The Big Mack in the News


News agencies have jumped on the Craig Mack story with Bro Stair’s Overcomer in the headlines.  2 weeks after Craig Mack passed there are 166+ articles that report on rapper Craig Mack since his death in mid-March 2018.  Bro Stair says “God is using this to focus on this prophet

Craig Mack Globe

Last Updated on Thu August 29, 2024 @ 11:39 pm

People of the world presenting Mack this year
No need for fronting his time has almost came

And the last rhyme ya hear’n bears Craig Mack’s name
(When God Comes – Craig Mack)

It was a busy Tuesday as many news agencies and media outlets have jumped on the Craig Mack story with Brother Stair’s Overcomer Ministry in the headlines.  Just two weeks after the passing of Craig Mack there have been over 166 articles from a myriad of news outlets that have reported on rapper Craig Mack since his death in mid-March 2018.

Who’s The Bad Boy

The ‘Bad Boy’ rapper that ‘bad boy’ Brother Stair merchandised and name-dropped to bring himself more notoriety could not have died at a worse time for Stair.  Six months ago it would have blown over without much fanfare.  They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, just ask Brothe Stair if that’s true.  Certainly, he craves the attention and tries to spin it to his good.  He has even said that “God is using this to focus on this prophet” but it is exposing him to the whole world.

The very thing he claims God was going to do for him – keeping him heard and known without any money.  Well, I don’t think R.G. Stair thought his fame was going to come about this way.  He will make use of it though, he’s very good at doing just that.  He was on TV in 1988 for the false prophecies that he put forth across and upon America.  Soon after that, a Philadelphia TV news station that was reporting him as a cult leader with a Compound.  He capitalized on the airtime then and he will now.

Related:  What Doeth the Scriptures Say - 1Corinthians 5

Brother Stair’s “Cult of Doom” 1988 – Part 1

Brother R.G. Stair on People Are Talking

MC’s Represent’ Nimrod

Did Brother Stair ever think all those years ago when he went down to the Crossroads to deal with the Devil, out on Wire Road, that the fame he was promised would be this fame?  That knowledge of him worldwide would be on this account?  I think Brother Stair believed that he would escape judgment for his sexual sins – and still does somehow.  Perhaps that deal with the Devil was better than we think.  If he can get out of this one it sure was.  Brother Stair’s actions are reminiscent of what he said in 2013, “If there was ever a place of the spirit of betrayal [referring to the Overcomer].  Betrayal is a spirit that knows what’s going on and tries to thwart it.  You know of anybody else on the face of the earth?”

Note from Mack to Stair:

I’m on a mission from the Kingdom of God
To do away with MC’s dat represent Nimrod
You MC’s have been too bad
I’ll tell ya now Big Poppa don’t like it

“The king for his people has to represent the right thing”
(When God Comes – Craig Mack)

Flava In Ya Ear

Perhaps we’ll find the true prophet here was Craig Mack with some Flava For Brother Stair’s Ear when he said, You won’t be around next year!  Then we can get a new Flava in our ear.


The Washington Post Reports

How rapper Craig Mack left fame for an unconventional religion


Craig Mack’s Involvement in Religious Cult That Doesn’t Believe in Doctors Responsible for Him Dying of Heart Failure?

Related:  Trumpets 2020


Fake Is How It Is

Image source Daily Mail

The Daily Mail had the biggest report with a video exclusive.  Though wrong at the beginning about Stair being in jail now [though when you read this that could change], later corrected that he is awaiting trial and will be back in court on March 30th.  Remember the Daily News is also the one who reported “Brave teen, 16, takes down a cult with YouTube: Girl accused …”


EXCLUSIVE: Inside the sex cult where rapper Craig Mack died – run by porn-obsessed pedophile who molested a mother AND her daughter and is known as ‘Satan in the flesh’


Rapper Craig Mack joined South Carolina ‘cult’ after fighting impulse to kill: ‘I had a gun in my lap’

Other information slipped out about Brother Stair telling lies on Craig Mack when Stair excommunicated Sister Andrea during a Service.

See also:  Craig Mack and the Bro Stair Body Count

Craig Mack Wikipedia page


News sites:  Please feel free to quote and link to this and other articles.

Whatcha gon do when God comes
You can front now, but when God comes
You can’t get strapped, for when God comes
‘Cuz you won’t know how to act, when God comes
(When God Comes – Craig Mack)

Criag Mack

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