor? How then does Brother Stair’s condemnation not fall upon his own house which is showing that it is built on sand? And if William Branham went into false doctrines, what does John tell us was his beginning? They went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not…of us (1John 2:19). So ending up in false doctrine means that you started out in false doctrine.

Related:  Sabbath Service – Jan 28, 2023 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Brother Stair refuses to acknowledge that his flock has left him because they obeyed God’s word. Brother Stair has always said that no one comes and lives with him that he doesn’t first get God’s approval that they are God’s people and that God wants them there. Now, Brother Stair is saying that their leaving proved that they were not of God. Is Brother Stair going to admit that he’s not hearing from God? Because that’s where that logic has to go. These saints that left fled from wicked as God’s word commands them to. They removed the dross. Lot got out of Sodom.

Where is any fault taken by Brother Stair that he lost the witness from God on them? It is his testimony, not theirs, that God told him that they were to come there. How does all the blame fall on them for the shepherds’ lack of keeping God’s flock? (John 6:39, 18:9) Would Brother Stair have us believe that 99% of all that God sent him were sons of perdition? Or is there another common denominator here?

The Show Must Go On the Air

Having no service at the Tabernacle shows that Brother Stair cares not for his flock or his few listeners but rather only that he is seen or heard. Since he couldn’t be seen and heard in the Tabernacle – he didn’t have a Sabbath Service. Something that hasn’t happened in many a decade, if ever. So he denied a Sabbath Service to his few on the Farm, those who drive in for services, and those who listen online – Bro Stair just did his Radio Room Show. Something he could have done in any other time slot.

Thus we see what a Service is all about to Brother Stair – his mouth running down the people of God (Rev 12:10). Now that everyone is against him, it makes him alone right. Right? Doing everything to point to him. If he can’t be heard from the Tabernacle then no one else will be either. Understandably, as Brother Stair makes himself out to be some Great One – the great power of God (Acts 8:9-10). Saying that the Sign must be magnified – meaning himself.

What a mockery of his catchphrase “Jesus is coming” and his supposed purpose in pointing to Jesus. Brother Stair’s whole ministry has always been about pointing to himself as the great one. Just as did Simon in the book of Acts (Acts 8:9). As did Lucifer in Heaven. As did Jim Jones. As did William Branham.

As long as we’re talking about the whole of his ministry we might as well put it plainly. From day one he went to church for women/sex. That’s his testimony. The only thing that’s changed is he’s on the other side of the pulpit now. Making him in full control.

Anyone with sense would have someone else preach a message in the Tabernacle like Brother Timothy did last week but that would mean that Brother Stair would be the outcast (and not be able to play in their reindeer games) – and he couldn’t have that. Brother Stair can talk from the Radio Room anytime he likes. Why does he have to take away the Sabbath Service to do so? Because his narcissism wouldn’t let him stand down I guess.

The, I’m Not Going To Talk, Talk

Yeah, we’ve heard that one before. When Brother Stair was in jail in 2002 he promised that he was going to stop his overbearing talking in the Dining Hall and as he roams about the Farm seeking whom he may devour with rebuke. Brother Stair said that God told him to stop it. That lasted for about 3 minutes. He did about the same time span this time.

Speaking of things God told him to stop – one was his calling God’s people “peanut brains”. Which Bro Stair declared several times in the Tabernacle services after his return in 2002 that God told him to stop talking to His people that way and to stop using those words. Which he hated doing but he only stopped for a few months. Apparently, God’s commands to him mean nothing, so he graduated to calling God’s people even worse things, as we can all currently tune in and hear. Plus, he told us that he was going to trust God and wasn’t going to get a lawyer the first time he was arrested in 2002. Out of that came the sixth highest-paid lawyers in the nation at that time. Thanks to all your generous financial support. Keep on sending it in.

Related:  Sabbath Service – Nov 12, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Then in 2004, he was caught airing porn on the radio broadcast as he was watching it on his Radio Room computer. After getting caught in that one he told us he was only going to talk from the Radio Room and would allow us to run the Farm without his overbearing. Not to mention (oops, we did) he said he could handle the “strong meat” of pornography – but we couldn’t. Though just a few minutes earlier in the meeting over this he said: “it was an accidental mouse-click, you all would have done it”. You all would have done (or have done) that same – is that a spirit of repentance? Or a justification?

