Post-Passover Service – Sabbath PM, April 11, 2020 – Bro Stair

Last Updated on Tue August 4, 2020 @ 10:19 am
Post-Passover Service – Sabbath PM Prayer Time
Grace Community in attendance.
They only got to pray 9 minutes before being interrupted because Brother Stair needs to sell a motorcycle. Every word from his mouth is pure wickedness in the lies on this one. Here is a man that is putting on that he is righteous and his house is wicked and in rebellion. He says that rebellion will not be permitted on his land – so when is he leaving?. Everything that he heaps on others he is in full measure walking in. It’s epic hypocrisy in action. How anyone could be so blatantly wicked surpasses understanding. Yet, this man is eviler than that. This deceiver wears the mask of a man of God while he walks worse than a godless man of the world.
So enjoy ;p. Almost 11 mins compacted.