Bible Study – June 7, 2002 – Bro Charles – Repent

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Last Updated on Mon September 18, 2023 @ 10:49 am
Brother Charles – Repent!
Brother Charles K preached in the long-gone Bible Study with a powerful timely message to Repent.
In a proper way to preach on repentance (rather than focusing on just saying repent – like a certain man does), Brother Charles addresses topics like; Iniquity, a Greater Than Solomon, The Jonah Sign, and being a sign, we must become Friends, the Wisdom of God, Jesus is still in authority, Stop your stubbornness and rebellion, Carnal, Judge yourself first and others the with the same judgment, …
Elder Charles
This was around the time when Brother Stair said Brother Charles was one of the Elders. A few years later Brother Stair decided he didn’t like that too many people were going to Brother Charles’ Bible Study and liking his preaching (like his then-wife Teresa). You can witness this in this message.
What angered Brother Stair most was that Brother Charles’s messages were hitting at Brother Stair’s sins, lack of repentance, and false teachings. This caused Bro Stair to rage against him and talk secretly to the brothers and spread dissension among the brethren to get them against Brother Charles (Pr 6:16-19; Pr 16:28).
“Not My Brother” – Charles
This malice went so far as to start the saying “You’re not my Brother”. This was the justification that Brother Stair would use so that he could turn Brother on Brother – since he was no longer our brother. Justifying the congregation in ostracizing him.
Eventually, Brother Stair would be in such a rage that in the Spring of 2005 he tried to force Brother Charles out of the Community and off the Farm – not the leaving that Stair tells you everyone does (3John 1:9-11). Bro Stair did achieve excommunicating Brother Charles to where almost everyone ignored him – so Christlike. Even more ‘Christlike’ was Brother Stair headbutting Brother Charles after an evening Prayer Time when Stair confronted him outside the Tabernacle, which Brother Stair would then tell everyone that Brother Charles headbutted him only – this was a lie – as witnesses can tell.
How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live in harmony!
(Ps 133:1 TLB)
This head-butting is common with Brother Stair. He would head-butt Brother Stuart in July 2020 before he had him cast out (3Jn 1:9). Brother Stair does this because he tries to keep to his claim that God told him to stop using his fists, so he reasons that it’s okay for him to use his head or even his feet.
This didn’t stop him from using his hands in his rage against Brother Phillip in 2009 though. Brother Stair would kick and beat on Brother Phillip, treating him like a dog, smiting him with his hand– then deny it to the police, even though there were witnesses (Mt 24:48-51; Eze 34:4). That’s some Matthew 24 for you that you’re not going to hear from the Overcomer.
But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart,
My lord delayeth his coming;
And shall begin to smite his fellowservants,
The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for Him,
and in an hour that he is not aware of,
And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites:
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
(Matthew 24:48-51)
Since he wasn’t Brother Stair’s ‘brother’ we’re to guess it’s okay – right? Brother Stair was trying to get by with his hatred for Brother Charles by simply rejecting him as his brother on the basis that he wasn’t doing the will of his father (Jn 8:44-45; Jn 6:39-40). To this not my brother game, Brother Charles would respond by showing that Brother Stair was seeking to justify himself with ‘Who is my brother?’ (Luke 10:29).
So Brother Charles would say, “Then love your neighbor” (Mt 5:43; Lk 10:36). “Okay, if I’m not your brother, then love your neighbor.” [Or even love your enemy (Mt 5:43-44)] This placed Brother Stair in the place of being the man seeking to justify himself by choosing who his neighbor is – just like Brother Stair is doing with who his brother is (Lk 10:29). To this Brother Stair could not reply – nor would he repent.
Isn’t this the same Brother Stair who would beat up his congregation about having issues with each other and would tell them that if they’re here they’re your brothers and sisters? Likewise, we still hear this rhetoric from Pastor James Rice constantly – while he constantly rejects his brothers who oppose what he’s doing. Just like Brother Stair did.
Serving Strong Meat
Brother Charles did finally decide to leave in April 2005 but not before there was an incident in the infamous Dining Hall where Brother Charles wouldn’t let Brother Stair lie on God and lie on saying he repented of his watching pornography and broadcasting it on the air. Brother Stair had said in December 2004 that his watching of porn was Strong Meat and that he could handle the strong meat [pornography] – but we couldn’t. Brother Charles said that he never repented in that Meeting but said that pornography was Strong Meat, which Brother Stair was now denying he said. [There are audio clips that give witness of all this]
It never got resolved – as things usually go at the Overcomer. But Brother Charles was one of the extremely few godly men who weren’t afraid to stand up for truth and stood up to wickedness and got Brother Stair to face his own words. The Diotrephes spirit will cast them out who stand for truth and against their agenda (3Jn 1:9-11). Sister Andrea was another, with whom we, fortunately, have a rare glimpse into how Brother Stair deals with anyone who opposes his unrighteousness – rather than him simply repenting (Rom 2:8, 1:18). See the article This is Worthy of Repeating.