This begs the question, what sites are Brother Stair on that a misguided mouse-click will bring up a pornographic video… that you let run for 45 seconds… and you only stop because someone comes into the Radio Room – because everyone hears it over the broadcast??? [UPDATE: We found out in 2019 that RedTube, a porn site, is one of the porn sites Brother Stair is on and favors.]

Today he said that it’s the Devil that’s trying so hard to disintegrate his ministry – that must make Brother Stair himself the Devil as he is the only cause of his troubles. Unless you take Brother Stair’s account that the victims are at fault here. But wait, what was that? HIS ministry? That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? No further questions, Your Honor.

Send Me the Million Dollars

Brother Stair has over 3/4 of a million dollars now that he has sidelined from paying for airtime (which was what it was given to him for) so that he can stay out of jail. He knows that if he can stay out of jail and get on his microphone that he can get more money to keep going. Is faith not enough? He only had to pay out $75,000 for the bond. That still leaves about $800,000. Since he’s not paying for airtime with it, all we have is lawyers left to pay. Still, he is asking for millions to be sent in. I’ll leave that one for you to do the math on.

How many millions has he squandered and wasted already on prostitutes, pornography, and boasting and venting on the airwaves? According to his account, it’s been like $10 million dollars, and to what end? Less than 1% of all who have heard his message still stand with him. That’s worse than Lucifers’ odds. At least Lucifer got 1/3. Which also means that God has the majority. Something else Brother Stair tells you the opposite of.

Related:  Sabbath Service - May 23, 2020 – Bro Stair

His millions have certainly not been spent to help the people of God get back on their feet when they leave there. He used to tell us you can have it all back, he’d give you everything you came with if you want to leave. But more often he gives them nothing or just a few hundred dollars to start over with (those are not the stories you hear him tell now are they?). After they gave him all their money, belongings, time, labor; he takes their very souls (Rev 18:13) and has no care for how or if they will make it. That’s not a shepherd, that’s a wolf donning the clothing of a man of God (Mt 7:15). How does scripture put it? Babylon (confusion) merchandises in the souls of men (Rev 18:13). And Brother Stair tells us that he quit merchandising the people of God. Looks more like he’s never stopped with what the shysters schooled him to do (Pr 1:10-16).

Brother Stair says he’s not going back on the radio, then what does he need that amount of money for now? Is he planning to flee the country? Buying the court system off? Well, naturally he has no workers to run his Farm now, mostly older women, so he is at a labor disadvantage. [UPDATE: As we all know, Brother Stair went right back on the radio and now even says that he never went off the radio. This way he doesn’t have to explain the reason that he was off the radio – stations canned him over his sex crimes.]

Then there’s the broad-reaching news of his current state impacting his ability to start over and get in fresh meat to grind his grain. What he’s not telling us is that he’s not going back on the radio largely because the radio stations will not air him anymore after his crimes. They don’t want to touch him with a ten-foot pole. In a time (a wicked generation he would call it) when the secular world is more indignant against such sins than Brother Stair is. What a mockery of God’s name he has become.

Don’t forget that Rick Bell, the hailed River Prophet, prophesied that $10 million dollars would come within the next few months – or I’m a false prophet and you’re to never listen to me again. Well, that was many years ago and Rick just went right on preaching like we were supposed to keep listening to him after that. No surprise though, that’s how we all do with Brother Stair and his false predictions that fail.

Back to Confusion

One thing we can all tell is that Brother Stair is back in the Radio Room because we all hear how it is back to total confusion in the programming with the in-and-out cuts. Oh, and I almost forgot, the crazy stuff and the Steven Hawking reader speaking nonsense websites in a monotone voice, which does help to contrast with the blistering Brother Stair gives us with his excessive volume swings.

Brother Stair ends the 9 o’clock hour just before the Sabbath Service time (which didn’t take place) with a cut taken from his famous 1987 Prophecy:

Because of the voice of the My servant the prophet” (repeated over and over)

not because of Jesus or His sacrifice

not because of the word of God

NO, it’s all because of Brother Stair and what he says that makes God move. Now that is epic level narcissism there kids.

This does go well with the old phone messages played that praise Brother Stair into a deity. As does the scripture “if Brother Stair be lifted up God will draw all men unto Himself”. I think that’s how it goes… at least that’s how we hear it goes.

More of the same to come we’re sure…

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